Chapter 30: The Agricultural evolution

Harold's POV

In the past few years, the soils have slowly been getting less and less fertile. The yield we get from our harvests has been slowly deteriorating. With each passing year, the food supply from our farmlands is getting less and less while our population is steadily increasing. I fear that soon the amount of food we produce won't be able to support our surplus population. 

This year's harvest is one of the worst that we have ever had over the years. This may be because on top of the land being unfertile, pests have moved into our territory.

 We have a few plants that have been able to survive the unhealthy soils but the animals around are not sparing them. Our food reserves are getting lower and lower and I do not know what to do. We used up a lot of the food reserves during the prince I mean princess birthday party. But that was necessary since she is royalty and deserves the best of care. I thought I would never come up with a solution to this problem until Rae got word of the problem.

She truly is a genius. She came up with a way to rejuvenate the soil in the farmlands and make them fertile again.

 Her idea even went beyond making the land fertile. It was an evolution of agriculture as we know it. The idea made use of the common waste recycled it and made it into something resourceful. It also made use of different types of crops that we never thought to grow. This innovative side of her never ceases to amaze me. She is still a child but she seems to be the smartest person in this village. She can even be the smartest person in the whole kingdom.

It all started one morning five days after her return.

" Father, why do we seem to be eating the same kind of food over and over since the day I arrived?"

" I am sorry but this year's harvest has been at its worst so we do not have enough food to supply to our people let alone trade for some other various foods."

" May I visit the farmlands and inspect them?"

" Yes you may but I do not think there is much you can do."

We then walked to the farmlands. On arriving

"These soils truly do seem unfertile. Many of the plants here are experiencing Stunted growth, Most of the leaves on the plants seem to be experiencing chlorosis: yellowing of the leaves. Thus the leaves themselves lack enough chlorophyll to produce any food. This can really hinder their flowering and fruiting stages making them produce a harvest of poor quality and quantity."

I was still wondering what she was talking about. It all seemed like she was speaking another language altogether. Her in-depth insight made it look like she had almost done this before, but she couldn't have could she? 

"Well, the only way to fix this mess is to discard of every plant in the field and start the whole farming process from the ground up."

You are reading story The Science and Magic of A reincarnated Genius at

 On hearing this, many of the farmers who were around us started to protest. Well, I couldn't blame them. If all my hard work was about to be destroyed just because a little girl said so I would also be annoyed.

" If you do not want higher quality and quantity of yield then please continue Keeping all these sickly plants but if you do want to have a higher yield then we will have to fix the soil before any plants could be placed in them."

The farmers soon hesitantly got to work removing all the plants that were in their field. 

" Please tell me where you dispose of all your waste."

" Why would you want to know that."

" That is because that waste and the soil the waste is on will be essential in the process of rejuvenation."

She was then taken to the waste disposal point where all the waste from kitchen refuse to To human defecations are deposited. It was a truly rancid, smelly and stinky place.

" This is good. You have been using this place for several years now so meaning the soil underneath is fertile and the need for a new compost is not that urgent. We need to get the soil underneath then take it to the farmlands."

We soon loaded all of the soil into barrels and transported them to the farms.

" Before we spread the compost we need to make sure to get rid of any underground tunnel that may be hosting any pests. We also need to dig a big trench around the farmlands' borders. We will then divide the farmlands into four sections. In each section, we will plant a different type of plant. After harvest, the plants will be rotated through each of the sections. This is what is called crop rotation. It prevents the overuse of natural nutrients since not one crop will be constantly grown. We will also create some shallow trenches originating from the border trenches this is so that we can perform something called furrow irrigation. The other problem is that you all waited for the rains but rains can't always be reliable. The seeds are also to be planted at an adequate distance so that they will not compete for natural resources between their own."

After hearing all of what Rae was saying I was so astonished at what an incredible idea she had. After about three days the new reforms were all implemented and the farm was looking like a whole new different thing. Rae also instructed us to build a fence around the area. The fence was made with metal strips woven in ways I had not seen before. This would be built right next to the deep trenches. The fence and deep trenches were to act as traps to prevent any animals from managing to pass.

After a few weeks, we started to see the results. Wow just wow. We never had seen so much yield of different produces at the same time.

 Everybody was celebrating Rae for her ingenious plan. The food reserves were actually above the normal. They was an actual surplus. Rae then made us to go back to the waste disposal point and showed us how to make something called a compost pit and manure. The compost pit was where all the organic waste was put while manure was where all the human and animal waste were put. She instructed us to continually add the compost and the manure to the soil once they have full decayed. This will make sure the soil does not become nutrient deficient. Truly what an agricultural revolution.