When the group had opened the door of the Lamborghini, they were left astonished at what they saw. The inside of the car was as big as a mansion. There was a living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 restrooms, a gaming room, and even a swimming pool. Rin on the other hand just walked in as if it was the most normal thing he had ever seen.
“I don’t remember having been under an illusion this morning,” Luke said while looking at the inside of the car. “There is no illusion, instead the car is enchanted with space magic making the inside much bigger than how it looks on the outside,” Rin explained. Annabeth instantly looked at him with a shine to her eyes. “Show, Me, Now,” was all Annabeth said as Rin smiled and took her to where the enchantments were made.
Everyone else had gone inside and started to look around in excitement and awe. Rin then came back and told the group to choose a room but one was for Thalia, Annabeth, and him. Luke and Charlotte chose a room for themselves as well. Percy and Grover chose to share a room and luckily their room had a bunk bed.
After everyone was done choosing rooms, Percy then told everyone about the prophecy. Charlotte quickly thought of a certain god when she heard the first verse. “What if the god who turned is Hades, since the entrance to the underworld is in Los Angeles, California,” Charlotte told everyone. “One, how do you know where the entrance is, second why would Hades want to steal Zeus’s Master Bolt,” Luke asked. “Rin has a bunch of books with knowledge that even the gods most likely won’t know, and Hades has long been angry at Zeus for some major reason,” Thalia explained.
“I have the story behind his reason if you all want to hear about it,” Rin proposed. Everyone then looked at him, waiting for the story.
“Hades had fallen in love with a mortal many years ago, and I mean the love where he actually would have made her his queen,” Rin said. Everyone was surprised by his words as gods are one to never really commit to love. “He even spent most of his time with her but everything changed when she got pregnant with their first child,” Rin said. Everyone had thought that Hades was forced to leave but were surprised by Rin’s next words. “Hades had chosen to stay as much as he could with her, to the point where he almost neglected his duty as the god of the underworld,” Rin said with a smile. Everyone was shocked as they all heard of Hades as the coldest, merciless, and heartless god ever.
“He even stayed with her and she was blessed with a second child, Hades was enjoying his life with the love of his life,” Rin kept going. Now everyone's minds have been blown to bits as gods never had two children with a human woman unless they were twins. “Their daughter was just 2 years old when her brother had been born,” Rin told everyone.
“They all lived like a happy family, traveling, playing, and training,” Rin kept going. “Hades would even summon a few monsters so his children could learn to fight,” Rin told them. “Hades and Maria had been able to raise their daughter to 12 years old and their son to 10 years old,” Rin said.
Though everyone noticed the air changed slightly as Rin slowly frowned. “Though one day Hades was sitting outside his house but soon was on edge as he felt something bad was coming,” Rin said ominously. “He quickly tells Maria to get everything she needs and brings both kids outside the house waiting for Maria,” Rin continues. “Though he sensed divine energy coming from the sky and soon a lightning bolt came crashing down on their house, Hades quickly put up a shield of shadows to protect his children,” Rin said.
“When the lightning finally subsided, Hades put down his shield of shadows only to see a crater where his house and lover used to be,” Rin said with a frown. Everyone else had tears streaming down their faces from the tragedy that had happened. “Then his children asked him with tears in their eyes ‘dad, where is mom,’ and all he could do was cry,” Rin continued. At this point all the girls were bawling their eyes out and the guys were trying their best to hold in their tears as well.
“Fate had chosen to give mercy to Hades as his wife soon appeared out of thin air surrounded by a white and black barrier,” Rin said. Everyone smiled at such a turn of events. “Hades quickly went down to his knees and held her tightly in a hug which was soon joined by their two children,” Rin said. Everyone was happy that the ending was a happy one. Though they were soon mistaken as RIn still had more to say.
“Hades though soon remembered the attack from his oh so dear brother and realized his family was no longer safe, so he chose to do one thing,” Rin continued. “He brought them to the underworld and dipped each of them into the River Lethe (The river of forgetfulness) to erase him from their memories, and took them to a place where there is no chance of getting attacked,” RIn finished.
Everyone was left to digest the whole story, and now realized Hades hated Zeus as he ripped him away from his family. “Now I know why Hades absolutely hates Zeus,” Charlotte said with everyone else nodding behind her. “It would also make sense for him to steal the Master Bolt to get his revenge,” Annabeth suggested. This time they realized how bad this could get if they fought and Hades had the Master bolt, as it could even lead to the death of one of the gods.
