Chapter 79: Chapter 27: Returning To Camp

When school had ended and summer vacation had once again come up, a lot of people returned to camp Half-Blood. Though there were two girls looking at the entrance as if waiting for someone. One had black hair, striking blue eyes, snow white skin, while wearing some blue jeans and a plain black shirt. The second one had blonde hair, intelligent gray eyes, slightly tan skin, while wearing a red shirt with light blue jean shorts. These were Thalia and Annabeth both waiting for a certain someone to enter through the entrance. Then a boy around 5 feet tall walked in. He was wearing a black and white jacket, some black jeans, and some white adidas. Though what really made him stand out was his skin being whiter than snow, his eye being different colors, the left eye being golden and the right being sky blue, his hair being white on the right side and black on the right, and the final thing was two wolf ears standing proud on his head, the left one being white and the right one being black. This boy is an 11 year old Rin.

When they both saw him, they started to run towards him with all they got. Rin seeing them come barreling towards him could only smile. Though he soon realized how fast they were coming at him and tried to tell them to slow down but was too late as they cannon balled into him and knocked him down to the ground. Annabeth was rubbing her face on his chest as if he were the softest pillow. Thalia on the other hand grabbed his hand and wrapped it around her waist and got as close as she could. Rin could only smile at their cute antics to get close to him. Though he could not do anything about it and had to sit there for a few minutes until they were satisfied.

They finally let him get up but only to bombard him with some questions. Where he was, what he did, did he get hurt, did he meet any new friends, and did he get close to any girls. Though the last one they said like they were ready to find the girls he spent his time with and chase them down. He only gave vague answers to all the questions which led to them pouting and ignoring him for a minute. Though he calmed them down by giving them a headpatt. Though little did he know this was making them slowly addicted to his headpats and also making them fall more in love with them.

Rin soon comes across a worried centaur. “Hey Chiron, what is wrong?” he asked. Chiron soon realized Rin was here. “Hello Rin, it is nice to see you came back to camp,” Chiron greeted. “So what is going on?” Rin asked once again. Chiron then looks anxious to say anything but soon gives in. “You see, demigods are being killed more and more often and none of our groups can reach them quick enough to bring them back to camp,” Chiron tells him. “ If this keeps happening then we will soon run out of campers to come to camp and make this camp useless to the gods, effectively ending the funding we had, meaning no more safe place for demigods,” Chiron explained the dire situation.

Rin was then in deep thought as he remembered a group of people he saved on his vacation. “I have a solution,” Rin said. Chiron instantly grabbed his shoulders and looked at him seriously. “What is your solution?” Chiron asked as if Rin’s next words were a prophecy themselves. “I was able to save around 40-50 demigods during my vacation,” Rin said to him. The three of them were left in disbelief when they heard he saved at least 40 demigods. “They are currently in a small mansion I bought around 25 miles away,” Rin said to them. Chiron said nothing but signaled to some of the satyrs to go and check the place that was said and bring back the people inside safely. 

After half an hour, the satyrs were able to return with 45 people all of different ages. Some were children from the ages 10-12, though most of them were teenagers from the ages of 13-16 years old. Rin just smiled since they were able to make it safely. Though when they saw Rin standing there they all ran towards him and slightly lowered their heads. “Thank you Mr.Fang for protecting us and helping us reach the safe haven you spoke of,” They all said, though the little ones messed up a lot. Every satyr and camper there realized Rin was the one who saved this whole group and realized how amazing he was to be able to do this with no casualties. This led to the spread of the legend of how Rin was able to save 100 people without any casualties and bring them back unharmed. Though it was exaggerated many of the women believed it and started the Rin chase once again.

A/N: How Rin looks like. Thanks to for drawing such an amazing piece of art.

I am feeling better, thank your for your concern.

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