Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – Getting off work

Thomas was woken by a young lawyer with black hair in a short cut and with bright violet eyes that showed deep anger to Thomas, it didn’t matter much so he gave a quick reply before instantly forgetting the young lawyer's day. Thomas looked at the clock showing a bright red
Thomas smiled as he stretched awake , he looked around slightly to make sure no one noticed him before booking it to of the front door of the building, he walked as quick as he could wanting to leave his jobsite as soon as possible but his hopes quickly diminished when a large white hand suddenly phased through the wall to Thomas’ right and blocked the door. Thomas sighed as he turned to look left at his boss William Mal phased through the wall saying

“I let you get away with a lot of stuff but I refuse to let you leave these walls early!”

Thomas looked at his boss, he was an old prosecutor who insisted on working perfectly and was even a top superhero before this job, his power was called
“Physical Ghost”
And it let him phase himself through walls but sadly only his left arm could interact with things while phasing, his power let him do many things like changing the length and shape of his arm but he rarely used it since his superhero days. William then said

“You should know that court cases with superheroes are rare and are only handled by people with superpowers but since most people become heroes it's a rare job so most people try their hardest to succeed but look at you. The superpower called “saving face” that lets you remember faces perfectly and it even lets you see the smallest detail,It makes you perfect for this job but you barely take it seriously”

Thomas toned William out right after the word “court” but he understood that William wanted him to take his job more seriously, Thomas sighed and shook his head before walking back to his deck and opening the files and taking out all the evidence to review it again, copies were already sent to the court so these pieces were for personal inspection but it didn’t include big objects like a piece of burnt wood. Thomas smiled as he reviewed the pieces of evidence, the five separate photos were the only thing that caught his attention (Because he didn’t want to read) and he decided to inspect them as carefully as possible. He looked at the first picture of Inferno Man meeting the thugs, the next photo of the three thugs taking out a small case, the third photo of inferno man slapping the case out of the thugs hand and then the final images of him burning the landscape and using excessive force against the thugs killing them. It all looked like a classic case of thugs showing something personal to the hero to anger them and backfiring. But when checking the final photo of Inferno Man flying away while scorching the thugs he was carrying a melted case on his back. Thomas looked back on the previous image only to see that on the fourth photo the case was on the ground open with a strange purple powder inside. Thomas put that in his memory as he looked more closely at the first three images and it looked more and more like a drug deal instead of a threat. Thomas then instantly heard a loud ring. He looked at the clock being a bright beautiful twelve. Thomas put up all his photos, closed the file and tucked them under his arm. He walked through the door under the watchful gaze of his boss standing beside the door. Thomas sighed as he walked all the way home again and opened the doors to his mansion. He breathed in only to cough from the smell as he placed the files beside the door as he went into his bedroom and bent beside his bed before he opened up a small compartment hidden under his bed. He smiled as he looked at the compartment, it held all sorts of junk like the rest of the room but cleanly on top of everything lay a single black mask that completely covered his face, beside it layed a pile of notes that had sloppy handwriting. Finally there was a small brown bag. Thomas smiled as he put the equipment on, for some reason he couldn’t understand himself , he could only be motivated to do what he loved. He smiled beneath the mask before sitting down and looking at the files , he bent over and set a timer to exactly 7-pm and waited as he read

Lawyer Eagle Whong is sitting down with his client Inferno Man, he had three witnesses in front of him all telling the exact story off

“He was threatened to meet in front of the property by chance , he was then shown his girlfriend’s hand and he went on a rampage and burnt the case in the process” 


Eagle listened to each concession but there was a single thing he was confused about, how where they all able to see in the case if they were far enough apart to avoid being burnt so he asked a single question

“How did you see the hand”

They all responded by saying they seen it fall out and it was scorched in the fight. Eagle knew that the witnesses couldn’t see the pictures but there wasn’t a video to confirm and he didn’t see a hand anywhere in the image but if he brought it up it would just be countered by the same response so he smiled as he looked at Inferno Man and asked

“Why did you use so much power against those thugs?”


In which Inferno Man seemed to shake with anger as he said

You are reading story Life In Prodosia at

“They deserved it”


That simple response deterred Eagle but he pushed forward saying

“Why did they deserve it”


Only for Inferno Man to stay silent, obviously trying to push the subject to the side and Eagle obliged, deciding to end the session there. He looked at the clock to see it showing a bright

