Anakin opened the door to find me standing before him.
"Hello there." I greeted him with Obi Wan's signature phrase.
"Ready to pay back that debt you owe me?" I said with a flourish.
"Thought you'd never ask!" Anakin smiled back.
"Mortis?" Ahsoka chirped up from behind him.
"Mortis." I nodded, as she bloomed with enthusiasm.
They force grabbed their lightsabers and put on their boots, following after me as I lead them back to my house.
Offee stood there in her battle gear.
"Where's Star?" I asked.
"You're not taking Star on a dangerous archeological survey. He is just a baby." She said blocking the door.
She had really grown into a mama bear these past few months as Starkiller was done weaning.
Some even from her own....body, a la, my new invention, a serum that induces lactation.
She was really insistent on that. Something about bonding with the baby and what not facebook mom crap she had read on the HoloNet.
I just couldn't bear to refuse her, not when she gave me those eyes.
And now it was coming to bite me in the ass.
"It's not an archeological survey, Offee. I just confirmed that the force gods are real and alive. We can meet them. Star can meet them."
"What if they hurt him? You said that one of them symbolises the dark side. That can't be a good sign. I don't even want you to go. But I know you won't listen. So I am coming with." Offee said, with crossed arms.
"Offee, the force gods aren't wrathful ones. I'm sure if anything, they will bless Star with a long and happy life. In fact, that's why I want to take him there. I even made sure to check the whole system for any threats to us. And he will have us by his side. We won't let any harm come to him. Right guys?"
"Don't look at me. I don't think it's a good idea to take Ahsoka there. Much less a baby." Anakin shrugged.
Ahsoka agreed.
"Offee is my friend. I'm on her side."
"Oh c'mon! Offee, we planned this for so long." I said, walking closer, cupping her head.
"Besides," I whispered, gesturing at my portal gun, "I have 'that' with me. If we are in danger, I'll leave immediately."
Offee thought for a moment as her expression softened, the worried creases washed away.
"Right. You did tell me about it." She said, leaning on my forehead, "Okay. I will come with you. And once we are sure everything is safe, you can bring Star in with that." She sighed and compromised.
"You're the best, Offee!" I kissed her.
"I know." She smiled cheekily.
"Let's go then." I said loudly to the other two, hiding the facts about the portal gun, "We will bring Star there once we are sure it's safe. Two trips are a small price to pay for safety."
"It's your baby." Anakin said.
"That's awfully cold of you for a Godfather." I said, calling the ship to us, hovering by the balcony.
"I care about Star too. That's why I opposed taking him along." Anakin replied, jumping into the van, "But ultimately it's your choice as parents."
I nodded, and the rest of us followed.
I started the black matter drive, plugged in the coordinates, and off we went.
Hours later, we exited hyperspace, after a careful journey past the multiple mini-hyperspace anomalies that litter the unknown regions like naval mines.
K-2. The Galactic Grid coordinates for Mortis.
And ..... nothing.
There was nothing there. But that was too be expected.
"Where is it?" Ahsoka asked, "You found it right?"
"Yes. But Mortis is an ethereal realm, hidden inside the force. That's how I know the force gods are still alive. Because they are actively hiding the planet." I explained, pulling out two forcefield generators from the glove box.
"Here." I handed them to Anakin and Ahsoka, "Clip them onto your belt. The forcefield will work wonders if any of us get stranded. They can keep you alive in space for about half an hour. With force you can push that to nearly a whole hour. Enough time for me to come and get you. Got it? So don't lose hope even if you are lo-"
Then they disappeared. All three of them.
"Here we go!" I smiled devilishly.
The force gods were smart. Probably saw through my bullshit. Or maybe they just left me here because I have no connection to the force.
No worries. They are good, but I'm better.
I pulled out my portal gun, and flipped on the locator, as Offee's forcefield generator gave away their location.
"Bingo bango, baby!"
I leaned out the window and opened a portal to Mortis, driving in.
"Ugh!" Anakin groaned as he woke up.
He looked around and found himself in a lush alcove, surrounded by cliffs.
"Did I black out? We were just in the ship...."
"Where are we?" Ahsoka asked, waking up next.
"Mortis apparently." Offee replied, force grabbing a floating mountain and throwing it away.
"How did you- the force! It's strong here. So strong!" Ahsoka muttered, clenching her fist, as she took a deep breath.
"Feels refreshing."
"Spells danger." Anakin warned, frowning, "Be wary."
"Where is Jay?" Offee asked, causing them to look all around them.
"Your friend isn't here." A voice cane from behind, somehow out of sight of them all.
They jumped, startled, and turned to face the source.
A lady stood there, bathed in light, green of hair and fair of skin, in luxurious flowing robes.
"Who are you, lady?" Anakin asked.
"I'm Daughter." She answered, looking Anakin up and down, "Are you the one?"
"The one what?"
"Follow me. You will need to find shelter before nightfall." She said, walking away.
"Hey! Wait, you didn't answer-" Anakin clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Let's follow her, before she gets away."
As they walked along the mountain path, following the daughter, the time of day began to slowly shift, and the seasons changed along with it.
