Chapter 786: Ilioreas' Test

Izroth carefully examined the room, as well as the book being read by Ilioreas.

As Ilioreas turned to the next page, Izroth noticed that a new page would form out of thin air with a different set of ancient text every time. But, no matter how much or little text was on the page, Ilioreas would always turn to the next one in exactly one minute without missing a step.

Something else that troubled Izroth was how unnaturally absorbed Ilioreas was in the book's contents. It was to the point that it came off as an obsession.

In the end, Izroth decided to use Appraisal and Deep Insight to gain a better understanding of Ilioreas, as well as the book on the table.

〈System Alert: Your mastery level is too low to appraise this item!〉

〈System Alert: [1] Flaw has been discovered in «Ilioreas»!〉

〈System Alert: Flaw [1]: This person is currently in a deep trance due to the influence of outside forces.〉

〈System Alert: [1] Flaw has been discovered in «#@!?&*+?»!〉

〈System Alert: Flaw [1]: The space-time effects contained within this item have fractured.〉

'Even though the mastery of my Appraisal has risen past 15%, it is still unable to see through this book. Fortunately, my Deep Insight did not fail me. But, what does this mean? Is this book somehow controlling him?'

According to the flaws Izroth discovered, Ilioreas was in a deep trance because of an outside force; however, it did not specify the origins of the outside force.

As for the book with an indecipherable name, in simple terms, it appeared to be damaged. But, if it was dealing with space, Izroth should have been able to observe the damage in a physical sense thanks to his Spatial Awareness skill. However, there were no such signs of spatial influences or interferences.

'First, let's check everything in this room.'

Izroth spent the next couple of minutes using Deep Insight on every item in the room. The bookshelf, the books, table, chair—he even used it on the cavern walls that protected the room.

'Besides a few interesting points, there is nothing that seems out of place. Even my Energy Vision Sense can't see anything wrong with this room or the items in it. Then… Am I overlooking something?'

Izroth thought the difficult part of this quest would be to convince Ilioreas to aid Astratis; however, that was not the case at all. Rather than convince him, Izroth could not even get a response from him.

After his initial greeting, despite Izroth's attempts to speak to Ilioreas, he did not respond.

Izroth even tried to close the book himself just to see if it would work, but it would not budge. It was as though a powerful force held it in place and it possessed a will of its own—moving only when it desired to do so.

'Should I destroy it?'

If the book was behind Ilioreas' deep trance, then destroying it may solve the problem, but…

'No, it's too risky.'

Since the book utilized something as complex as space-time, there was no telling what kind of detrimental effect it would have on Ilioreas or the surroundings if it was destroyed.

'The answer has to be somewhere in this room, but I already checked everything here using Deep Insight and Energy Vision Sense.'

Ilioreas stated that if Izroth left, he would never be able to return. Therefore, Izroth was certain that what he was searching for had to be within the immediate vicinity.

Izroth took a moment to think back to Ilioreas words.

'You must wait until I finish reading a book…'

"A book…" Izroth muttered to himself.

"…I see…! How could I have been deceived this entire time?" Izroth said to himself as it suddenly dawned on him.

Izroth shook his head and could not help but sigh. The answer was right in front of him all along!

If there was a book with a seemingly infinite number of pages, then it would not be wrong to say that it was impossible for one to ever reach the end. However, Ilioreas never said that he had to finish the book he was reading, but rather "a book".

The trance, the mysterious book—they were all merely things to throw players off from the glaring truth that stared them in the face.

Izroth walked over to the bookshelf and recovered a book that was roughly the same size as the unknown book on the table.

The next moment, Izroth turned the book until it was on the last page and placed it over the unknown book with ancient texts.

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A few seconds later, the one-minute mark approached as Ilioreas flipped the book Izroth placed in front of him shut.

As the book closed, a faint smile formed on Ilioreas face as he stood to his feet. And, for the first time since he stepped into the room, Ilioreas looked at Izroth.

