Rae's POV
My life here at the Royal Academy has been quite a pleasant experience apart from a few hiccups here and there.
My routine is pretty simple. I wake up early in the morning and run for about 5 km. After the run, I do some sword swings so as not to get out of shape. I then wash away all the sweat I have worked up with a nice cold shower. Eleanor and Ivy usually join me for my morning runs. We sometimes spar with them. Ivy is pretty decent with the sword but when It comes to hand to hand she is not so great.
I have taken it upon myself to teach her hand to hand so that her close-quarters combat is still good even when she is without a weapon. She is quite a fast learner.
Eleanor on the other hand is pretty bad. She is not that great with the sword as well as with her hands. Although in a fight with Ivy she would win, this is only because of her vampiric abilities. She is also bad at restraining her vampiric abilities. With Eleanor, the journey is still a very long one
After having a cold shower we always have a nice healthy breakfast before we all go to our classes. This is usually prepared by Pico or Eleanor. Pico decided to join my faction and is now living with us.
At school, Eleanor and Ivy go to their class while Pico and I visit the Library before we go to our classes. In the library, she helps me research the topics that would be relevant to the lesson I am going to teach.
After we are done she goes to her homeroom and I go to mine. I attend some lectures with the goal of gaining knowledge that I never had before, lIke potion making and magic weapon creation.
It is quite interesting. The potions are made from many different things and could be made in many different ways. The way that is simplest to me is the one where mana is applied to water then different minerals are added in and the resulting mixture is filtered and then boiled over a flame, cooled and packaged into bottles. This is the way a simple mana potion is made.
The magic weapon creation process is quite a simple one. The only problem is how precise one has to be and the effort in its creation is quite taxing. This become abundant once I saw the actual process. The creation of magic weapons in school is forbidden. if one is found to have tried making a magic weapon they will immediately be expelled. It is considered to be a very dangerous process, thus the lectures are only done in theory. The practical aspects are only shown to us at professional smithies.
I understand that they are trying to protect the students since an error in the circuit could cause a mana explosion but it is quite hypocritical of them to teach it at all.
So the process is, First one should have the metallic part of the weapon that they want to enchant heated to a molten state in a forge. Once it is molten, a molten crystal-like metal called an elemental shard is then used to draw a circuit around the weapon. This circuit is the same for the same elemental shard but different for other elemental shards.
There only exists four types of elemental shards. These are fire, water, earth and wind elemental shards. These shards determine the elemental attribute of the magic weapon.
Magic weapons are commonly made for nobles who have elemental potentials instead of elemental attributes. In the possession of the magic weapon, they can perform basic elemental magic and thus become sort of like pseudo mages.
The magic weapons are quite expensive. This is because of how hard element shards are hard to mine and work with.
While listening to lectures is quite nice I also have to give them. The first time I tried teaching a class, one of my students challenged me to a duel.
"I don't think you are worthy of teaching us anything. Look at how young you are, some of us here are older than you thus you don't have the knowledge and experience to teach us. With that in mind, I challenge you to a duel. Whoever wins has one of their requests complied with. You are the one who has been challenged you can choose however you think we should duel each other. "
"Wow, ok a duel on my very first day on the job. Okay, what about spell casting. Let us see how many spells we can make in under a minute. Whoever creates more is the winner"
"Okay... That's easy enough."
We went to the duelling dome where we could create some spells. I emerged the victor and silenced him by winning with a very wide margin.
We went back to class to learn. My request to him was simple. He just had to relax and learn. Many of the students seemed very eager and curious to learn my silent casting after witnessing the duel.
I started from the basics by explaining to them how it works this was by talking about merle's theory. We then delved deeper learning about the combination of mana circuits and magic symbols incorporating the spell.
They started by just learning how to construct functional circuits. Most of them were having a hard time with this process but as time went by they started getting it. Next was to teach them the symbols for the magic language. This process took a lot longer than expected. It was like I was teaching them an entirely new language.
We did this for a while, in the end, most of them could draw the symbols. The last part was to combine the two. Constructing a circuit and incorporating the symbol.
Many of them found this hard and time-consuming. Most of their magic circles collapsed with no results to show. They all were starting to get frustrated seeing however hard they tried it was not working. It then came to me.
