We entered the makeshift lab, hesitantly, when a blur swung at me from behind the door.
Immediately, Parkman shoved himself between me and my attacker, almost as if he'd known about it.
"Oh right, he can read minds." I muttered.
He must have sensed the attacker's intent before we entered and prepared for it.
Why he didn't tell me about it was beyond me. But then again, I won't see him again after today, so I saw no point in complaining.
At least he saved me from what looked like a microscope to the head
"Dr. Suresh. That's an awfully rude welcome for your guests, now isn't it?" I said, sitting down on a chair by his desk.
"I won't let you kill her!" He shouted, face sweaty.
Very sweaty.
How did he even get this sweaty in a completely air conditioned lab?
Some mysteries, I suppose, aren't meant to be solved.
"We aren't here to kill anyone." I assured.
"You just killed two people out there!" He protested.
"In my defense, they shot first and also, they killed two of our comrades. So sweet justice, wouldn't you agree? An eye for an eye."
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!" He replied, pushing off Parkman.
"True. But when someone pokes out your eye, and you don't do the same, they realise you are a little bitch, and they poke out your other eye too. Now you're blind and they have both of their eyes. Then, they can easily kill you. That is how nature works, Suresh. It's cruel, but it is reality.
Although, believe me in this, I didn't come here to kill anyone." I said.
Not when they can be useful to me.
Though that, I left unsaid.
"Then what are you here for?" He asked.
"For her." I said, pointing at the curtained off section of the room behind him.
"Molly Walker, that is her name isn't it? A clairvoyant, and the core of the company's new tracking system.
She can't be allowed to be company property. Not if we hope to live in peace. So here's my offer Suresh.
You want powers, don't you?"
"Yes. But what does that have to do with this." He asked.
"I have the formula for the superpower serum. I can give it to you." I said, pulling out the half of the formula from my suit pocket.
"This.... it's legitimate!" He said, "A breakthrough. I've been working on it for years but now.... Where is the other half? I need to see it!" He cried with a manic look in his eyes.
"In due time, Dr. Suresh. All in due time. But only if you join me in this. Take Molly, come with me. Let's destroy the company together!" I replied, extending him a hand.
He hesitated, looking at the formula, then at Molly behind the curtain, and then back at me.
Finally he extended his hand, albeit gingerly, and accepted the offer.
"Fine." He said, "But I won't experiment on children or indulge in unethical practices."
"I wouldn't have made you do that, either way. Why bother after all? We have the formula. No need for testing. It's already been tried and tested by the company 30 years ago, when they manufactured it alongside the Shanti Virus." I said, dropping the bombshell.
"Wait, the company already had this formula? And they still made me run around in circles, chasing my tail!" He raged, pounding the desk, "And you said something about the Shanti Virus? Are you saying the company made it too?"
"Yes. They made it with your father's help. How do you think your sister got the virus in the first place? It's not a naturally occurring disease, you know?" I explained.
"This ...explains so much. It was all in front of me this whole time and I just couldn't connect the dots. This is why he never talked about his career. This is why he had the genetic tracker code on his file. My whole life...is a lie!" He shivered, no doubt experiencing extreme cognitive disonance.
Dr. Chandra Suresh, his father was one of the lead scientists who participated in the first tests on superpowered individuals in the late 60s and headed the development of the superpower serum.
But on the side he was also a shitty and distant father.
Hold on, I sense a trend here.
This show really just went all in on the daddy issues huh?
You are reading story In This Corner Of The Multiverse at novel35.com
Every character had a different flavor of shitty dad, Claire even had two!
"Look, you can sulk and whine later, but right now, we need to get out of here before any more guards show up. And we need to get Molly somewhere safe. Are you in or not?" I pushed him for an answer.
"I...fine I am in. Let's go. I know a backdoor out of here." Mohinder said.
He picked up an unconcious Molly and handed her to Parkman before gathering his research, and stiffing it into his coat, making to leave.
"Wait." I stopped him, "Before we go, I think someone else wants to come with us too.
Isn't that right, Micah?" I asked, turning to computer.
It bleeped on as I said that, a face appearing on it's screen.
"Are you with Mr. Lindermann? Did he send you to take me somewhere else?" The screen wrote out.
"No. We are here to save you. Take you back home, to your mom. We hate Lindermann too. That's why we came here today. To save you and Molly, so Mr. Lindermann can't use you for evil. We're heroes!" I explained.
The face on the screen winced and went silent for a moment. Then new words appeared on screen.
"Will you really take me back to my mom?" he asked.
"Yes. If you know where she lives, sure. You know the address back home don't you, Micah?"
"Yes." He wrote.
"Good. Meet us at the back entrance, kiddo. Let's get you both outta here." I said, gesturing the two to move out.
Mohinder led us out the back door, to an elevator marked employees only.
He began to input a code when suddenly the machine scrambled his attempt, and raised a green signal.
The elevator doors opened, revealing a small boy within them.
"Hello there!" I said, kneeling to his level, offering him a form handshake, "I'm Jay Walker, time traveler and part time hero. You must be the amazing Micah Sanders! Nice to meet you."
"Yep." He said, smiling, and shook my hand, "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Hero. Come on in. It leads all the way to the parking lot."
We got in and he put his hand to the controls, closing the door and leading us down to the car park.
Getting out of the lift, we looked around for a vehicle, when Micah walked up to one and unlocked it.
"This one. It's automatic." He said, hopping in.
"Thanks, Micah." I said, ruffling his hair, as we took our seats.
"Mohinder, you drive. We're going back to your apartment. We'll keep Molly there so you can treat her, while me and Parkman take Micah back home. That okay with you?" I asked.
Mohinder nodded, taling the helm as he led us back to his apartment. We parked the car a few block away, to avoid being caught when the car is reported stolen, before walking the rest of the way to his apartment.
As we entered the 'lobby', which was just the backalley entrance to his apartment via the emergency exits, I spotted a familiar face exiting the stairway, coming face to face with us.
"Agent Hansen.....long time no see!" I said, sarcastically.
"We met just....nevermind." She said, shaking her head, "I met Dr. Suresh like you said, but I don't think he knows where Sylar is. Are you sure he is the one?" She asked, galncing at the group behind me.
"Who are they? Is that little girl.." She asked, but I interjected.
"Hold on. You met Dr. Suresh? When? Where?" I asked.
She took a look at my face and hesitated.
I have a bad feeling about this.
"....just now. In his apart...ment."
Putting together the clues, she stuttered for a bit, as she looked at Suresh behind me.
"You my father? But he's been dead fo-" Mohinder asked, unknowingly, before it clicked for him too.
Suddenly, Parkman fell to his knees clutching his head, glancing upwards sharply at Mohinder's apartment.
And we all came to the same conclusion, when we saw those eyes in the curtains, bloodlust dripping from their cold cores.