Chapter 5: Ways of the north

"How was school," Pakku asked at the dinner table.

"It was good. Made a few friends too." I gave the same reply.

"That's good. True friends would help you in times of need." Pakku said with a reminiscent tone.

"How would I know if they are true friends or not," I asked continuing the topic while also trying to behave like a child. Children are idiots that don't know much, that's why they ask lots of questions after all.

"That's not up to us to decide. Only time could answer that question. That is why you need to cultivate your friendship with a lot of people so at least a few prove to be true ones," Pakku chuckled.

"That seems like a lot of work," I grimaced causing others to laugh.

After dinner, I returned to my room while Pakku was summoned to the palace as usual.

"Let's begin," I made some space in the room before starting the warmup. I didn't want to focus on making muscles right now because it could hinder my height growth.

What I wished to do was to focus on making my body flexible and agile as childhood was the best time for it.

I believe in the philosophy of when you can dodge, why block?

My body was not built to take abuse from elemental bending which is why most of the time, I have to dodge.


(Narrator P.O.V.)

Next month, It is the full moon.

Everyone in the house was asleep except for Arisu.

He was sitting cross-legged on his bed, with his eyes closed and meditating. His face was peaceful with his breath coming out evenly.

Slowly his chest started to glow, projecting a picture of a being. The being was incomplete, one side of it was filled with intractable gibberish symbols and figures while the other was broken and empty.

It looked like the being was injured as the gibberish symbols and figures flew outside of his body like blood.

Gone was the peaceful expression on Arisu's face and it was replaced by a look of extreme pain. His breathing slowly turned uneven as the being projected on his chest expanded and contacted.

The gibberish symbols that should have made his whole body floated in irregular patterns trying to achieve something but constantly failing.

This went on for quite some time, the symbols still flowing out of the being's body like blood and melting into the void.

No matter how much they floated away, there was no end to them. It seemed as though the entity's body contained an infinite number of symbols, and even if millennia passed, the being would not run out of them.

Finally, Arisu's expression distorted and he fell unconscious ending this weird scene.


A few distances away from Pakku's residence, in the spirit pond situated inside the palace.

The ocean and moon spirits continued their unending dance of push and pull while accurately aware of the abundance of spirit particles present in their environment since 5 years ago.

Their spiritual sense could see the massive tremors generated in their vicinity an hour ago.

It has been Millenniums since they last felt tremors of such magnitudes. Only the primordial spirits such as the mother of faces, the force of darkness and chaos Vaatu, and the force of light and order Rava could demonstrate them.

Since they gave up their immortal form and chose to live in the mortal realm by giving up on the spirit realm, they haven't encountered beings like that except for the avatar, but the past avatars were unaware of their origin and their true potential.


*Next day

"Go and wake him up otherwise he would be late for his school," My mother said while entering the kitchen.

"Yes,  mother," I'm curious as to what he did the last time that made him sleepy. Arisu had never slept till late in the morning. He would always get up early without assistance, which is why today is so strange.

"I'm coming in, young master," I knocked just in case and waited for a few seconds.

"Young master?" I opened the door to find him on his bed with his eyes closed.

"How did he manage to sleep in this position? Very uncomfortable, it seems. I grumbled as I approached and saw that He wasn't sleeping.

"Young Master!!!?," I shook him up but he remain unresponding.

I quickly picked him up in my embrace and ran to my mother," MOTHER, SOMETHING HAPPENED TO ARISU!!!"

She dropped what she was doing and grasped his hand, focusing, "His heart is still beating, but at a reduced rate. Inform your father as soon as possible. GO…!"

I nodded and gave him to her before running to my father.


"How is he?" Pakku asked once he arrived at the healing ward.

"We are not sure, master Pakku. Lady Yagoda is still healing him and we are not allowed to enter lest we disturb her." The head servant told him how the events unfolded.

While they rushed him to the healing ward, he told another servant to run to the palace and inform their master.

Pakku nodded and waited, which is all he could do at the moment.

Yagoda soon made it outside after a few dozen minutes. Before gesturing for Pakku to follow her into a secure room, she nodded at everyone to reassure them that Arisu is safe.

"What happened to him?," Pakku asked if it was anything serious.

"He had internal bleeding in his chest; I don't know why. Normally, it results from severe trauma, but when I looked, I found no evidence that he had been hurt externally.", Yagoda's tone of voice was unsettling.

"This is concerning since it implies that there was an internal reason for the problem rather than an external one. His blood vessels might have been too thin."She groaned.

"Can something be done?" Pakku asked in a hopeful tone.

"Problems like this are hard to fix by healing because I can only heal the damaged to the original form, but he was born like this so this is the original for him. But there is a way." Yagoda smiled.

"Sometimes a healthy diet can prove to be more effective than even healing. Here is a list of ingredients that can help him fix this problem of his. I am not sure how many years it would take him but it would solve this problem of his completely without any adverse effect." She wrote down some plants and animal parts on a scroll and passed it to Pakku.

"What about now?" Pakku asked.

"You can take him home but he needs three days of bed rest to be perfectly well," Yagoda advised to which he nodded.


A few months later.

I entered the classroom and took my seat.

"You get sick quite often, don't you?" Asahi remarked after walking beside my seat.

"Can you blame me? I get to take leave from the school." I shrugged. I kept trying even though I know that result would be the same.

It isn't working at all, only causing me pain and internal bleeding every time the attempt fails. It is like running a computer using a broken operating system. It keeps crashing.