It was past his work hours by a hour but it didn’t matter, he loved his job but he had something important to see to so he sent all the witnesses and Inferno Man home, Eagle then quickly went out the backdoor and ran to his house, he jostled his keys as he ran and opened the door as soon as he arrived , he threw off his clothes and delicately placed down his papers for Inferno Man. He breathed in looking at the clock on his blue walls, it was just ten minutes before seven. Quickly Eagle put on a cape and put a large mechanical plate on his chest. He breathed in and smiled as he put on deep blue sun glasses that blocked his face as he left his home, most people with superpowers decide to become superheroes and those that retire go into a field dedicated to supers, but few people decide to do both a day job and a super hero job while masking their face. Eagle was one of these people. He smiled as he laid against a wall eyeing his watch on his arm before at exactly seven, a loud explosion occurred in the distance, quickly Eagle ran over there as he tapped his watch only for it to instantly jump off his hand and become a sort of very small motorbike, it was his power metal shift. If he had enough metal he could transform it into another object. The watch was made of pure steel inside and out but he still had to make some cuts in order to make a bike, he got on and touched the gas, there was no brake , gears or even way to refuel just pure necessities for what he needed. The motorbike was running on a literal watch battery so he had to be quick. With a hard press the motorbike instantly reached eighty miles or so. He drove to the scene of the crime quickly before jumping off his motorbike before touching it and changing it into a pair of heavy boots on his feet in order to make the landing. He breathed in before tapping the boots and changing it into a simple crusader sword. He looked around to find the villain he was facing only to see nobody. He was at a bank and he knew tons of villains would try taking the sloppy leftovers but there was no one. That was until Eagle looked up to see a villain in a fancy suit and holding a cane. A mask completely covered his face and a top hat blocked his hair. Eagle knew the villain, He was famous even for a large city like Pordosia. It was “The Masked”, or at least that's what the heroes named him as the villain never talked about himself only taunting others and as soon as the nickname floated around he started using it himself, The Masked never even showed his ability and few people could decipher it from their battles. Eagle breathed in before touching the large mechanical piece on his chest. It instantly became a full body armor only leaving his head seeable. The armor had a large blue orb on the back as the power source, it was a necessary weakness due to the orb using advanced technology converting excess carbon in the air into a form of energy for the suit. Eagle said

“I am Steel Wing, and i'm here to end you for good Masked”


Eagle cringed at his enemy’s weird name and how terrible Masked’s name sounded in a sentence but he ignored it as suddenly large blue see through eagle like wings sprouted from the blue energy pack on his back. It was an extremely thin and light metal discovered by a small African community but helped a lot in controlling flight. He breathed in as his boots suddenly let out a large hiss as he flew forwards at nearly seventy miles per hour with fire spewing from his boots. A single collision from him would knock a villain out. He was brought to a few court cases but due to how there have been no accidental fatalities he was fine. Eagle then felt a large hit on a soft target. A smirk appeared on his face as he looked in front of him and at his extended arms only to notice that he wasn’t pushing Masked but instead a mannequin. Eagle quickly shook it off as he slowly descended to a large hill behind the bank. A small beep behind him stated

“Power level eighty percent, starting slow air absorption”

Eagle wasn’t surprised the power needed to make a human fly was extraordinary for such a small machine but he looked away as he bent his knees and sent a large thrust into the ground to fly into the air and land on the building. The Masked was standing there as if waiting for Eagle. Eagle’s hand closed only for him to open it to reveal a small blue ball that had the same texture as his wings. Eagle then gave a little squeeze to form the ball into a completely steel part, he then tapped his left hand causing it to transform into an extremely large pistol that was resting on his shoulder, his arm was now revealed but it was fine. He then loaded the pistol with the single bullet and aimed. The Masked during this entire time didn’t move, only waited and watched with intrigued but as Eagle took aim Masked grabbed his cane and tapped his mask only for a large copy of the mask to appear in front of him as a sort of wall, this didn’t deter Eagle as he breathed and fired. The large mask copy shattered in an instant as the bullet traveled at a speed of almost three hundred miles per hour. Eagle smiled as he knew that any force used against the Masked was warranted. The bullet seemed to pierce Masked’s stomach but instead of a clean but bloody path through, it led to a large hole appearing inside the Masked’s stomach as if a hole was blown into a balloon, air blew out as  Eagle then looked at the Masked in disbelief as he vanished, it was a decoy. Eagle tried quickly turning the large pistol back into his armor but it was too late, a large sharp mask flew from the sky while in a spinning motion and sliced off Eagle's arm. He screamed in agony as his armor reverted to its original shape but the arm moving it was gone. Eagle looked to the sky only to see the Masked standing on a large white Mask as he made a large purple glow in his hand that made another mask. Eagle looked up and flew into the sky with his left arm extended forward as he let his right one hang. The Masked looked down at the quickly approaching Eagle and caused the mask in his hand to grow exponentially into a large wall before throwing it in front of Eagle’s path. The mask floating in the air blocking his vision. Eagle quickly flew above the mask only to see that the white mask he was standing on was empty. Eagle landed on the white mask looking around only for it to spin suddenly. Next the mask that was acting as a wall moved quickly to crush Eagle. Eagle quickly adapted and smashed the white mask only to see that far on the ground was a bouncy castle. Eagle used his jet boots to quickly descend into the castle only to see nothing but a note that said

“I didn’t know you were so childish steel wing , I mean playing in bouncy castles after the villain flees.” 


Eagle angrily crushed the paper with his left hand. Eagle has a great plan to pretend his right arm was cut off while the truth being the opposite leading to a surprise attack but sadly that chance was gone. Eagle breathed in before his left metal hand transformed into a knife as Eagle popped the bouncy castle. He reverted the knife back to his armor as he sat down and wondered what actually was the Masked’s ability but before long his adrenaline disappeared causing the pain in his arm that he ignored to suddenly emerge forth, Eagle stood up and jumped down the bank. He breathed in as he tapped his suit transforming it into a completely functional Motorbike with all the extra features like a brake and secondly returning his boots into a watch. Eagle sighed as he slowly rode the motorcycle to the nearest doctor in order to be healed by someone with a healing superpower.