Chapter 31: Requiem- The Passion’s Requiem


Approximately 50,000 years ago, a meteorite crash-landed on Earth near an underpopulated region of Cape York, Greenland.

In 1978, a mineral excavation team uncovered an unknown virus within the rocks of the surrounding area and determined that it had been lying dormant inside the meteorite.

Despite extensive research, government doctors were unable to determine the alien virus's purpose outside of the total elimination of human life.

It was soon discovered, however, that certain people possessed a quality that enabled them to not only survive when exposed to the virus but gain supernatural abilities from it.

Several hundred years before the discovery of the virus, a man who wished to acquire the power of a god took material from the meteorite and fashioned it into Arrows.

The Arrows were lost to time until 1986, when an Egyptian team of archaeologists that included another young man uncovered six of them in Egypt.

The Arrows were eventually stolen by the young man, who sold five of them to an old woman. The six Arrows changed hands several times, with three notably falling into the hands of two people; falling in Kar's hands and one in DIO's hands.

The Arrows are a powerful item due to their ability to create Stand users and enhance Stand Abilities. The Requiem Arrow is the only unique one among the other six.

The Arrows were originally meteorites that contained an unknown virus, then reshaped into arrows. There are only three more Arrows that are unknown to DIO.

The Requiem Arrow looks similar to a Stand Arrow, but on the arrowhead, there is a beetle carving and a red stone on the beetle. This is the Arrow that DIO possessed in his right hand at this moment!



Open Status: {Showing "Main Stand Ability Limits". . .}


[The Passion] Abilities : Divination, Precognition, Ripple Transmission

- {Divination: Use cameras, televisions, and other things to perform a form of fortune-telling referred to as spirit photography.}

- {Precognition: Accurately foresee the detailed futures of any blood-related relatives, allowing the user to make their prophecies. It can predict actions from a few seconds later to events in the extremely far future. The ability is not limited to only immediate relatives for DIO. It allows him to foresee the future lives of even the incarnations of relatives in subsequent universes.}

- {Ripple Transmission: Can transmit and conduct any energy including Ripple/Hamon through the vines of The Passion.}


[The World] Abilities : Muda Barrage, Time Stop

- {Time Stop: 11 seconds for each time stop at max currently. Max 20 time stops in stamina. After training for over a year. About 18 months approximately.}



DIO brought out his second Stand, The Passion, in the form of a vine on his arm. After staring at The Passion and the Requiem Arrow, he finally decided. He held the Arrow in the air and launched it into his chest with an ear-piercing scream.


After the scream, a blinding light covered DIO's entire body. It looked as if DIO had become the sun itself, shining rays of light across the night. The entire city was surrounded by a glowing light for a few moments before the light started to slowly disappear.

After a few more seconds, the light dissipated and everything returned to normal. Jotaro was feeling better because his backup would have seen this beacon of light and wanted to investigate it.

DIO was just standing in the same place, looking at his body noticing nothing new has changed. He was also storing the Requiem Arrow in his body after using it.

He brought out his two Stands, The Passion Requiem and The World, looking to see if anything was different. DIO saw nothing new changed to their appearances, except that The Passion Requiem was glowing purple like a glowstick.

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"Jotaro, let me tell you a secret... The truth is I did not attack you because of my excitement to use the Arrow quickly, but now that I have it, there is no need to wait!" DIO said while looking back at Jotaro. He was already bringing out his knives and Boule Balls to attack.

Jotaro seeing this instantly came to a realization regarding DIO:

'If that bastard can transform his legs into bugs... Wouldn't that mean he can transform the bugs into something else... Shit! They are still inside my body!' Jotaro instantly knew he had to remove the insects in his body otherwise he would die before he realized it.

"Quick! Star Platinum!"

The sound of a clock being rewound and the familiar phasing sounds erupted as time became frozen.

[1 second. . .], [1 second. . .]


Instantly, Jotaro used his Stand, Star Platinum, to go inside his body and forcibly remove twenty beetles that were slowly turning into jellyfish inside of his neck.

The pincers that were spinning were already almost tentacles, meaning Jotaro was almost too late.

During this time, DIO noticed Jotaro slowly approaching him, wanting to settle this fight within 5 seconds.

[2 seconds. . .], [2 seconds. . .]

DIO saw this and decided to give a few words in response:

"Oh? You've decided to approach me? Once more, you wish to face the mighty DIO? Despite your partner, Kars, dying at my hands... he was nothing more than a desperate, pathetic little boy; no better than a student rushing to complete their exams before time has run out!"

"The thing is, I gotta get closer to beat the living shit out of you." Jotaro said in response to DIO.

"Then come as close as you'd like" DIO acknowledged as he started walking slowly towards Jotaro.

[4 seconds. . .], [4 seconds. . .]

As they drew closer to only a 1 meter distance, DIO brought forth The Passion Requiem in the form of a thorn crown...

"Now, Passion Requiem, use Gioconda!"

DIO took out a picture from his Pillar Man inventory and looked at it. This was the activation process needed to use his new Ability, Gioconda! As he looked at the photo from the Polaroid camera, DIO's Requiem Stand started to glow in a blinding light as everything seemed to disappear from his vision.

The entire city became illuminated around DIO as he is surrounded by more light.

It seemed as if Time itself was starting to shine in response to DIO using The Passion.


[5 seconds. . .], [5 seconds. . .]

DIO couldn't help but yell in excitement about what was about to happen!

"This is... Requiem!"

– Dio Joestar, Part 3: 1990?


――To Be Continued――>