Chapter 209: 4-23 Passion on the altar II (R18)

In the vast corridor of a certain mansion, a well-dressed man was taking large steps in his stride as he hurried down the corridor. He made a left at the end and came before a large door, which he effortlessly opened wide with a single shove. He strode into the room heavily as if to announce his presence to everyone in the room.

The room was white and bright. It was so white that a mere speck of dirt would instantly be spotted but not such taint was present in the room. In the middle of this room, there was a large transparent tube filled with water and carved with runes on the exterior. A naked man, covered in grave wounds, was suspended in the tube. The man had wings but they were in tatters. In spite of his injuries, the man was alive but barely.

“How did this happen, Dusk?” asked Marduk as he sifted Varus’ marred body for clues.

A thin man in a white coat with a weak chin hidden away by his goatee stepped forward. “Grey Spores,” answered Dusk.

“Grey Spores?”

“Traces of Grey Spores were found on him when he was brought in.”

“You’re saying Grey Spores are the cause of Varus' current state?”

Dusk nodded. “That would appear to be the case but not just these aren’t just any Grey Spores. These ones are pure, incredibly so.”

“Pure? As in?”

“Speaking in chemical terms, sir. The quality is extremely high. These Grey Spores can only be found in the deepest and darkest depths of caves. A pound of these can be sold for a gold.”

“So the rumours about Grey Spores capable of harming high-level individuals are true.”

“Yes and no, sir. Grey Spore itself can never be enough to harm an individual with a level higher than sixty no matter the purity. The alchemist themself is a factor. Whoever made this compound is at least a master alchemist. They know the precise temperature, amount, and everything.”

“Better than you, Dusk?”

“I wouldn’t know. I’m not a specialist. My field is general but this alchemist is worthy to be my rival. Such quality Grey Spores are the work of a master alchemist’s prudent touch and mesh. And not just any master alchemist, an alchemist with great knowledge in the language of runes too.”

“An enchanter? The work of a master alchemist that is also a great enchanter? What are the odds of this Grey Spore being the product of two masters?”

“Very unlikely. Their knowledge needs to be in absolute harmony to the point their minds are like one. So the maker being two individuals is even less of a probability.”

“I see.”

“Fascinating, isn’t it, sir?” Dusk asked with gleaming widened eyes.

“Fascinating indeed but not my concern as of now.”

Dusk shirked back after realising his unwarranted enthusiasm. “Yes, you’re right. My apologies, sir.”

“How did Varus get here in this condition?”

“His man. He brought three men with him. Only one came back. He carried him back here in this state.”

“And where is this man right now?”

Dusk nodded instead of answering. He quickly gestured for one of his assistants to go and fetch the three here. In mere minutes, the assistant returned in tow with a smartly dressed individual but his face did not distinguish him from what one would expect of a street thug. He was scarred and tempered but when he saw Marduk, he stiffened up and straightened his posture as if the smallest slight would spell his demise, which was true.

“S-sir…” the smartly dressed thug stammered in his greeting.

“Tell me what happened,” Marduk said without even sparing any of them a glance. “Leave nothing out.”

“We were just doing as you bade, sir…”

“Of course, you were. Or are you implying that you might be doing something else other than your job?”

“N-no such thing, sir!”

“Then skip the memoirs, idiot. Tell me who did this.”

“There was a Dragon.”

Marduk raised an eyebrow and turned his gaze to the shivering man. “A Dragon, you sure?”

The man nodded fervently. “Absolutely sure, sir. It was no Wyvern. It was a Dragon, a female Dragon. And she has a human companion. Varus intercepted them as they were leaving the valley. Varus stopped them by force and the two retaliated. Varus managed to wound the Dragon and she turned into a human, along with her human companion, and they ran and hid in the forest. Varus went after them. I wanted to follow but he asked me to stay.”

“And then what happened?”

“There was an explosion, a very large explosion. I thought it was Varus’ doing but when he didn’t come back for a long time, I went to check. I found him covered in wounds and quickly brought him here.”

“How did you bring him back here?”

“I carried him, sir.”

“Did anyone see you?”

“No, of course not, sir.”

“Good,” Marduk said and stared at the thug. In seconds, the thug’s whole body ruptured and his flesh and blood went everywhere, dying the white floor red. “Useless.”

“He did his best, sir,” Dusk pointed out.

“I know he did, which is why I no longer needed him. Fucking idiot. Even if no one saw him, he would be leaving a very blatant trail.”

“You need not worry about that, sir. I have taken the liberty to take care of that problem.”

“Good. So, when will Varus recover?”

You are reading story The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl at

“In a week.”

“That’s too long.”

“His injuries are grave. If he wasn’t a Seraphim, the explosion might have already killed him.”

“Can you hasten the recovery?”

“I can but at the cost of his future health.”

“What kind?”

“If I make haste, he might not be as strong as he was when he recovers.”

“Fine, one week it is, and no more. I want a full recovery of Varus in one week.”

“Of course, sir.”

Marduk turned around and began to leave.

“Oh, Sir? One more thing.”

Marduk stopped in his tracks. “What is it?”

“Rex is here. He’s in the parlour.”

“You did not tell him to come see me?”

“I have but you know how he is.”

Marduk sighed. “Unfortunately, I do.”


