The end of the camp was soon coming and one person was anxious about what to do. Luke had wanted to confess his feelings towards Charlotte but had no idea of what to do or if she even loved him. Though soon he felt a hand land on his shoulder and he turned to see who it was. Rin was there smiling at him. "What is wrong buddy? I can see you thinking seriously about something and even that is an accomplishment for you," Rin said with a joke at the end. Luke then punched him at the shoulder for that joke. Rin only laughed it off. Luke shook his head at having such a friend but smiled in the end.
"You see, I want to confess to Charlotte, but I do not know how to do it and if she even likes me," Luke said, really troubled. Rin just smiled at his predicament. "I can help you with the how but you must take the chance to tell her now or never because you don't know if she will be taken by someone else in the end," Rin said to him trying to hurry him up. "How would you know that she has feelings for me?" Luke asked, still worried. "Trust me, I know she has feelings for you," Rin smiled as he remembered the conversation he had with Charlotte an hour before this.
- 1 Hour Before
Charlotte was walking around trying to find Rin. When she was finally able to find him at the archery range she rushed over to him with questions on her mind. Rin seeing Charlotte come over, put his bow down. "What do you need?" Rin asked. "I need some advice," Charlotte said to him. Rin nodded and waited for her to speak.
"You see, I fell in love with Luke and I want to confess my feelings to him and hopefully he would have the same feelings but I don't know since my sisters are telling me to wait for him to act," Charlotte said confused. "Trust me, he has feelings for you and will probably ask you out sooner or later just wait a day or two," Rin said. Charlotte trusts him after being at death's door together.
- Flashback End
'I said a day or two but did not expect it to happen in the next hour' he chuckled as he thought. Luke did not ask how he knew but instead trusted him. "Then can I leave you on the place and time?" Luke asked. Rin nodded. Luke then thought of confessing the next day as Rin needed some time to finish setting up.
Rin on the other hand went to the forest and quickly used some of his strength to 'borrow' the land as he pulled the trees all the way till their roots and planted them somewhere else. He was attacked by many nymphs until they say him planting them back again and realized he was not hurting them. They soon saw him start to smooth out the dirt making it flat enough for chairs to not tilt. He then pulled a beautiful wooden table with flower designs and wooden chairs that had the same design but instead had some soft pillows to sit on. He then pulled out a small vase with silver roses. He then got some candles and placed them a good distance from the flowers. He then used his divinity to make the moonlight start to shine over here making it all seem heavenly. Happy with what he had done, he quickly covered it in an invisible barrier so no one could change upon it. The nymphs were entranced at such a beautiful set up and quickly broke out of it when it disappeared. They quickly turned to see Rin's details so they would not forget how he looks but he was already gone. This later led to the nymphs having a fan club for Rin as they fell in love with how gentle he was and how he was able to create such beautiful creations. Though that is a story for another time.
The day had passed and Luke manned up and walked towards the Athena cabin. He knocked three times and soon the door opened to show a tired face, and hair untamable. She looked at Luke and soon realized who it was and quickly dashed inside. She was blushing and trying to fix her hair and all the other girls in the cabin realized what was happening and quickly threw her some clothes and a breath mint in case. After only a minute passed she opened the door dressed in a silver dress with some black flower designs on the bottom. She then looked at Luke with the blush still visible on her cheeks. "What did you need Luke?" Charlotte asked with some hope in her voice. "I would like to talk about something important over dinner, I have a place already set if you agree, '' Luke said somewhat nervously. Charlotte's heart jumped hoping it was what she thought it was. "Yes I am okay with that," Charlotte said without any show of anxiety on her face. "Great, see you then," Luke said with a smile before turning and walking away. Charlotte went inside and was soon surrounded by screeching girls all congratulating her.
Evening soon came and Luke was walking towards the Athena cabin. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt with some black pants, while his shoes were black nikes with blue lining. 'I am so glad I can change them however I want, thanks dad' Luke thought to himself. He then finally reached the door and knocked. The door slowly opened to reveal Charlotte in a beautiful white dress, her hair in a ponytail with a white flower hair tie. She was smiling as she was really happy at what could happen. Though she was scared at first, Rin told her not to be afraid and reassured her.
Luke soon led them to the place Rin had made for the two. Charlotte was astonished by how beautiful it was. Luke then being a gentleman pulled the chair back for Charlotte and helped her sit down before he sat down. They then ate and had some small talk with each other. When they finally finished they were in awkward silence. Luke then saw Rin in the bush behind Charlotte and motioned for him to go on. Luke gulped and nodded. "Charlotte, we have known each other for a while and have gone through danger together and I had a question," Luke said nervously. Charlotte felt her heart beat crazily hoping for certain words to come out. "Will you go out with me?" Luke finally said through all of his nervousness. Not even a second had passed before Charlotte barrelled into him with a smile. "YES!!" she said with tears of joy in her voice. Luke then looked at Rin in the bush and worded with his mouth 'Thank you'. Rin only nodded and quickly walked away leaving the new couple their own privacy.
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