Chapter 9: The Testament of Arela Hawks, Chapter Three

The streets of Gold city were so crowded, so cluttered, it was almost surreal. I hadn’t been there before, but I heard the stories, a city made of Brass but painted gold. It was poetic in a way, something so ugly trying to look so beautiful. There were bigger cities in Haven, but perhaps none as infamous as this. Trying to find my way, I looked at the scrap of paper in my hand, directions sprawled in barely legible handwriting, and tried to make heads or tails of my surroundings. “Oh Miki it’s no use, I’m never gonna find this place!” 

“Don’t say that my dear, we’ve only just arrived, don’t give up now!

my familiar encouraged me from inside her carta.

I fidgeted with the welding goggles atop my head and growled. “But these directions just don’t make sense!” Throwing the paper to the metal floor I crushed it beneath my foot.

“You’re overreacting sweetie, just take a moment to breathe and we’ll figure it out together.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” I blushed, and picked the now torn and stained piece of paper back up, “We’ve been looking for that jerk for three years now, and it’s just so frustrating!”

“If it’s true that this Karakahl person knows him, then  she must know where he is,” she assured me, “So don’t you worry your cute little head, my sweet, because our search is nearly over!”

I smiled and nodded, closing my hand in a triumphant first. “You’re right Miki, we’ve got this in the bag!”

A group of men glared at me, seemingly speaking to myself in the middle of the street, their gaze piercing through me like a knife. 

“Perhaps we should not be so open with our conversing sweetie,” Miki suggested.

“Yeah, I forgot about that,” I hid my face in my arm and ran to a nearby alley to escape their dirty looks. 

Witches were most likely not uncommon this far out in Haven, but they were also most likely not as welcomed as they were back home. Not that we were exactly welcomed there either, just more tolerated. Whether it was obvious I was a Witch Bride or not, I realized it was best to keep a lower profile. Of course now comes the issue of navigating this behemoth of a city. 

I turned down the backside of the alley and onto another congested street corner, “Ahhhh Everything looks the same!” I ruffled my hair, the faux gold buildings and flashing lights all blending together around me.

“Perhaps we should find a place to rest and gather our senses?” Miki suggested.

“Yeah, that would be a good idea,” I took a deep breath, and focused on finding a diner or pub of some sort. 

I stared in awe at the gas filled light up signs, remembering the excitement I felt when we got our own for the shop back home. There were so many, but I couldn’t really tell what they said, till I spotted one flickering in and out, with the words ‘Gunners Heaven Pub and Grill’ just beneath a shape that crudely resembled a smoking gun. I steeled my nerves, resigned to enter, and walked through swinging double doors. 

Stepping on in, I made a loud whimper as the doors swung back and smacked me, more than a few patrons instantly looking up with glares. I chuckled, sweat running down my head, the urge to run away nabbing at the back of my mind, but then I’d probably never find my way. So instead I walked up to the bar, my legs wobbling every step.

“Can, can I get a glass of water please?” I managed to squeak out, as a gruff, poorly dressed bartender eyed me up.

“Sixty Ylda, up front,” he demanded.

“But the menu says twenty,” I squeaked, pointing to a chalkboard.

“Not for your kind.” he pointed to the brand around my navel.

 “You mean...Oh, okay.” I held back the tears welling in my eyes, and placed the sixty Ylda on the table, the bartender snatching it up almost instantly. I’ve only got thirty Ylda left, I tried hard not to cry, though I didn’t know when I’d be able to make more money. A moment later the bartender brought me my water, the glass was speckled and stained, and the water inside was clearly full of dust. I decided it was best not to argue, believing the next glass would have been worse. My hand shook as I brought the glass to my lips, and drank from the dirty cup. Sediment lingered on the bottom after I gulped down every last drop, I really wished  I had a personal water filter. Sighing, I placed the glass down, and worked up the nerve to ask for directions, “Excuse me sir, but would you be able to tell me where to find the Angel Kiss Manor?”

He cocked his brow, and huffed. “A girl like you wont get much work there,” he stated rudely.

“No, I didn’t mean... the proprietor is a family friend,” I explained.

“Seems like a bad investment, but whatever.” he shrugged, trying my patience, and my self esteem. “Go down the street to the left at the barbers, then turn left again when you get to the arms shop, then walk straight a couple minutes, before turning right at the tailors one more time and it will be a big red and white building with golden doors.”

“Thank you,” I said, walking out without exchanging another word. Following the man’s directions I eventually found myself standing in front of the building in question, though it certainly took more than just a couple minutes. 

A big scary looking man stood next to a creepy, much smaller man. They allowed some people in, while turning others away. I really didn’t want to talk to them, but I wasn’t getting in unless I did. My stomach ached as I approached, maybe it was my nerves, or that dirty water I drank, though probably it was both.

“Welcome to the Angel Kiss manor, where sin and abso...Oh I’m sorry but no children allowed, miss,” He stopped mid sentence. His words stabbed me, did I really look like a kid to him? I’m an adult!

“But I need to see Lady Karakahl!” I raised my voice, surprised at my own boldness.

“Is that so?” he sounded unenthused, “many people come for Lady Karakahl, what makes you special?

“Wasn’t there some sort of password?” Miki reminded me,

“Oh right!” I un-crumbled the wadded up paper and read the words, “I’ve missed an angle, but now I want to haste the bliss of a lemon?”

The man sighed at my perceived ineptitude, and motioned for me to enter, “Close enough...”

I bowed my head and stepped past the two guarding the door, where a pretty lady wearing a funny costume of feathers and frills smiled at me.

