Chapter 2: Chapter 2. Audric Albeline

I regained consciousness with a snap; one moment I was unconscious, and the next I was lucid.

Memories immediately tumbled into my head that I had to briefly close my eyes and hold on to my head from the overload.

I knew I was dead but not really because here I was awake and alive.

I had transmigrated!

I opened my eyes gently and got a good look around. I was lying down on a four-poster bed that had the blinds drawn so it was dim.

I pushed open the blinds and just as I had been expecting, I was in a large fancy room that looked like what nobility would live in.

I wasn't ready to face the new world yet so I laid back down to try and figure out what was going on.

It was a fact that I had died in my own reality. A pang stung my chest.

I had died in one of the most shameful ways, getting knifed by low-life thugs.

I wished my mom could be spared the tragedy but I knew there was no way she wouldn't find out.

At least she would stop being disappointed in me. Can't be disappointed in me when I'm not alive.

I didn't want her to blame herself for my death though. It was all my fault.

Mia would be there to comfort her. Mia was my older sister, she worked as a secretary and would be able to take care of herself and mom.

I push my past life out of my mind, it wouldn't be able to help me here.

Just because I transmigrated didn't mean that I couldn't die the second time.

I mean I almost did.

A quick check of my body told me that I was fully healed, I only felt a little groggy. 

Definitely the use of magic…


Was there magic in this world? Had I truly transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter?

Excitement started to build under my skin. I was given a system too. A magic system!

I needed to go over my new system again. I didn't get the chance to do it the last time because there had been other far more pressing issues.

'Now how do I go about checking my system?'

'Do I have to say a magic word or a secret passcode? How did I get access to it last time?'

I couldn't remember, I had been on the edge of a panic meltdown when it popped up.

"Um…" I cleared my throat, thrown off by the strange voice coming out of my mouth. "My System?" I muttered in an unsure voice. "Magic System?" I tried again but nothing happened.

I then tried to remember what it had looked like, picturing the black pixelated background in my mind.

That seemed to work because the blinds and the bed faded away, the black pixelated background showing up again.

I waited with impatience and growing excitement as the loading bar counted up to a hundred again. 'Will this always happen?'

It would be annoying if I needed to access the system quickly and it just kept loading like a laggy computer.

Like it could hear me, the screen blinked and my stats were shown again.

This time I gave it my full attention, studying every single stat carefully.


[Audric Albeline]

 <SP: 100>

 <Health: 100/100>

+ Physical Stats

[Strength: 10/100]

[Stamina: 6/100]

[Speed: 2/100]

+ Non-Physical Stats

[Magical Power: 40/100]

- Sub-stats

[Charms: 23/100]

[Dark Charms: 50/100]

[Knowledge: 30/100]

- Sub-stats

[Intelligence: 7/100]

[Information: 41/100]

+ Special Skills

[Animagus - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 500 SP

[Legilimency - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 500 SP

[Bloodline Magic - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 2000 SP

[OOC Feature - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 500 SP


This time my health bar was full, which was a relief. Dying was the last thing I wanted to repeat.

You are reading story The Slytherin Magus at

A small icon at the top corner of the screen caught my attention and before I could stop myself, I reached out a hand to tap on it like it was a touch screen pad.

But a banner popped up when I did that and 'Info' in small letters was written on it.

I was curious now but less sure this time, I tried to tap on the banner.

The screen blinked and instead of my stats, paragraphs of texts filled the pixelated screen.

I unconsciously sat up to get a better look at it.



SP - Story Points :

Story Points can be gained when actions are made to further the plot. 

Story Points can be spent on special skills.

Animagus : <info locked>

Legilimency : <info locked>

Bloodline Magic : <info locked>

OOC Feature- Out Of Character Feature:

Out Of Character Feature prevents you from taking actions that contradict the character.

Out Of Character Feature is allowed to penalize when an OOC action is performed. Payments are made in Story Points.

