Chapter 44: All hail the Queen

Eleanor's POV

The sheer power that was displayed to us by the master and the lady was overwhelming. They are truly on a different level. As vampires, we get amplified abilities that make us achieve more than what humans can. Some might call us superhuman and the added benefits are pretty good but what has been made clear is that Vampires have an unbelievably strict hierarchy and must therefore have complete loyalty to their masters. Furthermore, when one becomes a vampire they lose their access to magic seeing that we all can no longer use any other type of magic. But this is not the case for the master and the Lady so I believe it also lies with your Rank. I wonder if maybe one day I may get to use my magic again? Anyway back to the devastation we are all calling consequence brought about by the clashing of the Queens. First some quick analysis. Although I was unable to keep up with the ultrafast movements of both the master and the Lady, I have a gist about how the fight might have gone.  The Master clearly has more combat abilities and proficiency. She is also more experienced in combat as compared to the Lady in that the master is about twenty years while the Lady is just eleven. While the master has more combat ability the Lady has an arsenal of Magic with a huge mana capacity to boot. I won't lie this little girl terrifies me to the core. She is a monster who can easily decimate thousands if she decided to, plus her intelligence is off the charts, Like how does all that fit in a little girl who is that adorable.

If we are going with normal standards her combat skills are also no joke. She is a beast in a child's body.

The battle started at a fairly fast tempo with some ground deformation here and there. We were not able to see what was happening but the crevices left by the duel could easily explain it to us. The battle quickly escalated into a full-on frenzy of utter destruction as it approached its climax. We were about 12500 steps(10km) away on a hill but we could still feel the waves of destructive power rushing over us. A massive mana storm was quickly forming around the Lady. She looked like she was floating and lightning was forming all around her, the ground was trembling at her power and the speeds of the winds around that area were just terrifying. I was still confused as to why a child would have that much power. Finally, a lightning strike hit the master who was also floating, immediately after the lady also seemed to be hit by something and red mist formed around them engulfing them whole and a sort of pulse generated by the two must-have flung each of them away from each other seeing that we at 12500 steps away clearly felt it repel us.

The aftermath of the battle was truly a frightening sight. The ground had been deformed to such an extent that it had a lot of craters, some of them were very deep. The trees around the area had been completely charred but luckily the rain that came after putting the fire out before it could spread to other trees. The five of us started to look for the Master and the lady. It was a tiring task but after five days of tireless searching, we were able to find the lady. For a while, after the battle, many of us felt weak and didn't know why. 

The lady had been buried under the rubble that surrounded her. It was lucky that we could even find her seeing how our vampiric powers were acting up. It looked like her head had received a major blow but for some reason with no blood available it was still healing up nicely. Her body seemed to have already healed from the duel. She was still unconscious. We decided to take her back home before we could come back with a party to search for the master. Many of us assumed that the master will be alright.

That night the Lady woke up. She still seemed disoriented and felt like she didn't recognise us she didn't even utter a single word and Her body was unusually fragile. When morning come our vampire powers started flickering. We used this as an advantage to take her back to the mansion using vampiric speed taking turns carrying her over there. By evening we were back at Carmine village. When we arrived, we found out that another disaster had taken place while we were away.

Rae's POV

The time I have spent here in the past almost feels like an eternity. The good thing is I've gotten to understand how many events came to happen. The vampire progenitor was not as bad as people painted her to be. Yeah, she definitely was ruthless, especially to her enemies but this was because she was afraid of showing mercy to people who could come back and hurt her. Otherwise, I would argue that she loved her people very much and wanted to protect them.

Lucy had contracted one of the most powerful beings in the world, that is a fairy Queen. In her Contracting the Dark fairy queen she grew exponentially in power but this power came together with fear. Many people even her own, were amazed and at the same time frightened by her. This caused them to isolate her. Lucy ended up living a very lonely and sad life.

She decided to take up her pent up negative emotions and work towards bettering her nation. She had breakdowns in private venting out about how much she was suffering.

Occasionally she visited the dark fairy queen. The fairy queen seemed to always enjoy her visits since she would bring her more and more negative energy each time. The dark queen sensing her frustrations told her that she could leave all of this behind and enjoy a normal life if she just gives up her dark magic and find happiness in the world. Lucy knew if she did so her people would go back to being powerless and would be subjected to more oppression. She, therefore, declined the offer.

