Jan and Katrina like to run on the dike. It is wide, and quite like a road. They take Rink and the cart up on the dike too.
Rink likes to run on the dike. He likes to feel the fresh air blow in from the sea.
When they are up on the dike, Jan and Katrina can see all around. They can see far, far away. They can look out over the broad ocean. They see the big boats and the little boats sailing to and fro.
Jan points to the ocean and says,[53] “Katrina, away, away over the ocean, where those big boats are sailing, is America. American boys and girls live there. It is a fine country and very large.”
“Do you think we will ever go to America, Jan?” asks little Katrina.
“Perhaps, some day,” answers Jan.
When Jan and Katrina are up on the dike, they can look over their [54]own land. They can see the canals and the bridges and the boats.
They can see the beautiful gardens. They can see the bright houses, and the big windmills that whirl round and round.
They can see the girls tending geese in the fields. They can see the black and white cows eating grass in the meadows. They can see the men with their dog-carts going along the road to town.