Chapter 129: Chapter 123 Final stat update

It’s been a couple of days since me and my family first arrived at Aincrad. Man, it still hasn’t quite hit home that I have a family now. I mean, the fact that I have a family isn’t the weird part, the fact that I'm the husband/father in the family is what’s throwing me off.

I mean, I was just a virgin weeb in my last life. The closest I've ever been to a girl is back in school when the teacher randomly partnered me up with a female classmate. Even then, when we had to touch, they would look at me like “Why would you do that” and I just died from embarrassment. Not the best moments of my life…


Anyway! I'm laying down on my bed with my hands behind my head, naked of course, since I just got done “disciplining” my 3 wives for what they did yesterday.

I mean, can you believe it? They dared to breathe in the wrong way. So I had to punish them… ok, I sound like an abusive husband. I was just trying to make an excuse to fuck them silly.

Arata- “Status…”

[Name: Arata Daishin
Occupation: The Gamer
Title: Otherworlder
Race: Celestial Human
Level: LV 9,999    Next Level: 99.99%

HP: 9,900/9,900
Mental: 152,020/152,020
Mana: ???/???

STR: 9,999
VIT: 9,999
DEX: 9,999
INT: 999,999
WIS: 999,999
LUK: 9,999

Stat Points: 999
Money: $69,420

(A/N: He obviously has more money it’s just that the number is so long it just got shown like this.)

Space: 500
Time: 500
Celestial: 100

Gamer's Mind LV MAX
Gamer's Body LV MAX
Existence Lost LV MAX
Combat God LV MAX
Cooking God LV MAX
Ultra Instinct LV MAX
Incubus LV MAX
Dominate Mind LV MAX
Dominate Body LV MAX
Dominate Mana LV MAX
Dominate Soul LV MAX

Esper: Vector Manipulation LV MAX
Kaleidoscope LV MAX
Elemental Magic LV MAX
Second Dimension LV MAX
Creation LV MAX
Awakening LV MAX
Bestow LV MAX
Lucky Draw LV ???
Akashic Records LV ???

A lot has changed. Let’s get started on the recap, shall we?

First off, my level. As you can see, it reached its cap. Of course, it isn’t permanent, I can increase this cap. How? By changing my race.

I've already done it once, I changed my race from just a normal human to what the Gamer system calls a Celestial Human, whenever that fuck that is.

No, I didn’t sprout some wings and start spouting “Praise Jesus” and stuff.

A long time ago I mentioned that the human body is flawed and that there’s only so much it can do. Right after that, however, I theorised that if my [Self Reprogramming] skill reached its max level, I could completely change the “code” of my body, and perhaps completely change my race.

Well, I did that, but I didn’t exactly intend to change my race. I simply wanted to eliminate the flaws of my body. What I didn’t realise at the time, however, was that doing so made me a “perfect human” comparable to Adam and Eve, the first humans to ever walk the earth and ones created in Gods image.

So yeah, I became a Celestial Human, and my level cap raised from a normal human’s 999 to my current 9,999. I haven’t tried, but if I could change my race for the better once again, I could most likely increase my level cap. I don’t need to right now though, so I just put it off for later.

I've also got my hands on many new skills, like magic.

(A/N: Which I can't be fucked to think of, so we’ll just continue.)

And a lot of my skills evolved too. All Maxed out, might I add.

[Unarmed Combat] evolved into [Combat God], which lets me use anything even remotely considered a weapon to its fullest potential.

[Cooking] evolved into [Cooking God], I once defeated an S-class villain with the smell of my cooking.

[Sixth Sense] evolved into FUCKING [ULTRA INSTINCT]! It can the normal [Sixth Sense] stuff but it now has the stuff from DBZ you’re thinking of too.

[Lewd] evolved into [Incubus] and now I have the almighty power to hold hands without any censors. Who knew right?

[Mental Control] evolved into [Dominate Mind], which gives me Xavier level telepathy and mind-controlling abilities, the whole shebang.