"I know that many of you are finding it hard to create spells using magic circles so what if you use mana circuits with the spell names."
You are reading story The Science and Magic of A reincarnated Genius at novel35.com
Many students tried but the spells were not working.
"Oh I see the problem, you are not imbuing mana in your words as you cast."
"Imbuing mana in our words? how?"
" When you cast a spell you usually imbue mana in your words so that the spell can be translated by the spirits. This always happens naturally due to the concentrated visualisation you have when performing the long chant for the spell. This is not the case when you just say the name of the spell. You simply cannot completely envision your spell with the high amount of concentration needed thus the words you pronounce cannot be imbued with mana becoming mana words. When the words for a spell are not mana words then the spell won't activate. The same applies to the magic circle symbols when your visualisation is not clearly created in your mind with the highest of concentration then the magic circle will not activate. The simple trick to creating mana words is a strong visualisation with the utmost of concentration. "
After that explanation, many of the students started to improve drastically and they could produce the spells with the circuits easily. The magic circles were still giving them problems but the good thing is that they could at least produce magic in half the time.
I was challenged again to a duel, but this time it was not by a student, it was by a professor. I assume he is the chanting class instructor.
I picked a magic duel to be the challenge. Simply put we were to battle with each other only by the use of spells and the first one to yield or faint was the loser.
Although I did emerge as the victor in that duel many flaws in my casting were brought up. Like how switching between elements was taking up a lot of casting time, or how I heavily rely on wind magic for aerial lift and evasion and how my barrier magic still needed fixing, I also found out that fire magic was a huge offensive weapon which I just had lost. I got to learn a new thing called delayed casting. At first, it seemed like a bad thing but delayed casting can be very useful if it is used in the right way.
After my lectures, I usually head to the dining hall where Ivy, Eleanor and Pico are waiting for me. I always find that my lunch has already been prepared, I think they carry it from the house. Eleanor says that food from our garden tastes much better than the school provided food. Well, I got to agree the home-cooked meal always does taste delicious. After a nice lunch, we leave for the library with Pico where I get to absorb all the knowledge I can. After a few hours, I leave Pico in the library to go and do experiments so as to perfect my magic and combat skills or just look through my memories trying to analyse the errors in the previous battles I have had that I can fix.
While barrier magic was a good idea it was still a double-edged sword. I could not move above a certain speed and could not perform any magic while the barrier was up. To fix this problem I thought of applying what Merle was speaking of when we started working on magic circles.
She theorised that a circuit is what gives living things the ability to perform magic thus the same should apply to nonliving things.
This is what magic circles are based on so to apply the use of barrier magic I would need to make an object store the mana and release it in a continuous stream so as to make a barrier. This will be done by the creation of a circuit on a non-living thing.
After a lot of trial and error, I created a barrier creation device. I only had to inject my mana into it. The best material for the device was a metal called Mithril. It was quite an expensive metal seeing that the amount I paid for and the amount I got were not quite balanced. This device solved my barrier creation problem.
The next problem was the lag time between changing of elemental magic. This was by using a technique called multi-casting. I only read it in a book and I have never seen it in practice. From what I read, multi-casting is when a mage casts two or more spells at a time. This was a very hard problem to combat.
Casting two spells was seeming like an insane task, How was I supposed to do that?
Then the idea of using hybrid magic circles came to mind. Hybrid magic circles are circles formed from different elements. These circles are used when one wants to create a combined magic circle.
The hybrid magic circles can be used to access both elements at once and the elements necessary for the casting can be used as needed by shifting between the two elements. It is not multicasting but at least it is something.
I thought hard about the two remaining problems but no ideas come to mind.
My day usually ends with me going for a sparring match with Professor Edward. After the match, I go back to the mansion and relax in the open-air bath to wash away all the fatigue of the day before I proceed to eat dinner and retire to bed.
My relaxation in the hot spring is always interrupted by the girls I live with. It is like they always wait for me to enter the open-air bath so that they can join in. Well, we are girls so maybe they just feel that secure. Lately, my upper back has been aching and I am still not sure why. I will check on that later.
While my evenings always end spectacularly this one ended up with another summon to the principal's office. What did I do now?