“Come this way sweetie, lady Karakahl has been waiting for you,” she took me by the hand and walked me down the extravagant looking halls of the manor. I blushed as I heard naughty sounds coming from all sorts of directions. I had been told it was a brothel, but honestly I don't think I could have prepared myself for the things I heard. I shut my eyes tight, holding onto my guide's hand hoping I wouldn’t stumble along the way.

“Perhaps this place is too intense for my pure sweet Reli?” Miki teased me.

You are reading story The Witch Queen’s Gospel at

“I’m old enough,” I insisted, “It’s just awkward when other know...”

“You’re too adorable, sweetie. I love you so much,” I couldn’t see her, but I knew she had a wide grin on her face. The manor had a strange smell to it, it wasn’t bad, in fact I liked it. Though I’m not sure what to compare it to. It wasn’t fruit, though there was definitely a naturalness to it, mixed with some kind of smokiness, like clouds of just good smells. I’m sorry Mr. Ada, I don’t think I’m very good at describing things…

“Here we are, love,” The pretty lady said, stopping us suddenly. I opened my eyes to see a decorative pair of doors, the details carved into them were really impressive. The wood was carved in a way that resembled a large gate, with painted clouds behind its bars.

“Seventh Heaven huh? Seems this Karakahl is kind of full of herself if you ask me,” my familiar said, sourness in her voice.

I pushed the door open, struggling a little due to its weight, and walked into what appeared to be some kind of throne room. Straight ahead of me, on a big crimson bed, sat a mature dark skinned woman with furry ears, playfully running her fingers along a young man’s back. 

“Oh a Ferael, don’t see many of their kind back home,” Miki stated. I had never thought of it, but I really never met a Ferael when I lived in the fifth circle. I was trying not to stare, but I always thought that people were joking when they said Ferael women had six breasts. They were not joking.

“Excuse me, my little songbird, but I have company,” the woman said, leaving her partner on the bed as she walked over to me. “Hello my little dear, and who might you be?” The gorgeous woman asked. I trembled a little, and stuttered trying to answer her. Every step she took closer to me was filled with grace and precision, there was no doubt in my mind that this was the woman I had been told of, the ‘Arch-angel of Gold City’. 

I gulped and answered, “Um, my name is Arela Hawks, but you could just call me Reli, My father is…”

“Reli, I like it, it’s an adorable name for such an adorable girl,” she said pinching my cheek, “to think Orlandis would have such a cute daughter. Oh just look at those freckles, you’re so precious.”

My cheeks turned red, partly from the pinching, though mostly from embarrassment, “Lady Karkahl, my father told me to seek you out if I was ever in need of help.”

“Ah yes dear, I’ve actually been expecting you.” She circled around me, giving me the feeling of a field mouse being toyed with by a cat. “Though, before I can help you, I’d like to ask that you do me a favor.”

“A, a favor?” I cocked a brow.

“Yes love, I simply ask that you join my coven,” she stopped behind me and placed her arms around my neck, resting her chin atop my head. “Join my family, and we will keep you safe.”

“Your coven? But why me?” I was shaken, surely such a powerful witch as her would have no need for me.

“You are a Successor, you do know that right?” She held me tighter, her sweet perfume filling my senses. I could feel my body growing warm, not in a bad way, in fact it felt really good.

“Because Michael was one of the witch queens' familiars, right?”

“Yes, it is something you and I share in common, and it is something that could make us both high profile targets for the church.” Her hands began to caress my belly, the cramps from drinking that awful water disappearing almost instantly. 

“So your familiar must be the Ram?”

“That is correct,” A woman with wool and horns appeared in a hazy puff of smoke. She was small and delicate looking, with friendly eyes and an inviting smile. 

“She is my Judigael, though you may call her Gentle in this form of course.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, bride of Michael,” She took my hand and kissed it, sending a soothing calm sensation through me.

“How is it you came to learn of us?” Michael revealed herself, her plant-like body taking form next to me, her eyes staring into the other familiar’s with suspicion.

“There are many songbirds I have to call on. Stroke their feathers properly and they will sing, your father was once one of them.” Kara chuckled a sultry tone in her voice. She released me and stood beside her familiar, “and I must applaud you for deducing that I were Judigael’s bride,” 

“My father was fascinated by the Witch Queen, he told me all about her familiars and their powers,” I answered honestly, “it was either the Ram or the River considering you healed my stomach ache when you held me.”

“Oh your father was right about you, such an intuitive young girl!” She clapped her hands together, “now sweetie, let us discuss terms.”

“Okay, you want me to join your coven, and I want to know everything you know about the Pirate Deadman Jack,” I said, feeling strangely confident.

“Yes, yes, of course I will confide in you the secrets that I know,” she waved her hand, “but before we make this official, I must ask something of you.”

“You mean more than joining your family?”

“Yes sweetie, you see, even if you are a Suitor, I can’t just allow anyone into my coven. If you were not capable, then what would I gain?” Her words were honest, and harsh, “so I have a bit of a test for you.”

“And what is this test you intend to put my lover through?” Michael took a threatening stance, “you better not place her in any harm, lest I bring my wrath on you.”

“Still a warrior through and through, Michael the Sower,” Gentle chided her, “Have faith in my lady, she would not ask for anything the two of you could not handle,” she said in her sweet voice.

“I have the utmost faith in you, but all coven’s come with a price. It was not I who decided such things, but has been so since the first Witches emerged from the wastes and founded this society.” Kara smiled and looked at me with her crimson eyes, “So please put your mind at ease. With your power you can accomplish more than you may know.” It may sound odd, yet her words really did bolster confidence in me, though perhaps that was some strange side effect of her magic, either way, I smiled back at her and nodded in confirmation.

“Alright, I’m in, what do I need to do?”

“Reli?” Miki seemed shocked.

Kara’s teal painted lips stretched into a wide, scarily beautiful smile, “That’s the spirit!”