"Young Master, here." The young maid smiled as she handed me the lunchbox after noticing me carrying a study bag on the back and a small water bottle.
"Thank you" I nodded at her for assistance before walking outside the door.
It was 6 in the morning. In my hands was a map of the capital that Pakku gave me last night. He advised me to look for the military courtyard on my own, so I left the house an hour earlier than scheduled.
"Let's see." I'm currently in the upper district, also known as the Nobel district. Not far from here was the royal palace where the water spirits reside.
"I found it." The courtyard was closer to the renowned water wall constructed to defend the capital from a naval invasion.
"The best route ...hmmm... This one", The most efficient route would be to leave the Nobel district and proceed through the market between the commoner district that ends at the ice wall.
I followed the route I designated on the map and walked to my destination while admiring the landscape or icescape in this matter.
It was incredible to see the city entirely made of ice. I wonder if the city was constructed on the ocean rather than on a beach.
I've lived in this city for five years, yet the novelty hasn't worn off of me.
Jinho was carrying the bucket of freshly caught fish to their family stall like every day when someone pulled her skirt.
She had heard that there were some perverts in the market these days trying to molest young girls.
She lifted her right eyebrow in anger as she swiveled around and tried to slap the imbecile, " You pervert!!" She uttered in anger.
But her hand hit nothing because the said pervert was not that tall in the first place and was currently staring at her with wide eyes.
"Errm... I just wanted to ask if you know the way to the training courtyard. I lost my way after reaching the market." The aromatic scents of various food stalls were partially to blame.
"Ohh," The girl blushed as she sat down at my eye level, " It appears this is your first day. And based on your clothing, It's probably your first day in the market too."
"Don't worry, big sis will guide you to your destination. I just need to get this bucket to my parents' stall first. Then I can guide you. Since there is still some time until the lesson begins, you won't have any problems." She got up and straightened her clothes before extending her hand to me.
Her look and body language suggested that she could be trusted, so I grabbed her hand in mine and began walking alongside her.
"How did you get lost, though?" She asked probably to keep the conversation going.
"I did have the map, but it is hard to navigate given my height and the number of people here." I omitted the fact that I was also a bit distracted by the spicy food. Maybe I should bring some of my pocket money with me next time.
"True, the market is a bit crowded in the mornings. At least you didn't cry." She smiled while trying to make me feel a bit better. Given my actual age, I feel a little guilty being comforted by her. If I consider all my life, I must be in my 50s.
"Thank you, sis." God, this is torture.
"You will become a fine young man with the composure you have displayed. Probably a lady killer too with the face you got." She teased.
"I guess," I shrugged, taking the teasing head on, and she seemed astonished. She must have expected me to shy away instead.
She shook her head, laughing aloud, before realising, "Look, we're here."
"You are late" A lady with similar looks as the teenage girl frowned at the girl before noticing me, " And who might he be?"
"Ohh right" The girl, still laughing, asked," What's your name, kiddo?"
"Arisu." I chimed in.
"No surname?" The girl raised her eyebrows.
I shook my head.
"But your clothes." The girl softly muttered.
"My grandfather is Pakku." This girl asks too many questions.
"Do you mean the Master Pakku?" She asked in a shocked voice.
I nodded carelessly as her attitude was a welcome change from all the seriousness roaming in my home.
"But I don't remember Master Pakku ever having a child, much less a grandchild." She exclaimed as though she had just unearthed a juicy rumor to spread.
"Well, he adopted me," I told her.
"Adopted" This girl is too cheery to be from the northern water tribe. I wonder if her genes had a few air nomads parts.
"Jinho!!!", The lady who was most probably her mother abolished the girl for asking such sensitive questions from a child. She looked worried that I might feel sad with all the adopted shenanigans.
"It's fine. I don't like the old man that much anyway." I waved my hand, dismissing the heavy air with some humor.
The girl couldn't stop laughing, "Yeah, if Master Pakku is as strict as the humor, having him as a grandfather must be a pain in the ass."
"Maa, I will be back in a few minutes. I need to send this kiddo to the courtyard." Her mother waved her aside with a look that indicated, 'This is nothing new.'
