Aaron's POV
Being born into a beast family is the most unpredictable thing that can happen to you. This is because beast people are born like normal humanoid children but grow into various variations of the beast race.
There are three variations of the beast race. These are the beast-folk, beast-kin and the lycanthropes
also known as were-beasts.
The beast-folk is a type of beast people that are born humanoid but grow into animal characteristics such as ears and tail innate to the dominant animal within them. They are usually very strong with insane capabilities. Some can use magic while others can't. They are the majority of the beast race and the most recognised by the other races.
The beast-kin is a type of beast people that are born resembling humans and look completely human, the only difference however is that they have an ability known as beastification. Which is an ability in which they completely transform into their innate beast for a certain period. They usually can't use magic because most of their magic power is used in the beastification transformation. They retain their intelligence after transformation and can easily communicate with others. Although most of them can't use magic few exceptions can, but only in their beast form.
The last is the lycanthropes. The lycanthropes are technically born from any race. They are classified as beast people because of their beastly nature but in reality, anyone can be turned into a lycanthrope. Lycanthropes are said to be born out of a curse. This curse is hereditary thus lycanthropes can also be born from lycanthropic parents. The lycanthropes usually become more beastly than human when they transform. They sometimes lose all sense of reason and this makes them the most feared within the beast community.
I am not sure yet where I lie but I believe I am of the beast-kin variant. I live in a small village of wolf people. My father is the chieftain of the people. For now, am the only child. I used to have an older brother and sister but we lost them a few years back. My father the chief was filled with distraught when he found out about my missing elder siblings. For some reason, the whole clan isolates me and does everything in their power to avoid any interaction with me. I assume that they fear I might not be a beast-folk.
In case I turn out to be a lycanthrope it is well known that I have to leave the clan. This is simply because of fear that I might pass the curse to one of them. In the other case which is me being a beast-kin. They might feel that I am too weak to become their leader and thus they may opt for the alpha initiation to be done to me hurriedly. Sure it is done during every crowning of a new leader but I feel like mine would be just more harrowing.
Anyway, I don't understand why they think being a beast-kin makes you weak because if that were true then why was The self-proclaimed king of the beasts able to assemble and ascend to the throne. His strength and abilities have earned him the title the roar of the North. He is well thought to be a beast-kin variant. Nobody has ever truly gazed upon his beast form but even in his human form, he has shown incredible strength. Their rumours say that he is a dragon-kin. Even if he is, he is still a beast-kin all in all.
The beast King whose name is Jargon roar of the north is going around the whole north intending to unite the whole beast race under one flag. This sounds well and good but the problem is the method he is using to unite his people. It is well known that he relies heavily on force. It is either you join him willingly or your forced into submission. The current chief of the wolf tribe is trying his best to avoid being assimilated into the beast empire because, it is known that the empire does not tolerate the worship of any other deities apart from the dragons. This is the most distressing part since we of the wolf tribe are staunch worshippers of the Fenrir. The Fenrir is our ancestral deity thus our culture is heavily built around the worship of the Fenrir. By giving up
the worship to Fenrir we cease to be true wolf people. So to avoid confrontation with the roar of the North we move every couple months. This has worked so far but we don't know how long it is going to work for.
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