This chapter may be deleted in the near future or stand as a warning.
It has come to my attention that some sites, mainly:
have NOT asked to use my work in their sites. I know in this vague world of the internet, getting books is a dime a dozen. But picture this. I do NOT get ANY money for writing this. I don't get ad money, no sponsors, no deals, nada from writing on scribble hub. I humbly put this story out there for people to read. For enjoyment.
But I do not condone stealing.
You might be thinking, "translations bring more traction to a work." It does when the author willingly lets people do it. But if I have to find out that my story is out in the world through a mere google search and see someone else's name and people who do not even know that the author wrote it primarily in English, then there is a problem.
Translations almost never get the 'okay' from authors about translating their novels, because usually, they don't get any monetary value besides site ads. If they had just asked, I might have said yes or no. That is within my jurisdiction since this is MY story. MY writing, and the thought of every single word that comes out of these chapter.
Especially I have put by Bocchan13 in every chapter I have. In their translations, it has mysteriously disappeared. I wonder why.
I will continue to write, but I do expect apologies from these people. I will contact them separately and privately, but do note that I have worked hard to bring this book into the world, with nothing to gain but the enjoyment of writing. Remember the authors that write your books. I like reading the comments on my chapters, but it is not worth the sadness I felt when I saw these sites using my novel and getting money off of my hard earned words.
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