"Is it just me or did the vines just flower?" Offee asked.
"And there are no animals here either." Ahsoka noted.
"Excuse me." Anakin said, "Where are you taking us?"
"The Father, of course." Daughter replied.
"Of course." Ahsoka rolled her eyes.
"And what do you do exactly?" Anakin asked.
"We are the guardians of the force, it's caretakers. The beginning, middle and the end."
"That's great. We were hoping to learn more about the force." Anakin continued, "And we came here with a friend. Do you know where he might be?"
"I am aware. Your friend isn't welcome here." She said, curtly.
"Why is that?" Anakin asked.
"Because they don't like competition." I said, turning the corner.
"Outsider." The daughter said, narrowing her eyes.
"Look who's talking." I shot back.
"We were here first. It belongs to us." The daughter said.
"Oh, like squatters rights huh? You decide to put up shop in this galaxy first and that means the rest of us have to bow down and kiss your toe rings, is it?" I said, raising an eyebrow.
Suddenly the world warped, and we found ourselves in a stone atrium.
"We made this galaxy. Gave it life. Gave them life. It is our right." The father said, slowly walking down the stairs.
"And now you seek to do what, Outsider?"
"Finally." I said, "The Father. One and only. I should be asking you exactly that!
And by the way, great job you've done with this place. Real intricate masonry. Force carving? Is that a thing?"
"Why are you here, Stranger?" The Son appeared from within a red mist, materializing on the stone platform.
"Well you see someone decided to throw a party, but I guess they forgot to send me my invite. Or did it get lost in the mail?" I bantered, pacing across the atrium, "Awful rude of them, by the way. Real sticks in the mud.
But no bother. I invited myself. You're welcome."
"All we wanted was to see if he was the chosen one." The father said, looking at Anakin, "To help him fulfill his destiny! One he has been perhaps aware of himself, but never realized."
"Really? Because that fared real well for Darth Bane didn't it?
The great Sith'ari! Chosen of the dark side. The greatest among sith.
He was supposed to be free of limits. Supposed to lead the sith and destroy them. To raise the sith from death and make them stronger than ever before.
And remind me oh great father? How did it end for him? How did fulfilling his destiny reward Darth Bane?"
The father narrowed his eyes, but remained silent.
So I filled it in.
"Dead at the hands of his own apprentice, losing what little he had left of his life after a years of struggle, violence, and bloodshed he brought to the galaxy.
No one to love him. No one to mourn him. No grave to call his own.
That 'destiny' of his left him without even a body of his own.
Is that what you want for him? For Anakin? For him to be all alone?
Because I'll be damned before I let my friend be condemned to such a fate as that!
And yes, before you ask, Anakin is the chosen one, destined to bring balance to the force.
Though I know not why you would need to ask, given you are the ones who made him.
You are reading story In This Corner Of The Multiverse at
Shouldn't you know it already?
Why the need for all these theatrics? Mysterious and vague words and what not?
Unless of course, you weren't all you claim to be." I smiled deviously beneath my helmet.
The father deflected my query instead droning on again.
"It is the will of the force. It is his destiny. And he must fulfill it.
It is not a matter of if but when. It is inevitable." The father said, turning to face Anakin.
"It is a great service, for the greater good. To bring balance to the force. Now you must undergo the trials to place you on the throne of-"
"I'm going to stop you right there 'Father'. Service? Really?
And pray tell what happened to Abeloth, the one who served you once upon a time?
Is she not a mad force entity hellbent on destruction now?
Was that inevitable too?
That is how you want Anakin to serve you?" I said, setting my plan into motion.
Part one, demonize the three celestials in the eyes of my companions. Just enough that Anakin and the others don't question me when I force the celestials to donate their life force to Starkiller.
"Abeloth was like family to us. We loved her too much to see what she was becoming. In search of power-"
"Don't even bother lying Father. I know the truth.
Abeloth loved you. All of you. She wasn't looking for power. She was dying of old age. Something you three could have healed out of her with your force abilities. And it would have costed you nothing.
But you didn't.
Because you did not love her. You considered her to be a lower life form.
To be used and thrown away!
But that didn't stop her from loving you.
No. She didn't want to part with you. She wanted to stay with you, the only family she had ever known, forever.
So she went to the Font Of Power and she drank from it, gaining the ability to use the force when before she was not able.
She bathed in the Pool Of Knowledge so she could learn of a way to stay with you, to serve you who she loved, forevermore.
And what did you do to her? You called her a monster and locked her away in the unknown regions!
This is why I do not trust you! I know your nature, the three of you.
You reward love and service with malignance.
I know for a fact that once you are done with Anakin, once he has fulfilled his destiny to bring balance to the force or whatever other crap you use to entertain yourselves, he will face the same reward.
So you can shove that destiny of yours where the sun don't shine, buddy."
"You rude cretin!" The son cried, only to be stopped by his father, a guilty look on his face from the mention of Abeloth.
Looks like you're not entirely heartless huh?
Unfortunately, you have some really good powers. And I want them.
I continued.
