Chapter 91: Chapter 39: Back At Camp

Rin had spent the rest of the months he had playing, touring, and enjoying his time together with his lovers. Though they soon had to return back to camp. Hestia had been called back as something important was happening. Lilith was just enjoying sleeping as both her and Rin had a ‘Small duel’ last night.

Rin, Thalia and Annabeth walked through the entrance only to see many girls already there as if waiting for someone. When the girls saw Rin, they all welcomed him back and told him to come by their cabins for a gift they prepared. Rin just smiled and quickly ran away. The girls tried to follow him but they did not see where he ran.

Rin was currently walking towards the cabins but soon saw Chiron having a worried look. Rin walked over to him with a smile. “What happened?” Rin asked him. Chiron looked at Rin. “It is nice to see you are back,” Chiron said. “As for what happened…” Chiron hesitating to say. “What?” Rin said, now becoming more serious. Chiron then sighed, deciding to tell him. “Charlotte and Luke had gone on a quest but were surrounded by 100 cyclops, the cyclops said they wanted Luke to come with them,” Chiron started. “Luke refused at first and they fought the hardest they could but Charlotte was heavily injured and tired,” Chiron continued. “Luke, seeing that he was not going to be able to win, said that he would follow them as long as they spare her and take her back to camp half blood, and the cyclops staying true to their word let her live and brought her back,” Chiron finished.

Though soon after he finished he felt a pressure fall upon him. This pressure was stronger than all of the big three combined and was close to making Chiron faint. Chiron saw Rin’s face of pure anger and realized that he was letting off such a pressure. ‘How much hatred must he have to give off such pressure’ Chiron thought. Rin then calmed down and turned to the entrance. Though before he could walk off Chiron stood in front of him. “What do you think you are doing?” Rin said eerily. Chiron felt as if he was on death's door just from hearing those words. “You can not go, it could be a trap and it could lead to the death of Luke,” Chiron said, trying to reason with him. “Nothing works against absolute strength,” Rin said, ready to walk forward again.

Though they were both stopped as they heard some worried voices. “You must heal!” a woman's voice sounded from the staff's cabin. Rin, guessing it was Charlotte, quickly rushed towards the room they were in. When he rushed in there and saw how Charlotte was acting just steeled his resolve.

Charlotte was on a bed trying to get up with tears in her eyes. Her legs and arms were wrapped in bandages, her face all battered up though she kept on trying. Everyone else in the room was trying to stop her. Though she would not listen to them and kept trying to get up while screaming “I must save him, if it weren’t for me he would not have been captured!” 

Rin walked towards her and just stood at her side. “Do not worry, I will go and get him for you,” Rin said before putting his hand on her head and using some mana with it to calm her down and put her to sleep. Everyone around could only look at him with awe as he was able to calm down Charlotte with a single touch.

Chiron seeing Rin steeling himself could only sigh as it would be a tough fight. Though soon after a camper came up to him and said that the Oracle had spoken of a prophecy. It had to do with Luke.

The one whose fate changed captured

The full moon is the time

On the highest peak

Corrupted by their touch

Will friend soon become foe

Chiron soon realized what this prophecy meant. They had captured Luke to corrupt him and make him become their ally. Chiron could not let this happen and looked at Rin. “How sure are you of rescuing him?” he could only ask. “100%,” Rin said confidently. “Ok you will go on this quest with 2 others of your choosing,” Chiron said. “I will be sending you on an airplane to mount Everest which takes 5 days to reach there, leaving you with only 2 days to save him,” Chiron explained. Rin just nodded and started his way towards the two people he wanted on his team. Thalia and Annabeth who were at the forest talking to each other were surprised at how Rin just barged in on them and told them the situation and they agreed immediately. They then left the camp as quickly as they could.

Sorry for the late updates. I will be posting three chapters today for my mistake. 

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