Chapter 27: The Elf’s new life

Hina's POV

Three days have passed since we escaped that underground prison. Right now we are living on hunting and gathering. The tools we are using are all made from the natural stuff that we found around the forest. Like a bow that we made from a very fine wood we found lying around and a strong piece of vine. Arrows were made from wood that was sharpened and strengthened through the use of fire magic by the fox girl. A stone axe that we made by tying a sharp piece of stone to a piece of strong wood using the vines we had found. We also had a club that we had found just lying around.

The hunting was mostly done by the fox girl and the wolf boy while the gathering was done by the wolf girl and me. Most of the time they would come back with a rabbit or squirrel. The fox girl's name was Nova, the wolf girl was Cara and the wolf boy was Jace. Nova seemed to be the most experienced out of us all. At the end of the day, she would skin the animals they had captured and roast it using fire magic after that we would all enjoy the meal of meat and fruits we had obtained during the day.

All was going on well until when a monster attacked. I had never seen one before, It was truly a scary sight to behold. The day began as usual when we all woke up to find Nova had already prepared breakfast for us. The breakfast was mostly comprised of fruits but we had no right to complain considering our situation. We would all eat the fruits happily and then head down to a nearby river we had recently discovered for a drink and a bath. After feeling refreshed we would continue with our journey through the forest hunting and gathering hoping that we may be able to find our way out in the process. Then it appeared. A big brown bear that was twice the normal-sized ones.

It had green eyes with some kind of symbol on its head. The roar it produced stopped us in our tracks. Nova on seeing these, started chanting some weird words. I think she was trying to perform a fire spell since when she was done multiple balls of fire flew towards the bear. It was incredible what she had done but unfortunately, the balls of flames were not even enough to graze the Bear.

All the balls seemed to have done is angered the bear even more. The mark on the bear seemed to glow for a second then the ground around us started to rumble. The bear seemed to be performing some type of earth magic. As cracks were quickly forming on the ground around, a pack of wolves was seen coming from our right. The pack of wolves were running at top speed like their life depended on it. What situation was this? Why were these monsters surrounding us ready to attack? Are we all going to die?

The ground had become so unstable that just standing was a problem. It seems that we were going to be crushed by that huge bear. When I was almost losing all hope, a woman with pointed ears appeared; an elf I think. She drew multiple arrows using her bow and instantly after her release all the wolves in front of her were completely obliterated.

I was scared and at the same time amazed at how much power she had. Not stopping there she switched her gaze toward the bear. She completely disappeared out of all our lines of sight. The next thing we know was that she was standing right in front of the angry brown bear. Putting her bow down she began staring at the bear's eyes intensely, at first I was confused about what was happening but then I realized that she was maybe communicating with the bear telepathically It is a fantasy world after all.

After a few minutes of an awkward exchange of stares between the bear and the Elven women the bear undid what he had done and went back into the forest.

The woman then come to us and introduced herself as an adventurer. Her name was Ava. She looked at me very intensely like I was a newly discovered species. She then turned to Nova and asked her why we were in the greyhound forest. Nova explained to her about our situation. On hearing our story, Ava offered to take us to Carmine village in the Velmont Barony. She said although the current Queen had tried to encourage better relations between races and abolished slave trade, the kingdom had not changed in the least. The only place that was truly welcoming to all races was Carmine Village in the Velmont barony.

Ava then set up camp since the sun was going down. She gave us some of her rations. We were to start our journey early in the morning. We all went into the tent she had prepared and lied down to sleep. As I was closing my eyes the face of the young elven girl came to me. It was Violet the true owner of this body.

"Hina do not forget to find Helen. She is out there searching for us each and every day. She is like a mother to me. She is also the only way we would get to meet my real mother."

You are reading story The Science and Magic of A reincarnated Genius at

After hearing these words another one of Violet's memories was played in my head. It was the memory of the day she was captured. Helen and Violet walked into a tavern where they were looking for a meal. As Helen was getting the meal, a big buffy man bumped into her spilling his drink on both himself and her. This agitate the man and made him attack Helen. Luckily Helen was gifted with wind magic which she used to stop him. After sending the man flying halfway across the room, Helen took Violet's hand and bolted out. The man was persistent as he was chasing the right behind. Helen and Violet under the cover of the night jumped into some bushes to evade the angry man. When Violet jumped into the bush she jumped on the opposite side from where Helen jumped. On the side, Violet jumped there were slave traders who seemed to have been waiting for her. One of the slave traders gave her a blow to the head the next thing was she was in an underground cell shackled, with rancid smell all around her and seemingly never seeing the light of day.

Immediately when this memory ended I woke up gasping for air. It all seemed like a terrible Nightmare to me but it actually happened to a 5-year-old girl. On waking up I saw Ava still sitting outside. I went to her.

"Why are you not sleeping?"

"I do not feel tired, besides if I fell asleep who would keep watch of you and your friends. But why are you not asleep?"

"I just had a bad dream so going back to sleep is a little bit hard."

"Don't worry it's only a dream it can't hurt you now."

She said that comfortingly while handing me a huge fur pelt.

"This will keep you warm. Anyway are you a fire Elf by chance or are you a dark elf?"

"I actually am not sure. The only thing I have ever done is freeze things."

"That's a little bit peculiar since dark-skinned elves are usually Fire elves or Dark elves. Well, most of the Elven Kingdom hates Dark skinned Elves. It must have been hard for You."

"To say the truth I have lost some of my body's memories so I can't say that I know."

"Don't you mean your memories? Well, when we reach Carmine village I will take you to an Elf who may help you with your predicament."

I eventually fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, dawn had arrived. Ava was busy packing up her things. 

"You should all go have a bath in the river as I fill our water pouches with the refreshing river water."

While I was bathing in the river I could feel a gaze from Ava. Maybe she was one of those Elves who do not like Dark Elves. When we came out of the River, Ava started to treat me differently. She was treating me more like her superior and this was really confusing. She started to call me by the words My lady instead of my actual name as she was doing before. This new tone and attitude was really confusing. When I tried to talk to her she would reply in a very formal manner. When I asked Her why she was doing this, she said that I bear the mark of elven royalty and to be more specific the one for the heir to the throne.  Still not understanding what was happening I asked her to treat me the way she was doing before since I don't have memories of I being a princess. 

We set out for Carmine village. It took us two days to find the nearest village where we were to restock and procure a horse-drawn carriage for easier transportation. Ava was still treating me Formally and giving me special treatment. We soon arrived at Carmine village. This was four days later. When we arrived, I asked Ava to conceal the fact that I was elven royalty. I was then enrolled to a magic school where Maggie, the elf Ava was talking about was to help me.