The calm sound of nothing passed through the streets of Morte. A sombre feeling that was a norm for the large gothic city. The night was just like any other night, it lasted the entire day. The moon was ever so close and bright. A fog covered the Victorian-like streets. Lights switched off and no life was in sight. The silence would soon be disrupted by a frantic sound of breathing. The heavy footsteps of running, and the fear-filled sound of panting. A heavy hit of notes echoed loudly across the city. The start of passionate playing followed suit.
As the moonlighting sonata played, the screams provided a certain melody. A melody so sweet that whatever lurked and hunted in the shadows, continued causing them. The young girl's scream only seemed to amplify. The sonata continued, growing intense by the note. Blood painted the alleyway walls. And when the screams died down, the moonlight shined on the tall figure standing there. Beautiful long white hair, complemented with porcelain skin and blood-red eyes. Fangs sharper than any blade poking ever so slightly from the lips. He wore a beautiful purple tuxedo that hugged his lean-built figure well.
A conductor's baton was placed gently in his cold palms, as he lifted his arms up into the sky. With his arms moving and the once solo piano peace now joined by an entire orchestra, he dropped his arms and the music halted. He brought his arms up again and a more dreadful peace started up again. The streets boomed with the symphony that represented death. His arms frantically moved across each other. The dead body below is now used as a stool for the blood-sucking conductor to use. The peace came to the highest point of its intensity before stopping completely.
Thus, the Blood Symphony had come to a beautiful end.
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