"Here. I kept notes." She casually passed me what I missed in my absence.

"If I don't know you that well, I would have thought you are seducing me." I joked causing me to get a kick on the leg from her before she returned to her seat and the class started.

You are reading story Avatar:Abstract entity at


A few months later.

"How do I look?" I asked Pakku who had just gotten out of changing room too.

"Like a brat," Pakku smirked while fixing his traditional dress's collar.

"Hey, that's rude." I huffed. "You are just jealous of my looks."

"Yeah, yeah. Now come we don't want to be late." He motioned me to follow him as we walked outside.

Today is Hanna's wedding. Usually, guests could come to the wedding according to their timetable but we have to be punctual.

Both of Hanna's parents have been serving Pakku for more than two decades and she also grew up in this household. Her parents requested Pakku to be the one that makes her and her husband take their oaths.

Her soon-to-be husband is a wealthy animal farmer.

We got on the small boat, already prepared in the small canal close to our house and I calmly sat down.

"Hold tight," Pakku remarked before he started to push the boat with his bending.


"You could have moved the boat a bit slower, you know? I almost got my clothes wet." Arisu complained as they got out of the boat after reaching the wedding venue.

"Blah blah blah, you talk too much nowadays," Pakku remarked enjoying this change. It seems his decision to send him among kids of his age was a correct one.

"Greetings…, Master Pakku," Everyone started to greet Pakku as they walked to the front.

Since Hanna's parents were just servants, the people at her wedding were not of high social standing.

She is only eligible for marriage to a wealthy man with a stable heritage and financial means because both of her parents are connected to Pakku and she is attractive.

Because Arisu caused the wedding to be postponed for several years, the bride and groom had the chance to get to know one another and fell in love despite the fact that this marriage, is arranged.

"Master Pakku, you are finally here," The bride's father and Pakku's head attendant greeted him with a happy face as he made way for him to reach the front where the ceremony would take place.

"Are we late?," Arisu questioned.

"No no, I was just worried that Master Pakku might get summoned to the palace." He smiled.

Pakku nodded, "I suppose. If all of the important people are already here, let's not put this off any further. It has already been delayed for a while." He glanced at Arisu.

"Yes, yes. Everyone is here."

Pakku nodded and climbed the stairs and took his position behind the water basin that was elevated at the waist height.

The groom was already standing on the left side of the water basin. Arisu took a seat in the front row.

Before long, the bride's father was at the door with the bride in hand. They slowly walked up to the front and then the bride took her place on the right side of the water basin.

Both bride and groom faced each other.

"We are gathered here today to witness Tofu and Hanna taking each other as their significant other under the watch of spirits above." Pakku started while pulling out a tiny bottle that he opened before dropping the spirit water inside in the water basin. 

"Today on the day of the full moon, I ask you, Tofu, do you under the eyes of spirits accept Hanna as your bride?" Pakku looked at the groom.

"I agree with my whole heart." He smiled at Hanna who blushed.

"Do you promise to keep your relationship with her as pure as the spirit water in the basin?" Pakku asked.

"Yes, I do. May the ocean and moon be witness to my oath." The groom replied.

Pakku nodded before turning to the bride.

"Today on the day of the full moon, as ask you, Hanna, do you under the eyes of spirits accept tofu as your bridegroom?," Pakku asked.

"...Yes. I do." Hanna blushed.

"Do you promise to be as strong as the ice when your husband needs your support?," Pakku asked.

"I do."

"Do you promise to be as adaptable as water, depending on the needs of your husband?" He asked.

"I do. I promise to be a good wife when he needs a life partner, and a good mother when he needs someone to raise his kids." Hanna smiled at Tofu.

"Then let the spirits be witness to your union. I announce you both as happily wedded. Now the groom may kiss the bride." Pakku announced causing everyone to stand up and clap as the newly wedded kissed.


Arisu was enjoying some food when someone asked," How are you doing, young master?"

Arisu turned to see Hanna and Tofu standing behind him.

"Good. Congratulations on the wedding." Arisu replied in the middle of chewing the mouthfuls in his mouth.

Hanna giggled," Thank you but you should finish chewing before speaking. You might get hiccups."

Arisu nodded before gulping the food altogether causing her to shake her head.

"So, umm you will be living with him, I guess." Arisu hesitantly smiled.

"Don't worry, you are always allowed to visit her, young master Arisu." Tofu joined the conversation.

"You bet I will, but the issue is that I can't get the lunch that she prepares for me every day." Arisu sighed in sorrow.

"By the way," Arisu motioned Tofu to lean down to his level which he did.

"You better take care of her real good because I am quite fond of her," Arisu told him causing Hanna to giggle.

"I will, I promise. Don't you remember, I just took the same oath to the spirits," Tofu patted arisu on the head.

"I don't care about spirit oath but you better keep the promise that you did to me. I might not be a bender but I still know 100 ways to make you regret if you don't." Arisu's threatening caused everyone that was eavesdropping on their conversation to laugh out loud.

(ED:- Cliche)


(Yahoo search: How to eat Tofu in hundred ways?)

(ED:- Sorry… Dear readers, I have some projects to complete, One got postponed to Monday thus I got time for editing.)

(ED:- What's the difference between a Pencil and a Feminist. The pencil has a point)((Author: That is true if we are talking about male feminists but if we are talking about female then there are some that know the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcomes.))