[Mortal Control] evolved into [Dominate Body], which I still don’t see a need for it to do because it does the exact same things. It’s not even an improvement.

[Mana Manipulation] evolved into [Dominate Mana] which lets me control mana anywhere in my sphere of influence, which basically encompasses the whole world. That even includes someone else’s mana.

[Self Reprogramming] evolved into [Reprogramming], which lets me use my quirk on other people too, which later evolved into [Edit], which lets me change any physical thing in reality. I can even make vibranium and shit. A broken skill.

[Create/Escape ID] evolved into [Second Dimension] which gives me an entire second dimension that mirrors the real world all for myself. Think of it like the Mirror Dimension from Marvel.

[Limited Creation] evolved into [Creation] which lets me create anything in my imagination as long as I have mana, which…

*Glances at my infinite mana pool*

Haha. I'm broken.

[Bestow] evolved from [Teaching], this skill lets me give other people level 1 copies of my own skills. It even extends to my memories and experiences, so I can make a newborn baby a PhD graduate. As an aside, I gave my [Incubus] skills to my wives, which changed into the [Succubus] skill. Best choice of my life.

And finally, [Book of Existence] evolved into [Akashic Records].

You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

There are a lot more skills than just that, but the author can't be fucked thinking up any new ones.

(A/N: Hey! … Well, he’s not wrong…)

If there’s one skill that didn’t evolve or anything, it would be the [Awakening] skill, which I maxed out. Now I can awaken every other Tuesday and no one gives a fuck. I can't believe I was even thinking that it would be a pain to grind.

I've gotten very overpowered, there’s a reason why I'm considered by most of the world to be a better hero than even Deku, the user of One for All, even after he’s fully mastered it.

As I am right now, I can snap my finger and blow up the moon. And if I use my absolute full strength, I can even create a giant crater on Pluto, maybe even knocking it out of orbit.

(A/N: This is just him using [Vector Manipulation] to its highest potential, with other skills added he could blow up the sun.)

So yeah, it was somewhere around the time where I first got to this point that I decided to leave this world. It was also at this point I realised I was a fucking idiot.

[Kaleidoscope] only lets the user have access to the operations of parallel worlds… no one said anything about multiversal travel…

I was devastated. Those fanfics lied to me.

So yeah I ended up realising I couldn't travel the multiverse… yet.

I was in the void, floating around… standing around? I don’t know, it’s the void, don’t think about it. Anyway, I was just floating around while still wondering what to do with the rest of my nigh immortal life when…

???- “Well hi.”




The fuck? There’s someone else here?

I turn my head and what I see surprises me. A guy wearing red spandex suit with pieces of black here and there and a pair of katanas on his back.

Arata- “… Deadpool?”

Deadpool- “Mmm! Or at least, that’s how those people in anime do it…”

He does that Mmm! thing while nodding his head and closing his eyes.

I need some sleep…

Deadpool- “Anyway, you can't be listless like this, you know? It’s not like you. Imagine what all the readers would say!”

Arata- “Wait, what? Readers?”

Deadpool- “You mean you haven’t broken the 4th wall yet?”

(A/N: No, he did. I just fixed her.)

Deadpool- “Oh… Well, we can't have that now can we!”

After saying that, he raises his hand which is sporting a fashionable gold gauntlet with 6 colourful stones embedded into it and snaps his fingers.

4th wall-chan- “ARHHHHH!!”

(A/N: 4th wall-chan! Nooooo! What are you doing! Get out of my fanfic!)

Arata- “Wait, fanfic? AM I IN A FANFIC!?”

(A/N: You see what you just did!?)

Deadpool- “Tee hee pero~! Did I get it right? Anime universes are so weird… Anyways, I'm out! Oh, one more thing. You can break the multiversal barrier once you become a god. See ya!”

Arata- “Wait! Explain what the fuck is going on!”

And like that, he yeets himself out of the void.