"Cya, Arisu" I nodded at Jinho that passed me to the gatekeepers before skipping back to the market.
"Look at her, back to her cheerful personality." The guards talked fondly to each other.
"Her brother finally returned from the mission after all." The other guard remarked before addressing me.
"Come one, little guy. " He motioned me to walk inside while patting me on the back.
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The courtyard was full of activity already. You could see soldiers walking from here to there, completing tasks given to them.
There weren't many kids my age around right now. But a group of teenage boys could be seen training under the supervision of three military instructors.
There were no women in the courtyard because women were not allowed to fight in the northern water tribe. They were handicapping themselves, in my opinion, by excluding women, but who am I to interfere with their traditions at the time?
I approached the few other children my age who had been observing the teenager's practice synchronisation.
"So cool~" The running nose one exclaimed with stars in his eyes. Things like these remind me that this used to be an anime.
I wonder if his nose never stops leaking? Only time would tell.
"Heh, in a few years, we would be like them too, Gotao.", The brat beside him rubbed his nose proudly.
Before they could keep talking, the third one of the group noticed me approaching them and pulled on their shirts to make them aware too.
"Hmm", The proud brat posed like a detective with one hand on his chin and the other supporting the said hand.
"I have never seen you before. You must be new." No shit Sherlock.
I nodded, "Arisu."
"Nice to meet you, Arisu. I'm Hahn. This one is Gotao, and the shy one is Lee Shan." Ohh, a surname. Interesting that he was not the one leading the group.
This Hahn guy doesn't seem to be simple too. His clothing certainly was not worse than my own. The golden embroidery on his clothes was of higher quality than my red embroidery.
"Since you are new, I shall be helpful to you. If you need any help, ask me." Hahn punched his chest a few times.
"Hahn is one of the best of our age," Gotao added.
"Okay," I nodded before focusing on the teenagers too. Their fighting strategy was centred mainly on immediately putting their target under control. Most likely to handle a bender.
That reminded me.
"Where are the benders?" I asked Hahn since he so gladly offered his assistance.
"They don't train with us until the age of 16. Once you turn 16, we need to report to the wall where we first encounter benders and learn to fight alongside them. Before that, they are trained separately with the masters." He replied with a bitter tone.
I guess he feels bad that he was not capable of bending.
"Do they only train in hand-to-hand combat?" I pointed at the group.
"No, It's just their warm-up. They will then be able to train with weapons unlike us." Gotao sighed in grief.
"Come on, almost everyone is here already. Look, the instructor is coming. Follow me." Hahn exclaimed before running to the instructor. The other two tried to swiftly catch up to him.
I guess they expected me to follow too. But, I will just walk.
Since they ran all the way, they get to be in the front of the group beside the instructor, while I ended up in the second last row.
"You should stay away from Hahn. That guy is a narcissist." The kid beside me whispered to me. It seems like there were already different factions in the groups.
Should I be worried?
I nodded and patted the guy on the shoulder " Don't worry, Ron. I will be careful of Malfoy."
"What?" He made a confused face " My name is Xiao, not Ron."
"Ahh... yes, Xiao." I nodded before switching places with someone else. I had to bribe the guy with a sweet, but it was worth it.
*Clap* *Clap*
"My sweet little champs, how about we do some warm-up?" The instructor was a big bulky guy who should have been a hassle when teaching youngsters, yet he had a sweet smile that the kids liked.
As you could guess, the whole training was nothing but running and doing some simple things like punching the air or sit-ups.
After all, there was not much you could make 5 years old do without making them cry.
Overall, it was a waste of time, at least for me. I guess I'll have to train my body myself.
Best in my room because it would be crazy if someone found out that I know unknown martial arts.
Pakku doesn't stay at home most of the time and except for him, no one would notice the anomaly if I practiced during nighttime.
After our so-called training, two teenagers were tasked with bringing us to a nearby canal, where two young water benders waited for us on a ferry.
We were told to sit on the ferry because apparently, it was the job of young learning benders to ferry children from the courtyard to our classroom.
I noticed that Hahn was acquainted with the young benders and was casually talking with them. According to the body language of the bender, he was trying very hard to not make the kid sulk.
This kid indeed has a big background.