 It was quite Ironic that the only friend she had to keep her company was the one who took her company away. She asked the queen if her death would mean the end of dark magic for her people. The queen answered that her death wouldn't be the end of dark magic for her people, the magic will always be there it is just a matter of how much they could access. Since the first contract they made was a partial contract they can only access a little bit of the dark magic spectrum. Lucy asked how they could access the whole spectrum. The queen answered that it can be accessed by a complete contract. The complete contract is made if a soul and a spirit become bonded, this simply means that there must be a bond between the dark queen and queen Lucy. Spirits are made in such a way that they are extremely powerful but must be bonded to a soul to truly feel complete. Fairies are just evolved versions of spirits so they need to be bonded to a soul too. The bond made when they are alive is only temporary. The true bond is made when the soul is ejected out of the body then they will merge, evolve and transcend into a new race. It has never happened before since the bonded parties must be extremely compatible with each other for it to succeed. So they made the temporary bond and were destined to bond once Lucy died. The bond exponentially boosted her dark magic easily making her the most powerful of the four races and one of the most powerful beings in the world but the unfortunate side effect was that she could no longer have any children.

There was a day when she almost gave up the path of solitude in preference to happiness. This happened the day that she planned to kill her first love. Armed and ready, she headed straight to the camp where the current elven king who was her first love resided. She was determined to end his life seeing that he betrayed her love so cruelly. When he reached the tent ready to kill, a feeling she had not felt in a long time overcome and washed over her. She still had feelings for him.

"Why did you betray me? I loved you so so dearly. I...I... I still do."

"I never betrayed you. You are the one who betrayed me by killing my father and brothers"

"That is after you yourself tried to end my life."

"When did I try such a thing?"

"You sent your people to try and kill me the night we were to meet at our secret place."

You are reading story The Science and Magic of A reincarnated Genius at

"But I never, you are the one who left me cutting ties without a single word. I assumed you no longer felt the same way but then one day out of nowhere I hear you are revolting against the reign of the elven king and you... You slew my father."

" it a..."

"I understand there was a misunderstanding and although it hurts me that you slaughtered my family. I still love you."

Out of nowhere, the two were overcome with emotions and like beasts on heat the two... well, you know the rest. In the dead of night, as Lucy was sleeping peacefully, Eren got out of bed and picked up a dagger ready to drive it through Lucy's heart. He was hesitant about the action he was about to perform. I was shocked that Lucy had not noticed him seeing that she was a vampire. My question was then answered a few moments later.

A man of the celestial race appeared.

"Well, what are you waiting for, kill her right now, she has been weakened with your so-called love, she is no longer immortal."

Tears started forming on Eren's face

"Have you forgotten that she killed you family"

"I, I can't. I still love.."

"Eren, what are you doing. Oh I see, how could I be so foolish"

She tried performing some dark magic but she found she could do nothing, she had lost her power. The celestial performed a light magic spell in a very complex way, there was no chanting or vocalisation. The spell was about to hit Lucy but Eren jumped in the way taking the hit and ultimately dying. At this time Lucy had performed a fire spell using it to barely escape.

The whole camp woke up to find that their king had died. They assumed it was Lucy who had killed her.

Lucy at this time was blaming herself for being so weak and giving in to her emotions. She now had lost the power that gave her people freedom.

The next day the elves attacked them in full force as retaliation for killing their king. Many of the demons who were with Lucy perished that day. Lucy luckily escaped to the forest.

 The guilt of her mistake causing the deaths of thousands of demons ate her from inside. She felt so much anguish that she started emanating and collecting miasma. Her negative emotions were at their peak that day. The animals around here started to react to her miasma to the point that monsters we being born out of them. 

" This looks like the end for me. I will be fed on by the beast I've borne. What a fitting end for a failed queen like me."

To her surprise, the monsters didn't attack her. In fact, they did the opposite, they obeyed her commands. She found a new weapon to use to save her country. Although she could no longer use dark magic she had acquired the ability to manipulate monsters. With monsters being produced more and more, she slowly built an army of monsters which she used to fight against the elves. She ended up winning the long war between demons and elves. After a few months, she come to find out she was expecting a child. The months passed by and she gave birth to a baby boy. The boy displayed neither characteristics of elves or demons, she seemed to resemble humans more closely. Lucy showed no type of affection towards the child, in fact, she was so cold to the child. The child never got to feel the warm embrace of his mother, even a name seemed to be too much to receive from the mother. Lucy dared not to look at the face of her child, it was like she was purposefully avoiding it as it brought her too much sorrow to bear. One of the midwives took it upon herself to name the child. Lucy simply said

 "I have no need for another child, so if you don't mind could you get rid of him for me." The midwives were stunned by her cold demeanour towards her own flesh and blood. They decided to give the child to a commoner family so that they can take care of him. I felt sorry for the boy, his mother didn't want him just because he reminded her of Eren. The dark queen returned to Lucy one day as she was privately venting about her mistakes. She offered the complete contract again and this time if the contract was broken Lucy would never see her again. Lucy accepted and the demon race regained their dark magic.

The celestials come to challenge Lucy again saying that she was a threat as she had become to be too powerful again. They were three of them this time. While lucy was powerful she was still a vampire made of dark magic and thus was weak to light magic. They had a long destructive battle. Before she went down she took two of them with her but alas she was killed. I still don't know if her bond with the dark queen succeeded.