"I have given this test to many, yet many have failed. I have given the answer to many, but alas, many are too stupid to see that it has been placed in their hands. Young lad, patience is a virtue. But, having so much patience that it can cause one to remain idle indefinitely can be harmful." Ilioreas stated.

Izroth agreed with Ilioreas statement. Indeed, patience was a good trait to have as it allowed one to progress in ways that were otherwise unthinkable. However, if one never took action and remained patient their whole lives, they would find life to have passed them by.

"The words you speak hold a great deal of truth. But, what is the point of giving those who visit you such a test?" Izroth inquired.

"Aye, if I do not give these tests, I am afraid that I will have to talk to an endless stream of fools," Ilioreas said calmly.

He then continued, "There is a saying. A wise man thinks himself a fool. A fool thinks himself to be wise. The world then becomes a house of fools."

"I have lived in a house of fools for far too long that I often found myself on the verge of becoming one." Ilioreas sighed as he shook his head.

"When a wise man is surrounded by fools who believe themselves to know all there is and will be, then are they not the wisest of fools? If you look at it this way, you can say that you have lived in a house of wise men." Izroth said in a carefree manner.

"If the house of fools turns into a house of the wisest fools, then I become a wise man among wise man…" Ilioreas muttered to himself.

Then, out of nowhere, boisterous laughter filled the caverns before dying down a few moments later.

"Ahahahaha! Good, very good young lad! I have not laughed like that for a long time. It would seem my eyes truly have not shamed me!" Ilioreas stated.

〈System Alert: You have gained favor with «Ilioreas».〉

"Young lad, what is your name?" Ilioreas asked.

"I am called Izroth."

"Izroth? A strong name! Then, Izroth, I, Ilioreas, am a man of my word. Since you have passed my test, I shall lend my hand to the Son of Thunder."

As Ilioreas expressed his joy, Izroth received an alert from the system.

'It's finally here.'

〈System Alert: 1/1 Convince «Ilioreas» to send aid to «Rebellious Son of Thunder, Astratis».〉

"If the Son of Thunder sent you instead of paying a personal visit, then the situation must be dire. In that case, shall we depart to the Hidden Celestial Abode at once?"

"I have traveled here with a companion who is assisting me in my journey. I hope it's possible that they can travel with us." Izroth commented.

Izroth had a connection with Astratis and just recently managed to somewhat gain Ilioreas' favor by passing his test. However, Sychia was still a complete outsider. In addition, in the eyes of others, Sychia was a "powerless mortal". Therefore, Izroth did not know if she would be allowed to accompany them to what was probably their core place of gathering.

"Hm? The mortal outside is your companion?" Ilioreas' brows rose in surprise.

"Fascinating, truly fascinating! A celestial and a mortal—companions? I never believed I would live to see the day! You continue to exceed my expectations, Izroth." Ilioreas exclaimed.

Izroth was taken aback by Ilioreas' reaction. So far, besides Astratis, everyone Izroth encountered in this Secret Realm seemed to look at mortals as if their existence was worth nothing. However, it appeared that Ilioreas was a true scholar who kept an open mind.

"If this is all there is, your companion can accompany us. I'll see if anyone has the guts to turn away those I bring as guests." Ilioreas stated.

'Good, with this, one problem is solved.'

If possible, Izroth wanted to keep Sychia as close as possible since one of his quests was to ensure her safety. Though, truthfully, Izroth had a feeling that it may actually be safer for Sychia to go her own way rather than dragging her into this battle of another realm.

But, regardless of the dangers, Izroth had no intention of failing!

Izroth called for Sychia at Ilioreas' request, as the Thousand Blossom Maiden entered the room.

"You may feel a little dizzy. Stand firm." Ilioreas said as he clapped his hands together.

As he performed this action, three circles with ancient text appeared beneath everyone's feet.


In the blink of an eye, everyone disappeared from the cavern's room, leaving only silence and emptiness in the Sunstone Cave.