Cilia's POV
Today was the day that I saw her. The one who always seemed so vague and blurry to me. I got to see her face and hear her voice. I think she is the one I yearn to meet. Since birth, I have missed not what I understand but now I see her. With an aura red as blood, Her beauty beyond words, power beyond imagination brilliance full of innovation and yet of youth she brims. Her name is not known to me but her face is imprinted in my mind, I will search for you my queen for I am your humble servant.
For long I have skimmed through life, seven whole within. Missing not a thing yet not whole within. Being treated so preciously as if a gem. Even thought to be of a different breed. One day it was true my variety was full of abundance. Then came even more suffocation and isolation was at its peak. The good that came was the vision of her figure. Oh, how my heart yearns now for her. The only desire I have is to be united with her.
Elise's POV
The daughter of the duke was a miracle to the Dukedom. Her Birth brought joy to most ears it landed on. While some were not thrilled to have a girl as the successor to the dukedom everybody appreciated the weight her birth had. The girl was truly extraordinary. Her refined taste was seen from a young age, her beauty became abundant as she continued to grow. She truly was a gem. Even though she grew in favour her face always seemed to be one so solemn and full of melancholy. She didn't even know how to act like a child. All her life she has had to grow so fast to cater for the expectations everyone had set for her so, of course, she would grow to be so sombre. Her life seemed to be so caged she never even grazed outside the castle walls. Being her bodyguard I have seen her whole her life and the reality is that she isn't a happy child, she has an unhealthy life. I decided to at least tell her about the life outside the walls and about all the adventures I had intending to bring a smile to her face. This didn't have the desired effect I wanted it to. Her curiosity peaked and her desire to see the outside with it. So I decided to get the Duke's permission to take her outside the walls but he sternly disagreed. He was fearful that his only child would get hurt or even get stolen from him. He then whispered to me of his fears of a coup at hand. I tried to alleviate his worries by telling him how prosperous the dukedom is under his reign. This seemed to ease him a little. After explaining further how suffocated the princess felt, I reassured him that I would take good care of her. He agreed with the condition that only if his wife would allow it. I set out to convince the Duchess let the lady and myself go out for our little excursion. After hours of pleading, she agreed and the Lady and I were to embark on our trip on the following day. When I told the princess that she would get to see the other side of the walls she smiled ever so slightly. I felt pretty happy with myself. The next morning we took a single horse and with it, we went outside the walls of course with the lady well disguised. It was refreshing seeing her act a little childish. Although her face didn't show much, I could feel excitement brimming out of her. We slowly walked through the busy capital streets her eyes seeming to record everything in her line of sight. Then we stepped out of the gates and there we mounted the stallion. We casually galloped through the fields outside the capital walls where our staple food comes from. Her face seemed to be glowing. We continued our journey through a small forest that hides the pathway to the next town. Through the forest, there were so many lush plants. I think she was enjoying the trip. I took her to my favourite spot where fruits are abundant. I wanted that to be our last stop. We were to enjoy the food packed then eat the fruits available and turn back and go home. In the middle of our lunch, two mutated deers sprang out of nowhere and at full speed each charge for us separately. This was quite weird since it was hard to come by any monsters this close to the capital. I unsheathed my sword and the battle began. The speed of the deers was terrifying but I think I could handle it. The first deer charged at me with its antlers and was aimed straight for my chest. I didn't know what to do since I couldn't use my sword in that situation if I wanted to have minimal casualties to the environment. Then the idea of using the terrain come into mind I ran towards the nearest tree trunk leading the deer there. When the deer's antlers were almost piercing my chest I swiftly dodge using all possible methods and surely was able to evade the danger. Once the first deer was successfully trapped. I headed straight to protect the Lady from the second deer. Unfortunately, if I didn't use a skill I wouldn't be fast enough. So I used a skill known as flash step. The skill is incredibly hard to control so sometimes when the one is using it and does not have enough training they cause a lot of changes in the terrain and sometimes could even break the bones of their legs. With this, I was able to get to the deer very easily and with the momentum from my movement be able to use it against the mutated deer. The deer was easily pushed back. But It's seemed to get even stronger after my hit. what was happening? I saw that holding back could have dire consequences so I told the Lady to run away as fast as she can so she wouldn't be under the area of effect of my lethal sword skills. The two deers now looked at me with miasma surrounding them growing and growing. The one stuck to the tree seemed to have gotten loose. First I used a stabbing skill called point attack. It is a type of skill that makes a blade able to pierce through the skin or armour of a living thing leaving multiple wounds in just one attack but it always depends on the blade and the user's of the blade ability. With that skill, I was able to hurt one of the deer. When I turned to use my skill on the other deer I saw Lady Cilia had not run away like how I had instructed her. During this moment the deer caught me off guard throwing me quite a distance from it. The number of bones I heard cracking was unsettling. The pain that come after was unbearable but I had to protect the princess so I stood up to try and fight. Try much as I might my legs couldn't support me. It turns out I had broken them during the execution of the flash step and had not felt it due to the adrenaline. There was a way that I could win this fight but it was dangerous since it always takes away my sanity so I decided I would not use the skill paladin's rage unless it was absolutely necessary. The deer then ran towards her, seeing this couldn't help but activate the skill. As my mind started to be clouded by rage I saw her snow-white hair turn to red her eyes then achieved a sinister glow as the animal in front of me exploded into several pieces. The blood from it splattered everywhere. The berserk skill immediately switched off. Soon the blood collected up surrounding her and it formed harder blades. The blades were aimed right behind me. It was the deer that I had hurt. It seems it had already regenerated. The deer charged straight at her but before it could take any steps, multiple blades made of blood made several holes in its big body frame. The deer was down before it could even start anything. Seeing the terrifying power she holds I thought I would be next but she slowly walked towards the deer that seemed to be still alive. She then did some type of spell which after I felt like my body was fully restored. After all that she fainted. I picked up the Lady and went back to the Castle. I explained what had happened to the Duke. He was extremely angry saying how incompetent I've grown but more than that he was scared both of and for his daughter. The news of the mutated animals was also quite unsettling. This was very unusual since animals mutated only when they are bathed in miasma. The Duke decided to Lock up his family while an investigation of the anomaly was being carried out. The isolation the princess faced grew even higher. She recovered after four days. It seems she couldn't remember anything that happened. She only knows that there is something that happened to her during our excursion. The next couple of weeks spelt disaster for The duke's family and the dukedom as a whole.
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