Chapter 114: Chapter 109 I made a mistake

Should I tell Nejire about my past life and my true abilities? I mean, she already knows a lot of secrets about me. For one, she knows about my relationship with the massive trillion-dollar company that is Stark Industries.

She also knows how smart I am, that I'm a genius in that regard and that I already invented many things. Well, this is more of an open secret at this point, but anyway.

She even knows that I'm the creator of the Iron Man armour and that it’s just Jarvis flying around playing hero because I was bored one day.

We continued sitting on the bench, Nejire leaning into my chest and my arm around her as I think more about this.

Nejire- “Hey, what are you thinking about?”

Nejire looks up at me and asks. My eyes widen at her question. I ended up just replying to her.

Arata- “What are you talking about?”

Nejire- “Hehehe… You can't fool me. I know you’re thinking about something. It seems to be important. Want to talk about it?”

Now I truly am surprised. I'm sure I didn’t let anything show on my face. I wryly smile at her.

Arata- “How did you find out?”

I truly am curious. Is Nejire rubbing off on me?

Nejire- “Well, it just felt like that. Although you rarely show what you’re thinking, I can just… know. I wonder why…?”

Even she doesn’t know? She looks quite confused, looking up to the sky while placing a finger on her lip. Is it like an instinct then? Maybe it’s something like how I can understand what Momo and Rumi are generally thinking. But I have the [Sixth Sense] skill, so I just attributed it to that… is it something different?

Maybe it’s love?

A little embarrassing, and perhaps cringy, but it’s the only theory I can think of. And deep down… I hope it’s something like that too. If she can just feel whenever I'm distressing over something, then… why do I need to continue hiding something from her?

Arata- “*Chuckle* Then, shall I tell you a story…”

And so I told her. About my past life, my meeting with ROB, my abilities like the Gamer system and [Kaleidoscope] and many more things I hid from her. Do you know what she said?

Nejire- “What was your old world like? Your hair was originally black? Your Vector Manipulation is an esper ability? Not a quirk? You can do magic? Can you show me!”

I just laughed to myself. I feel so stupid. Why did I think she would act any differently! She’s my curious Nejire, she wouldn’t care about anything like my past life. Even though I'm a lot older than she knew, even though I wasn’t anyone desirable in my past life…

Nejire- “But even if you were like that in the past, you’re still ‘you’, right? Just because you told me doesn’t change who you are right now, right?”

Hah. Honestly, I think I can understand more of why I fell in love with her.

As an aside, I didn’t tell her that Dio killed me. I don’t want to tempt fate.

???- “Wryyyy…”

Time once again continues to pass as the School Festival grows closer and closer. Many times people in the class tried to get me to participate, but I always refused to say no one will be able to be with Eri if I participate. Realising that, they apologised for not realising and continued on their way.

They practised a lot. Eri also enjoyed watching them practice. Of course, this was only in our free time as we still had school, but in light of the upcoming festival, we had reduced school hours.

I never forgot about my [Lucky Draw] skill, I continued to use it day after day. I continued getting [Probability Allowance] cards, but this is good for me. I still have a use for them after all, and I need as many as I can get.

You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

Well, there was once a day where I didn’t get a [Probability Allowance] card. I didn’t even know you could pull something like this…

[Explosive Egg]

It is quite literally an egg that explodes. That’s it. I don’t know the power behind it… but come on, it’s an egg. I'm sure it will be more than enough for what I have in mind.

More timeskip, and finally it’s the night before the School Festival. Everyone just finished up practising their event for the last time and right now, they’re checking their equipment one last time.

Izuku- “Ah, the rope’s all frayed…”

Yuga- “It’s proof of our strong friendship, yes!”

Izuku- “Well, sure, but it could be dangerous… Sorry, I didn’t notice it until now.”

Denki- “Can’t Yaoyoruzu make more?”

Mina- “But she’s already asleep!”

And this is exactly the moment I was waiting for!

Arata- “You need new rope, right? I can head out tomorrow morning and get some for you.”

I speak up while sitting on a couch nearby, adding myself to the conversation. It’s something I've practised for a long time. I've studied how everyone in the class interacts with each other, written down my observations, and tried to apply them to everyday life.

I've filed all my investigations on my neuro linker under a folder called “How to not fucking ruin your social life”.

Izuku- “Eh? No, it’s fine, I can do it. You don’t need to go out of your way…”

Arata- “It’s fine, I'm free anyway. You can't exactly do that either, right? You’ve got to prepare to play your part. I’ll just quickly look at some shops in the area, see if they have some rope. No big deal!”

Izuku- “Mmm… Alright, if you say so.”

I smile in response.

Arata- “Well, if I could ask a favour, can you look after little Eri here while I'm gone?”

I say while patting Eri’s head, who’s sitting on my lap, nibbling on some apples. Her expressing turns into one of bliss as I rub my hand on her head.

Heheh, I've gotten good at this. You may call me the head patting master!

[A new skill has been created through a specific action.]

[Headpat LV 1]

[Headpat has been assimilated into the Lewd skill]

What have I done…