Chapter 133: Chapter 29: Chasing A Minor God

Rin soon walked outside of the camp and saw Luke and Charlotte standing next to a very beautiful woman. She had green hair, amber colored eyes, while wearing what seemed to be a dress made of flowers. He soon walked up to them and got a closer look at how beautiful the girl looked. “Who is ms. beautiful here?” Rin asked. The girl just humphed and turned her head around. “This girl right here is Daphne the Dryad,” Charlotte said slowly to let her words settle in. Though Rin did not react at all to her words, disappointing her. “Oh so you're that Daphne, well then nice to meet you, so Luke what is the game plan,” Rin said as he quickly ignored Daphne. Daphne was shocked by his attitude but was soon enraged as she misunderstood him, and figured that he thought she was not important. “Well she will be our guide,” Luke said while pointing at Daphne. Daphne then raised her chin and puffed out her chest to show she was someone needed. Though was soon surprised as Rin just nodded before pulling out his katana before swinging it at her. Daphne quickly raised her hands to protect herself. ‘Is he really that petty to kill me?’ Daphne asked herself, waiting for the blade.

Though after seconds have passed she felt nothing happened. She then slowly opened her eyes only to see Rin putting away his sword. “Why did you attack me!!” Daphne yelled at Rin. Charlotte quickly held her back before she did anything she would regret. “Daphne!!” Luke said enraged. Daphne, and Charlotte flinched as they had never heard Luke this mad before. “Look at the bottom of your feet before accusing anyone,” Luke said viciously since she dared to accuse his best friend. “Calm down Luke, she did not know,” Charlotte said, trying to calm him down. Luke calmed down soon after hearing her words. Daphne then looked at both of them confused. “Look at your feet Daphne,” Charlotte told her. Daphne listened and she saw some glowing green and red birds which for a certain were poisonous. They were all cut in half and were soon turning into golden dust. Daphne then realized that she was just protected by the person she accused of attacking her. Daphne then looked towards Rin only to see he did not care for her accusations, only making her feel even worse. She opened her mouth to say sorry but no sound came out of her mouth. She then just lowered her head again. Luke was going to get mad again seeing she did not apologize but calmed down as he saw she regretted her actions. “Let’s move,” Luke said gruffly.

They were then on a wild god chase for about an hour as Aristaeus was also able to slightly sense them and was running from them. When a whole day was about to go by just chasing the god, Rin had had enough of the cat and mouse game. He then pulls out a bow with what seemed to be made of stygian iron. He then shot it in the sky. Soon enough they heard a scream of pain. The trio looked at him with questioning looks. “Let’s go catch us a god,” Rin said as he started walking towards the scream of pain. Daphne and Charlotte looked completely stunned while Luke was shaking his head as he already knew how strong Rin was. They then come back to their senses and soon follow Rin.

They soon came across a wounded Aristaeus, in an alleyway, who had just succeeded in pulling out the stygian iron arrow out of his knee. He then looked at the group of four and soon locked onto Rin. He thought that since he is the youngest and uses a bow he will be weak in close combat. He then charged Rin with his fist over his head ready to punch him hard. Only for Rin to smirk and tilt his head slightly to the left, letting Aristaeus’s fist to slightly graze him. Rin then clenched his right fist and hit Aristaeus in the stomach. This led to Aristaeus being launched into a wall and coughing up golden blood. Aristaeus could not even move as his whole body seemed to have lost its nerves. Rin then raised his thumb to wipe the small scratch Aristaeus made and it healed instantly. Though on the side Charlotte had her jaw fall to the ground. Luke was just shaking his head as he already thought this would happen. Though a certain person of the trio had her legs shaking and her face red. ‘Oh my god, that was sooo hooot’ Daphne could only think as she saw Rin’s actions. Rin surprisingly heard a ring in his head only to be surprised by who it entailed.