"And for that matter, let me just show you how inevitable this destiny you speak of is." I said, pulling out another card from my deck. A card I had set on the table months before for just this eventuality.
"Tell me, Father. What is the fate of Shmi Skywalker?"
Anakin's ears perked up at the mention of his mother, as he looked at the Father curiously.
The father looked at Anakin with pity in his eyes.
"Her fate was sadly as is that of everyone."
"A very diplomatic answer. How about a straight one this time." I pushed.
"She was destined to die at the hands of tuskan raiders. It is sad, but inevitable. She will rest peacefully, one with the force." He comforted and Anakin snorted before breaking into a chuckle.
I smiled too.
"Say Anakin, what is the inevitable fate of your mother?" I asked.
"Hopefully, a long life, a warm hearth and the company of her family."
"What?" The father said, confused.
"See. This is what I call sloppy work. You went through all that effort to infect the galaxy with the force.
You sit in that monastery of yours, meditating on it all day.
But not once did you bother to check if what you were saying was true or not."
Just then the son's eyes dilated as he used force vision to find Shmi.
"She is ....alive?"
"So much for inevitability, huh?" I said.
"Heresy!" The son cried, raising a hand at me, as a wave of force brushed past me, in an attempt to force choke me.
But nothing happened.
"Hnnngh?" He grunted.
"What? Having performance issues?" I mocked, but that only served to make him angrier, as he tried harder.
"Ohohoho! That tickles." I said, as his force finally managed to reach me.
"Why can't I.....?" He gasped for breath.
I laughed, relieved that my plan had worked.
"Yeah. You see, some people are a little too choke happy. And I was about sick of getting wrangled. So I improvised." I said, lifting the collar seal on my armor, as the nano swarm wriggled around my neck.
The nano swarm made from Malachor V, a planet that was a wound in the force, immune to it.
That meant, by extension, so was I.
"You're a wound in the force!" The daughter exclaimed.
"Bingo!" I said, clapping.
"Only took you what....10? 12 seconds to figure that out. Shameful amount of time for the 'creators' of the galaxy and all life within it. You have all that power, but you don't bother to use any of it. Frankly, the lot of you don't deserve it." I said, pulling out an anti matter gun, and pointing it at the Son.
Suddenly, the daughter sensed danger and reached out her arm to my side, and Offee floated off the floor, grasping at her neck.
"Put down the gun. You might be immune. But she isn't." She said.
"Are you sure you want to go there?" I snarled, pulling out the hyperspace lane trigger.
"Is that supposed to be a threat?" She asked.
"Why don't you find out?" I said, and the daughter looked into the future, as her eyes went wide.
"You wouldn't!" She said, and I raised an eyebrow, challenging her assumptions.
"You would destroy the galaxy?" She asked.
"You take away something I love, I return the favor. It's only fair isn't it?"
The daughter dropped Offee immediately and force pulled the trigger from my hands.
"Offee, love, are you okay?" I asked.
"A bit..." She coughed, anger in her eyes at the daughter, ".. sore. But otherwise fine."
I helped her up, and checked her neck, gun still pointed at the son.
"Wait...destroy the galaxy? What is she talking about?" Ahsoka asked.
I just raised a hand at her and Anakin to stop them.
"Hold on. I'm handling this. Just trust me. I'm not destroying the galaxy." I assured.
"Not without this, you are not." The father said, taking the trigger from the daughter.
"Oh, if you think that is enough to stop me from pulling it off...." I used technokinesis as the trigger lit up, a click sounding out within it as the safety was removed.
"... you're dead wrong."
The father went pale.
"I don't need to touch it to activate it."
"You do not know what you're doing! The Mnggal-Mnggal is not-"
"Yes. I don't know how powerful the Mnggal-Mnggal is, but you do. And that is enough of a threat isn't it?" I said.
"Besides, I was never going to use it. Not to destroy the galaxy, at least." I said.
"Then what? What are your intentions?" The father asked.
"Look outside, and you'll know." I said.
The father looked outside Mortis to find a spider web of hyperspace lanes carved out, eliminating the debris around Mortis, leading right to it.
He took a step back in horror.
"Yup. I knew that there was a chance that you would catch on to my plan. You didn't of course, because once again you don't bother using your powers properly, believing in this 'will of the force' bullshit.
But the chance existed. And I am not a man that takes chances.
So while I made it look like I was priming those hyperspace lanes across the unknown regions, to let lose your worst fears roam into the galaxy, I made sure to loop them around Mortis, and subtly too, so you wouldn't notice. Until it was too late.
The plan never was to endanger the galaxy.
No. The plan was to endanger you.
The hyperspace lanes from the prisons of the Mnggal-Mnggal and Abeloth now lead only to Mortis.
As we speak, my nano swarms are closing out the hyperspace connections Mortis has to the rest of the galaxy.
One command from me will leave you trapped in Mortis forever with the Mnggal-Mnggal and Abeloth." I smiled.
Finally, the father's arm went limp and he dropped the trigger onto the floor.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"There we go! Was that so hard?" I asked, cheerfully.