On the other side of the valley, deep in a small grove of trees and under the shade and concealment of the almighty Spirits, there was a mansion residing in its deepest recess. In the basement of this mansion, in a certain room that was sealed tightly to prevent any sound from escaping, a man and two women were fervently exchanging their passion and love with each other with nothing in between their skin and fluids.

“By the Spirits, yes!!” Lilian cried out gleefully in rapture. “Yes, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me with that tongue of yours, Aedan!! Don’t you dare fucking stop!” She was currently sitting on her knees with her snatch over Aedan’s face, who was still lying on the altar after Erin pushed him down.

“Holy shit, Aedan!! It’s so good!! So fucking good!” Erin herself was screeching and moaning at the top of her lungs with pleasure spilling out of her mouth. She was still riding his crotch with his cock deep inside of her. She rocked and swayed her hips like there was no tomorrow. Pleasure tainted her face silly. Her drool and tears of ecstasy went everywhere as she flailed around like a sex maniac. She even humped and bumped herself repeatedly and vehemently on Aedan’s rod. She couldn’t stop herself, not that she wanted to.

Aedan was completely engulfed by two mouth-watering beauties with him being unable to do anything but wag his tongue and bucked his hips. With his levels severely reduced, these two were enough to overwhelm him. However, this wasn’t to say he was no longer a match for these two, especially since one of them was still relatively new to the touch of man and he had more than a thousand years’ worth of experience. Moreover, his lust was at its peak thanks to Erin’s Divine Gift.

“Oh, fucking god!!” Erin spat as she bounced up and down and rocked her hips back and forth on Aedan’s cock. “I’m close… so fucking close… Just cum already, you damn lizard!!”

Aedan could not retort as he had a drenched honeypot pressing down on his face and mouth. He could only manage a few muffled moans.

Lilian giggled and moaned louder than ever in response to Aedan’s attempt at forming words. His voice reverberated into her soaked cunt, making the pleasure surge within her. She curled up as a torrent of pleasure ripped through her body. She climaxed just from that and it wasn’t her first peak. Just with his mouth alone, Aedan had made the Dryad cummed for a total of four times now, including this one.

“Damn the Spirits, Aedan…!” Lilian cursed in between her heavy breaths. “Just how many women have you seduced with this tongue and mouth of yours?” Though she asked, she didn’t give him any leeway to respond.

“Not enough,” Erin responded in his stead, still whirling her hips around his crotch. She was panting hard due to her approaching climax that she refused to give in to. “He’s fucking two Fae right now. He’s too dangerous. I must drain him dry or else he will go after others.”

“Let me have a turn already, Erin.”

Erin squirmed harder than ever. “You get your turn after I make him cum.”

“Aedan, dear, please cum already. I want to have a taste of your cock too.”

Aedan chuckled into Lilian’s pulsating snatch and unleashed the floodgates. His load came gushing out, filling Erin’s cavern, which made her cum in return.

Erin’s body went into a fit of spasms as her climax enveloped her. With nothing else to hold on to, she curled up and hugged her shoulders to weather the violent climax that she had been holding in for a long time. When she finished cumming, she lost her strength for a moment and fell forward. Lilian was there to catch her but not for charity.

Lilian drew Erin in and plunged her tongue into the Fox-kin’s mouth. As Erin was still coming down from her high, she did not resist nor retaliate against Lilian’s assault. She simply let the Dryad violate her mouth until she was satisfied.

Erin slowly pushed herself off of Aedan’s rod and lay beside him while still basking in the afterglow. Lilian instantly jumped on Aedan’s now vacant crotch and instantly impaled herself on his rod.

“Oh, fucking hell!” Lilian shouted with a tremble. “You’re still so big and hard even though you just cummed a minute ago.”

“My levels may have dropped but I’m inherently a True Dragon,” Aedan said with a smirk as he thrust his hips upwards.

Lilian shrieked from the sudden assault and glared at him with indignation.“What does that suppose to mean?”

“It means—” Aedan was not able to finish his sentence.

“Silence, you lizard.” Erin had sat on him in a similar manner as Lilian had. Due to Lust, every last trace of reserve she had was gone. Though she was in control of her mind and body, she couldn’t not obey her rampaging lust. The fight with Amyra had quelled her battle lust but filled her carnal lust in return. But once her carnal lust was satiated, her battle lust would be replenished. It was a never-ending cycle but she wasn’t particularly worried since she found it exhilarating and enjoyable. Fight and fuck, fuck and fight, this was who she was now and her partners were all above average, in her personal opinion. If she could, she would rather do this forever but she had too many other commitments.

Regardless, she wished to immerse herself fully into the pleasure in the meantime and not care about other matters. When Aedan’s tongue began twisting and twirling on her snatch, she clamped her thighs up and nearly squeezed Aedan’s to death.

“Are you trying to kill me?” Aedan managed to get his words out but only briefly.

“Oh, stop being so dramatic,” Erin scoffed with a blush that he couldn’t see. “Like you could be killed so easily.” And she once again gently muffled Aedan’s mouth with her dripping honeypot. She even started grinding her hips against his face.

Lilian’s gaze wandered as she humped herself on Aedan’s cock without any restraint, hampered only by her own exhaustion from her previous multiple orgasms. Her wandering gaze found Erin and their eyes told each other of their respective intentions. They lurched forward without lifting their crotch and smacked their lips together and engaged in another round of deep and heated exchange of saliva.

Even though their voice did not echo out of the room, everyone in the manor did feel their passion and intensity through the subtle rocking of the whole building.