"It's quite elementary, my dear Ahsoka! I'm here to petition for the senate. The Naboo system has two seats in the senate. And one of them just got vacated. I'm here to claim it." I explained.
"Wait, is that why you resigned from the military?" Anakin asked.
"Partly, yes. Military personnel cannot stand for office. And I couldn't help clean the galaxy of bullshit in the military. And so as the jedi say, I left the attachment behind." I replied, mimicking Master Mundi.
"That is surprisingly well thought out." Ahsoka mumbled, surprised.
"Come on. Am I that impulsive?" I asked.
"You jumped headfirst to save us, twice, without a second thought. Even when fighting Grevious you didn't run away! That's stupid and impulsive and worrying when you're in our position!" Ahsoka accused.
"Okay, maybe I have been a little impulsive lately." I shrugged.
"A little huh?" Anakin smirked.
"What do you want me to say?" I smiled back.
"Anyways, I have an appointment. You guys are good to go from here right?"
"Yes. And as a matter of fact, we have an appointment here too."
"With the princess?" I asked.
"The queen." Padme corrected.
"Hmm...I thought her title was princess of Theed?" I said.
"Yes. The queen generally gets both titles, princess of Theed and queen of Naboo. Though queen is the foremost one, naturally." Padme explained.
"I see. Thanks. You saved me from certain embarassment." I said, grateful.
"Don't mention it." She replied, using my own line against me, cheekily grinning.
Just then footsteps rang out behind us.
"We've been expecting you, Commander Walker. Or should it be retired commander?" Captain Typho said.
"Though senator Amidala, we weren't expecting you!" Queen Neyutnee added.
"Just Walker will be fine. Or Jay if you prefer." I replied, shaking his hand, before bowing to the queen, "And thank you, queen Neyutnee for granting me audience."
"Come, let's take this to the council chamber." She nodded and advised.
Once we had taken our seats in the council chamber, queen Neyutnee began.
"Congratulations on your marriage, Padme. Or should I call you miss Skywalker?"
"Thanks. But I think I'll keep my maiden name." Padme said.
Oof. I already feel bad for Anakin. Padme seems like a real take charge woman. Those things don't do well in relationships like theirs. Especially the 'courtly love never to be fulfilled' thing straight out of King Arthur that they've got going on for the past couple of years.
She's definitely going to cheat on Annie one of these days. I guarantee it.
Ain't no ennobling power of love gonna save that fuck up.
"So what can I do for you?" Neyutnee asked.
"We were hoping to get Anakin and Ahsoka domicile on Naboo." She said.
Neyutnee nodded lightky tyrning to me.
"And you?"
"Mostly the same for me and Offee." I replied.
Sure, I could use my power to get those certificates, but not only would that then conflict with my backstory, it would also get found out when I tried to run for the senate.
Sometimes it's better to go through the regular channels.
"But you have something more to discuss, I take?" She asked.
Perceptive one, aren't you?
We'll see how you hold up though!
"Yes. I know the Naboo system has two seats in the senate. I would like to claim one of them. And I want you and the royal house of Naboo to fund my campaign." I laid it straight.
"That's a tall ask, isn't it Commander?" She replied, leaning back, "Why should we do either of those things for you?
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We could well enough field our own candidate for the position."
I snorted at that, causing her to raise an eyebrow.
"Honestly, queen Neyutnee, I don't think you have any choice but to do what I want." I said, my eyes shining with cunning.
"With the recent scandal centered on Naboo, everyone has their eyes on you. Having two sith lords emrve from one single planet isn't exactly good press. And I don't think I'm wrong to say that Naboo is a bit low of galactic goodwill as of now, not to mention the loss of chancellory authority."
"Nothing we can't recover from." Neyutnee replied, a bit tense, but still keeping her cool.
"True. I don't doubt Naboo will make a full recovery given time. The question though is, do you have any time at all?" I asked, leaning back into my seat, arm spread.
"What do you mean by that?" Neyutnee asked, narrowing her eyes.
"I have noticed that fuel prices on Naboo have been inching up the past few weeks. And after the scandal they even jumped by three credits in one day. One would think that the planet was being embargoed, at the rate it is happening. And yet for some reason the price of grain might as well be in freefall!"