They were all soon interrupted by a beep from the car. Everyone looks at Rin for an explanation. “That just means we arrived,” Rin said. “How, I didn’t even feel the car move!!!” Luke yelled. Though Rin just opened the door and showed everyone that they were no longer at Camp Half-Blood but instead at a place called “Aunty Em’s Garden Statues”.
They saw many statues of many different things. Then there was a woman with red hair and was in a red dress. This woman had her back turned towards them and was talking to a mother and son buying a small dog statue.
Though when Rin walked just a few steps from the car she instantly turned around showing off her green slitted eyes. She then quickly barrelled into Rin’s arms and kissed him on the lips.
Everyone else was just watching in shock, even Rin was in shock. While the woman was just smiling. “What took you so long Darling?” the woman said. Rin then looked at her seriously for a second before realizing who it was.
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“Everyone, this is Medusa, Medusa, these two are my lovers and the rest are my friends,” Rin said while pointing at Thalia and Annabeth first and then everyone else. Everyone froze when they heard it was Medusa.
Charlotte on the other hand was confused. “If you do not mind me asking, were you not supposed to be cursed where anyone who looked into your eyes turned into stone?” Charlotte asked.
“I can answer that for you,” Rin said. “You have all been told that Poseidon had taken Medusa into a Temple for Athena and she was cursed because of rage, correct?” Rin asked. Everyone nodded. Though they also noticed how Medusa’s face grew cold when she heard Poseidon.
“The truth was that Poseidon had kidnapped Medusa, and was going to rape her in Athena’s temple,” Rin said coldly. Everyone then looked at Medusa who was pushing herself even more into Rin’s arms. “Though before Poseidon could do anything a black and white barrier protected Medusa from him, and he quickly left as he did not want to get hit by Athena’s curses,” Rin explained. “Athena had only seen how Poseidon took Medusa inside the temple and was enraged and put a curse on Medusa,” Rin kept going. “Though luckily the barrier was still up and instead of cursing her, it blessed her with amazing abilities,” Rin finished.
Everyone just looked at Medusa with empathy in their eyes. “Though I would like to know how did you know it was me who protected you?” Rin whispered into Medusa’s ears. “With your smell,” She said as she cutely booped his nose.
Though before the moment could go on longer Charlotte still had a few questions. “Can I ask what your new abilities are?” Charlotte asked. Medusa just nodded as she finally prodded herself away from Rin’s arms.
“The first one was that I am able to turn my bottom half into a snake tail,” she said before both her legs fused together and soon turned into a red scaly tail. “The second is I can petrify, and depetrify anything I see,” she said before looking at Grover. Her slitted eyes soon turned a dark green and grover soon turned into stone. Rin just looked at this calmly as he already knew about her skillset. Annabeth and Thalia trusted Rin and did not act out. Luke and Charlotte on the other hand knew to wait and see if she was truly an enemy before attacking. Percy on the other hand just uncapped Riptide and swung at her.
Rin just stepped in and stopped the blade with a finger. “Thank you Darling!” Medusa said happily. “WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING HER, SHE JUST TURNED GROVER TO STONE!!!” Percy yelled at Rin. Rin just shook his head and pointed at Grover. Medusa looked at the Grover statue and her eyes turned yellow this time. Soon Grover reverted back to his living state. Though he was wondering why everyone was looking at him. Percy just went next to him and gave him a hug.
Everyone else was in shock by how strong such an ability was. Charlotte then asked the question on everyone's mind. “Why do you call Rin, Darling?” Charlotte asked.
“Because I will become one of his future wifes,” She said as if it was natural. Everyone except Thalia and Annabeth were surprised.
Then before leaving Thalia, Annabeth and Medusa all had some girl talk. Percy and Grover just stayed in the car while Luke and Charlotte were looking at all of the statues.
When Thalia, Annabeth, and Medusa come back from their girl talk, Medusa had tears of joy as they both accepted her instantly as they heard her tragic past and how Rin protected her (They know it was Rin who put up the barriers to protect both Medusa and Maria).
Rin smiles warmly and accepts her love without any hesitation but tells her that she would have to wait so they can become husband and wife. She just smiles and hugs him tightly. Rin then gave her a Rose Gold ring. He tells her that with this she would be able to go to Ohane and meet him there if she ever gets lonely or just wants to cuddle. She quickly puts it on her left index finger.
They all then had to leave soon as they still had their quest to finish. This left Medusa a bit sad as she could not go with them but Rin made it up to her by giving her a small kiss on the cheek. “Just wait, you will soon be living with me as my wife,” Rin said with a smile. Medusa just blushed as she imagined living with Rin and a few children of her own running around.
Everyone say bye before getting in the car and going to their next destination.