Rin soon opens his eyes only to see a woman with fierce looking eyes looking straight at him. At first Rin was surprised but soon realized where he was as he has gone through such things time and time again thanks to his endless reincarnations. Artemis was looking at the baby that had white and black hair, a sky-blue right eye, and a light golden left eye. They were so unique that it made her stunned at how beautiful they looked.
After staring a bit longer she thought of what she would do. 'Him being my son would most likely mean many gods would chase him down and kill him as he was never meant to be born, but I can't allow that as he is innocent and is my very first child' she thought to herself. She then remembered one goofy, sometimes crazy, but most likely caring brother she has. She quickly starts to teleport to the domain of her brother. Though said brother quickly appeared out of nowhere and had what looked like a bow made from the sun itself aimed at Artemis and Rin.
"Who dares trespass on my do- sister!!?" Apollo was saying dominantly before realizing it was his sister holding what seemed to be a small package. "What are you doing here?" Apollo asked genuinely confused as he would always remember exactly when her sister was going to visit. "I have a problem," she said before looking at the package in her arms. Apollo realized it would be best to go inside to talk. "Follow me," he said. While he just walked a few steps before disappearing which Artemis soon followed.
Soon they appeared in what looked to be a mansion that seemed to be pretty modern. "What is this place?" Artemis said looking around surprised not to see millions of statues of her brother. "This is what I like to call my resting home, as it is pretty much where I go to get away from godly matters and just relax and chill," said Apollo nonchalantly. Artemis was surprised at seeing her brother being humble for once. "So what did you come here for again?" Apollo asked, snapping her out of her daze. "Ah, yes this is the reason," Artemis told him as she pointed to the package in her arms. "What is the- Great Olympus Artemis, Is this A Child!?!?!?" Apollo practically yelled. "Yes, and no I am still a virgin," Artemis explained. "Then how?" Apollo was relieved that her sister did not break her maiden vow. "By essence mixing against my will," she explained. "WHO DARES-" Apollo was angry but was interrupted by his sister. "I don't know who but when I figured out who it was," She said while smiling but to Apollo it seemed as if Hades himself was smiling in front of him. "Either way, he is innocent and had no choice in being born," she said with a warm motherly smile. Apollo could only smile seeing her sister have such a warm smile for the first time ever. She then looks at Apollo. "Will you please take care of him for me?" she asked hesitantly. Apollo was surprised to see her sister trust him with such and important task. Apollon then picked up little Rin and smiled. "Of course, just make sure to come by once in a while as he is your child not mine," He said. Artemis looked uncomfortable but still nodded.
Then little Rin decided to join in on the conversation but could not really speak. "Ughaaa," was what all that came out of Rin's mouth. This had made the twins look at him. Rin just looked back at them with his wide eyes. Artemis looked surprised as she saw wolf ears unfurl from Rin's hair. One was black while the other white. Apollo then thought of something. "If he has wolf ears then he must..." Apollo trailed off as he picked up little Rin and turned him around only to find a black tail that was tipped with white. Rin, feeling discomfort having his body moved as a baby decided to push Apollos' hand away. Apollo, seeing this, laughed. "Hahahaha, you are still to-" was all Apollo could say as Rin started to push his hand away from him even though his stats were weakened due to him being in a baby's body. This completely stunned the twin gods. "Well aren't you something," said a voice coming from the door. Both twins turned to see a tanned woman with slightly red hair and kind sapphire eyes looking at the baby.
Apollo quickly stood up and materialized his bow and aimed it at the woman. "Hestia, what are you doing in my domain," Apollo said domineeringly. "I came here just to deliver some fried chicken you asked me to make," she said matter of factly. Apollo coughed embarrassingly as he slowly dematerialized his bow while slowly grabbing the bowl of fried chicken. "So who is this little fellow," she said walking over to Rin but could not get close as Artemis was protecting him. Hestia looked confused before she seemed to sense Artemis's divinity coming from Rin. "Artemis don't tell me," she said while completely surprised. Apollo then explained everything as Artemis started to relax as she saw her brother trusts her. Soon Hestia promised to keep this a secret as long as she could help take care of Rin. Apollo quickly agreed as it meant being able to eat more of her delicious food. Little did he know someone who had 5 times her skill in cooking was right in front of them in the form of little Rin.
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