Out Of Character Feature can be unlocked with 500 Story Points which grants free reign of the character.


It was simple enough which was a relief because no matter how badly I did, it would be hard to flop so much that I lost everything.

I went back to the main page and quickly studied the stats shown.

It was clear that the stats given to me were of the previous occupant of this body. The Master Audric or something.

I made a face at the stats. 'How did Audric survive in the Wizarding World as a member of a pureblood family?'

His stats were way below average. The only thing average was his ability to perform dark charms and his information, the rest were downright horrible.

'Wait, dark charms? That doesn't sound good.'

'Did I transmigrate into the body of a Death Eater?'

"Shit." I cursed audibly, louder than I had planned to.

"Master Audric is awake, he is, sir!" Wilkins' shrill voice cut through the room.

The blinds were drawn open and I found myself staring right at the House-Elf, his bulging light brown eyes fixed on me like headlights.

He threw his small wiry body over my legs, half sobbing as he did so. "Wilkins is so happy, sir. I has never been so happy in all my life, sir."

I had a lot of questions at the tip of my tongue but I knew better than to ask outright. That would be the fastest way to lose SP.


The House-Elf didn't let me finish my sentence, he jumped off my legs with an expressive look of horror on his oddly shaped face.

"Oh no! I is sorry, Master Audric. Wilkins is very sorry indeed, Master Audric…" He started to mutter again, picking up a heavy decoration from the top of my side dresser and using it to clobber himself over the head.

My eyes widened in panic as I leapt forward to try and drag the heavy gold figurine from his small bony hands.

A sharp pain pierced through the side of my head, and a heavy sense of premonition overwhelmed me.


<WARNING!!!> - OOC Feature Violation 


I cursed under my breath and stopped trying to help him. It wasn't a pretty sight because Wilkins kept yelping in pain but he didn't stop his assault on himself.

I waited for my SP to be reduced but nothing happened, maybe it was because it was the first time. I probably wouldn't be so lucky the next time. I had to be more careful now.

"Stop that incessant screeching and come over here." I sneered in the rudest tone I could manage.

I held my breath for a couple of seconds waiting for the uncomfortable sharp pain in my head but nothing happened.

My shoulders lifted in a silent sigh of relief. Wilkins quickly obeyed too, carefully dropping the decoration and scurrying over.

"I is here, Master Audric."

I went quiet for a while, trying to properly phrase the sentence.

I knew that most pureblood Wizarding families treated their House-Elves like crap. I wasn't an endorser of slavery but my life was more important than being polite to a House-Elf.

Besides, in the original series, House-Elves almost seemed to crave the shitty way they were treated.

I didn't have the time nor the patience for a moral dilemma.

"I seem to have forgotten a lot of things." I said with the most disgust I could, like asking a House-Elf for help was beneath me. "Tell me everything that happened."

I really hoped Wilkins would prove useful or I would be in deep shit.

Wilkins' face contorted in sadness and he looked like was about to throw another fit.

"Wilkins!" I snapped sharply, truly impatient now.

It was almost like the little creature was a masochist because no one in their right mind would constantly want to inflict pain on themselves.

"Oh! Master Audric! It was horrible, it was." He sniffed, pulling out a piece of moldy cloth to blow his hooked nose. "Master, Mistress, Mistress Amalia, and Master Audric was having dinner same as any other night when they came."

Another bout of loud discomforting sneezing. "Wilkins don't know very much but there was lots of shouting. The leader of the people that came says Master failed, says the whole family failed. They made everyone come out on the lawn and useds bad magic on Master, Mistress, Mistress Amalia, and Master Audric."

This time, he placed the entire piece of moldy cloth on his face, ugly crying into it. "Then it was horrible, Master Audric. They beats Mast…" He choked on his words and couldn't seem to go on.

I sat back, my brain working overtime as I quickly went over what I knew of Harry Potter to try and fill the blanks in.