Daphne +400 (In Love)


Rin then grabbed Aristaeus by his neck and dragged him towards Luke. “Here you go,” Rin said as he was giving the owner its dog back, not a minor god to a teenager. Luke could only smile as he pulled out a silver orb. Aristaeus, knowing what it was, tried his best to move but his body was still out of commission. Luke then threw the ball at Aristaeus and he soon disappeared. “What happened to him?” Rin asked. “He was sent to the domain of Artemis where she will deal with him how she sees fit,” Luke said. Rin could only guess the pain he will suffer up there.

“Well anyways, how about we camp in the forest for the night since it is already night time?” Luke asked. Everyone agreed to his idea. Daphne soon turned into a laurel tree while Luke and Charlotte were setting up a tent. They struggled for an hour before they finally succeeded. They then looked towards Rin to show that they finished first. Though they did not see Rin, but instead saw a whole log cabin. Rin then walked out the door with a coke can and saw they finished. “Oh you are done,” Rin said. Though he could not say anything else as he was soon bombarded with questions. “Where did this house come from?!” Luke asked. “I built it,” Rin said as if it was nothing. They could only look at him in disbelief. “What, you guys want to come in?” Rin asked. They could only embarrassedly nod. He then opened the door and signaled for them to come in. They were once again surprised to see light inside the house and that it was cooler than it was outside. “You have electricity and AC?!” Charlotte practically screamed. Rin could only nod. Luke on the other hand just gave up and just asked where he could sleep. Rin then pointed him towards one of the doors. He then just walked inside his room. Charlotte asked as well and he pointed to the room to the right of Luke’s. Rin then went to sleep as well.

Soon morning came and Daphne turned back into her dryad form and saw the log cabin. She was then wondering how long she had been asleep. Though she soon opened the door and walked inside when she smelt something delicious. She then saw Rin serving food to Luke and Charlotte. She could only drool at the smell of the food. Rin smiled at how she was acting and just motioned for her to sit down. She then ate the food in less than a few seconds. Luke and Charlotte just gave her knowing looks as they did the exact same thing. Rin only smiled at them enjoying their food.

“So how about we go on our way back to camp?” Rin said. “Where are we even?” Luke asked. “We are in Massachusetts,” Daphne said. Luke and Charlotte looked at her with wide eyes. “How did we move states?!” Luke shouted. “When we were chasing Aristaeus, he made us go through a portal and brought us to his domain, which he should have been undefeatable in but somehow a certain someone beat him in one punch,” Daphne said while looking at Rin with the look of a predator. Rin just brushed it off and smiled.

They then took a bus to Long Island, though it did cost them around 300 hundred dollars. When they come back they are surrounded by all of the campers. Rin was surrounded by practically all the single girls in camp. Though he was soon saved by Thalia and Annabeth who both interlocked their arms with his as if to show that he was already taken.

Daphne had to leave soon. She was reluctant because she wanted to stay with Rin and become married, and have many, many kids together. She stood at the entrance and just stood there fantasizing about the future she could have with Rin. Though she was soon surprised to see Rin walking towards her while holding a bag and a glowing blue and white flower. “Hey, just wanted to give you a gift before you leave,” Rin said before handing her the flower and bag. She checked inside the bag to see some white and blue seeds inside. “This flower is called night tide, and is the only one in this whole world and wanted to know if you wanted to spread these around the world,” Rin said with a smile. This made Daphne’s heart warm up. Rin on the other side heard a ding.


Daphne +100 (Agape Lover)


‘Oh my god, I can’t control myself with him,’ Daphne said before putting her left hand on his chin and raising it. Rin was confused at what was happening. ‘At last, I found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with’ Daphne thought to herself. She then brought her lips to his and kissed him for a solid minute. At the beginning Rin was surprised but soon started to take control of the kiss cause he could feel the emotions she had when she kissed him. Then he went further and started to open her mouth with his tongue. This led to Daphne being surprised as she felt like she was in heaven from the french kiss. This lasted until Daphne was running out of breath. When they separated the saliva formed a string between them. “I will come back when you are old enough, darling,” Daphne said before smiling and leaving as quickly as she could.

5 seconds later all the girls that saw what had happened screamed in outrage and started to grab Rin and kiss him all over his face. Though Rin was able to escape after being kissed by each girl from camp at least once. Though he did not notice the determined eyes of both Thalia and Annabeth.

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