Chapter 59: An Audience with the Queen

Rae's POV

"This is the third time you are summoning me Mr Principal. I am starting to think that you have a thing for me."

"Yes I know I have already summoned you twice but this is mandatory. The Queen has requested for an audience with you miss Velmont. I had already warned you that this might happen or have you forgotten?"

"I remember it bright as day. It was that day that you dumped a foreign princess and her Bodyguard on me."

"We had no choice it was the only way. Speaking of which, how is she fairing?"

"She is good. She is more than good. She is great, very energetic that girl. At first, I saw it as a chore but now I actually enjoy her company but at times she can be a little bit clingy which can get pretty annoying."

"Glad to know that things between you and her are working great. Now back to the Queen's summons. Her Royal Highness Queen Rose Wemberly has requested for your appearance at the royal castle Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why so soon? And anyway, what is this summon going to be about?"

"I can't reveal any information you just have to wait for tomorrow to find out. And don't worry, your father will be joining you."

"What! Mr Harold is in the capital? Where is he?"

"He is at the royal castle right now. You will be meeting up with him tomorrow early in the morning."

"Ok. Is there anything else you would like to discuss Mr Principal?"

"Ahhh... This is not official but I would still love to know... Do you know where they buried Merle?"

"Mr Principal... Why did you just have to go and remind me that she is dead?"

"Sorry about that...It's just that Merle was also dear to me."

"Well, they were not able to recover the body. It seems that monsters devoured the body to nothingness."

"Ahhh...Okay. Have a Good day miss Velmont."

"You too Mr Principal."

As I walked out I couldn't help but wonder what the Queen summoned me for. I think I have an idea but I just have to wait for tomorrow. If it is what I think it is then well she will just have to wait and see.

My upper back pains had grown to be quite bothersome and wearing anything on my torso always felt weird. I think it is time I went and looked for some lingerie, especially bras.

I wonder how girls handle this situation. I found it to be a little bit hard to ask for help but I just had to so I asked Eleanor.

Her excitement was a little bit scary. What was so fun about go on lingerie shopping. When we walked into a tailoring shop I got to see so many things I had never seen before. The bras were unexpectedly from the modern age. How do they have the knowledge to make these bras? They were only made from cotton and silk but from the design I could definitely tell it was made to resemble those of modern times though not much embroidery on them.

The bras looked to be in different sizes. Who made these bras? How can they have this knowledge and not know about modern technology and simple modern farming?

We then went straight to the tailor who took measurements. The measurements were just an approximation since they only used varying circular metals to do the measurements.

I thought that the bras were ready-made but it looks like you have to be made for one for your own. Still in the same shop were plenty of dresses and all that. Eleanor was quite excited for me to try them on but as I said before, I will wear no dress even if my life depends on it.

We returned to the school dorm house where I did my usual evening routine and went straight to bed. Early in the morning, I woke up to go to the castle. Eleanor and Ivy insisted on accompanying me so I let them do so. We were picked up by a carriage that was to take us to the castle. 

When we arrived at the castle, Mr Harold was there waiting for us. We were then taken straight to the throne room for an audience with the queen.

"You may all rise."

"Your Majesty may inquire as to the reason for your summons."

"Miss Rae Velmont, the reason for my summons is quite simple actually. I assume that you know our country is at war with the demon Raceland."

"I am aware of the situation your Grace."

"Then let me get straight to the point. Although you are twelve years old, you have racked up quite the achievements under your belt. I am told that on the first attack on Carmine you and another woman easily defeated the army of monsters including high-level monsters that could even give Mr Harold trouble. I thank you for your Help."

"It was nothing your grace I was only protecting my home."

"Another feat on your part was that you managed to easily overpower one of our top knights. Due to this, I would like to request for you to join our army ranks as one of its leaders."

"Your grace you can't be..."

"Not now, I was talking to the young lady."

"Unfortunately your Grace I can not do that."

"And may I inquire why?"

"The reason is quite simple. I can't join an army full of hypocrites."

You are reading story The Science and Magic of A reincarnated Genius at

"Rae, Watch your tongue you are in front of the queen."

"But it is true. Where were they when our home was attacked? Now they want to protect their people. Is it because there were other races other than Humans so they saw that they should not send any reinforcements"

"I am sorry for that I was not informed of the situation."

"That is a pretty lame excuse. As the Queen, you should be informed of every major thing happening in your Kingdom. Because of your ignorance, I lost my mother and teacher."


"I'm sorry for your loss. I will do better as a queen next time"

"That's great for the rest of the kingdom but as for me I am not joining your army. The only time I will fight is when Carmine needs me to."

"It seems I can't convince you. What about training the army?"

"They have pretty good teachers and now that silent casting is in the public they can use that to fight their war. I am not contributing anything else to your cause. "

"As you wish miss Velmont. There is a matter of the reward. I as the queen was not able to protect Carmine but you protected it in my place I, therefore, have to reward your actions."

"As I told you before I don't need a reward. I was doing it for my home, not for your reward."

" Please take the reward as my apology for not protecting your home."


"So what reward do you want."

"I... I want access full access to the dungeons in the kingdom, the treasure I manage to gain while I raid those dungeons will remain mine."

"Dungeons!!Ahhh...Ok. Is that all?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Okay. I Queen Rose Wemberly Hereby permit you to raid the dungeons in our Kingdom."

"Thank you, your majesty. May I leave now."

"Yes, you may."

I then started walking to the exit. Ivy and Eleanor were looking at me like I had just done the most horrifying thing in my life.

"My Que... I mean my lady why did you speak like that to the queen. You are just going to make enemies out of the capital."

"Well good luck to them, they can try to kill me if they want to. I was only speaking my mind. I just can't forgive the Queen and her vassals for letting my people die."

"Lady Rae, I don't think that was right of you. You should remember that she is the queen. Also, innocent lives are at stake and you have the power to protect them. I think you should protect the citizen even if the Crown failed to protect your own people. This will help prevent a case like yours from happening to another person's family."

"I am sorry to say but I don't think I can protect people who I don't know. I am not some superhero of justice bent on protecting the weak. I will only protect those who I love."

"Ahhh ok..."

"So will the both of you be coming with me for the dungeon raid."

"Yes, my lady. I will follow you to the ends of the world."

"Not me. I am sorry Lady Rae but I don't think I will be Joining you for your Raid. I want to fight for my country and protect the people I therefore would like to ask for your permission to not go on the raid with you."

"Sure thing. Do whatever you like."

"Thank you, Lady Rae."