Ivy's POV
The city of Mesomia is our current priority. The commanding officer responsible for our troops has received orders to lay siege to it and reclaim it as it is a very vital city in the reclaiming of our lost lands.
It has been noted to have weaker defences and a lot of unprotected resources. That being the case we have been commanded to seize it and I can't help but feel like this situation is too good to be true.
First, we will go in the dead of night when the town is least active. This will give us the chance to secure the town before any enemy reinforcements come. We will also get to access the unprotected resources and redistribute them before the invading forces can get a chance to steal them back from us.
Living here in this encampment has opened my eyes. I have had a taste of living outside the privileges that come with me being of royal blood. I have interacted with the commoners who I was taught are beneath me but now I see the world from their eyes. They are beautiful and lovely people and I don't think they are as bad as my mother portrays them to be.
Most of them are older men with families they want to protect and others want to save the other Citizens who have been taken hostage by the demons and save their nation from invading forces.
Most Volunteers of Noble and royal Lineage have situated themselves at the rear away from where the action is. I understand that they want to protect their heirs but still what was their purpose for volunteering in the first place. They are Isolating themselves away from commoners because they think they are much more superior to them but they forget that we all have lost something in this war.
This isolation of theirs is preventing them from learning to appreciate the privileges and even from gaining a deeper understanding of what it is they are truly fighting for. They can not say they are patriotic if they can't even work together with commoners to restore their nation. I understand that some Nobles are responsible for the protection of their regions and others are responsible for other things in this war but what I have come to notice is that the relations between the commoners and the Nobility are not that great and if this is not taken care off quickly it may lead to the collapse of this Kingdom before even the demons do.
When I first come to the front lines the commoners were very suspicious of me and treated me like an outsider. To some extent, I feel I was because I truly did not understand them but now that I have come to live with them I feel like we are more alike than I initially thought.
The soldiers have now come to accept me and even my squad has come to see me as their leader. They have accepted even if I was given the position because of my lineage I have earned their trust and thus can lead them to battle. They are. now like family to me.
Nighttime is fast approaching looks like it is almost time for us to put our plan into action.
We are about to invade Mesomia with a troop of 200 soldiers. These two hundred soldiers are divided into four units each responsible for four sections of the city.
The Units are further divided into 5 squads. The squads under the direction of their leaders are supposed to do all they can to gather resources and maintain at least a little bit of control on the city until reinforcements come.
To be honest, using one troop feels like it is going to make this to be an impossible mission. So either the people above have high faith that this city is completely defenceless and thus they feel like using more than two hundred soldiers is a waste or this troop has been used as a guinea pig to see if this is a trap or not.
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I understand that the casualty of losing two hundred soldiers is considered minimal in taking back an invaded city but this is not fair. They are treating the lives of their soldiers as disposables and this does not sit well with me. But alas I am just but a squad leader.
We quickly entered the city and were met with little to no friction. Things were going so smoothly that it was terrifying. My squad and I were responsible for hitting the cities armouries and taking charge of transporting the weapons back to our military camp where they would be redistributed.
We quickly walked through the desolate streets and at afar I could see a grain house and someone who looked to resemble my brother next to it. Is that really him? I can't believe this, Did mother change her mind and permit him to join the front lines? I doubt it but maybe?...I don't need to worry about that now.
Then it happened.They appeared up high in the sky. They descended from the clouds gloriously riding flying beasts. There numbers overwhelmed us and soon, they were quickly thinning our numbers. Left and right our soldiers were losing their lives. It could only be described as massacre.
Looking around I could see half my squad had been injured by their aerial assault. Most members of my squad had not even completed their teen years. Even though one is considered an adult at fifteen this was a complete nightmare to the young minds.
I could see Helix cowering in fear at a corner. He was the youngest of us and thus I felt like I needed to protect him. I ordered for my squad to retreat even if the troop leader had not. I was not going to let the chain of command rob these young people their lives.
To buy them time I used my sword in all possible ways. l was slaughtering all the demons that come close enough. I had not tasted blood before but for my first time taking lives I was frighteningly calm. All I could think was about saving my squad members even if it would cost me mine.
Then she descended. A human woman with black hair dark skin and amber coloured eyes. The first thought that come to my mind was why was she with the demons.
"You are as ruthless as me. I like it."
Then in a blink of an eye I was in so much pain that I could not even see straight it felt like my body was disintegrating from inside. My vision become so blurry until all went black.