Worry now began to cloud Neyutnee's eyes, and she began to fidget her fingers.
"It's Viceroy Gunray isn't it?" I asked, "He's trying to collapse your economy by flooding the markets with grain?"
"How do you know that?!" She exclaimed.
"I didn't. Not until you confirmed it just now. But I had my suspicions. Ever since senator Padme and Darth Plagueis captured him, he's been nursing a grudge. I've seen people like him. Petty little tyrants like that are dime a dozen in the outer rim. And they're all one trick ponies. They always go for whatever hurts you the most. In the case of a farming planet like Naboo, that would be your grain exports." I explained.
"Regardless!" She said, flailing to keep the power in the conversation, "We can handle him on our own."
"Oh I'm sure you can. In fact, I'll even tell you how, free of charge. You hit him back. Expose his actions, rally other farming colonies to your side. No one will risk what's happening to you, not with a war raging on. And he'll fold like a house of cards. His position in the trade federation is weak as it is. I doubt he can afford any more pressure." I said.
"That....thank you." Neyutnee said, shocked.
"Yeah. Don't mention it. And about the senate seat? I can always get elected from Ryloth." I explained, pulling her one card out from under her feet.
When she can't hold anything above me, she'll have no grounds to negotiate. Soon, I'll have her eating out of my palm.
"And... how exactly are you going to do that?" She asked confused.
"It's quite simple. The Rylothian freedom fighters are in dire need of support. I can offer them that support. And once I free Ryloth, or even just help them in their time of need, they will be exponentially more likely to elect me over their already corrupt senator, who has not once visited Ryloth or cared to check up on his constituency the entirety of this war.
Once I have Ryloth under my name, the rest of the conservative faction of the senate will make for easy pickings. I have ample leverage against them from my investigation into senator Palpatine and the jedi. They will fold, whether they want to or not.
I will become the chancellor by the end of the year, queen Neyutnee, that much is certain. The choice is yours to make.
Will you have a Nabooan Chancellor once more or will Naboo find itself factionless in the senate in the midst of a civil war?"
"Are you threatening me?" She growled, hunching forward, fear in her eyes, shaking slightly.
"No no." I smiled, "Not in a thosuand years. I am just stating the facts. You and Naboo need me more than I need you. And I don't have time to waste playing politics. Every day I am not out there helping stop the war, tens of thousands more innocents die.
I don't know if you've noticed queen Neyutnee, but I meant every last word I said in the hearing. I will bring peace to the galaxy, and an end to this war, by hook or by crook.
I am no noble hero or great visionary. I just want peace to return to the galaxy so I can continue my research and exploration. And I'm through with everyone's bullshit. Make your choice, queen Neyutnee, here and now!
Stand with me or get out of my way!"
Once they were over their shock, Anakin grabbed me and pulled me back into my seat.
"That's harsh, Jay!" Anakin said, "You can't force someone like tha-"
"No." Neyutnee interjected, "You're right. It's just...these past few weeks have been stressful, negotiations with the trade federation are going nowhere and .... I'm scared. Scared to face my people and tell them I failed!"
She began to shake, the burden of governance nearly crushing her.
"I'm sorry." She said, wiping her tears, "For doubting you. I ...the royal house of Naboo will help you. We want to end this war as much as you. And we would be glad to work with you!"
"Thank you, queen Neyutnee." I said, "And I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you the way I did. Let me make it up to you. If you can hold out until the siege of Ryloth ends, I'll handle the trade federation for you."
"Wait, you're still going to help free Ryloth?" She asked, astonished.
"Of course. It wasn't just a poweplay. Supplies are already en route to Ryloth as we speak." I chuckled, "I don't see people as tools to be used, my queen. I would have helped Naboo and Ryloth even if neither got me elected to the senate."
Neyutnee just collapsed in her seat as relief flooded her, and she choke dout small sobs into her hands.
"This is....just unbelievable. You don't know how relieved that makes me feel. It feels like a dream....."
"Well it's not!" I said, smiling, "You better believe it!"