The world of Nostalisk is quite different from the world our Ancients lived in, and that is to be expected. We aren't weak as they were, and the world is much stronger than it was back then, as well as different in terms of size and its make-up. As such, the art of war and warfare within itself has also changed. Even way back before the Ancients, the people who fought like us were weak and fought differently. No longer are holding sieges to starve out the enemy a valid tactic. No longer can people die as easily as they did back then, nor are weapons so simple. Fancy skills such as fencing are no longer a good way of fighting, and people are born with the skills to fight.
The variety of food is low, and attacking the resource deposit of a Faction is heavily frowned upon. Armor was nearly made absolute, and the formerly frowned upon act of what the Ancients call "cannibalism" is now extremely common. Even the tactic of lowering morale doesn't work anymore, with loyalty being more important as well as the thrill of battle. As such, warfare must be both tactical as it is less on psychological and more of straight-forward. No old Ancient Art of War book will help you here. Instead, read this book and the stories attached to learn the art of warfare. I can't tell you that this will be the best book out there, but I can tell you that it will be one that will try and help you nonetheless.
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The very first thing to talk about is the most obvious part of warfare, and that is knowing your enemies. As such, the first topic covered will be about...
Whether the Factions be ones from the past that are no longer around, or the current ones, and even what each Faction was like in the past shall all be explained. The first thing to get down when talking about Factions is the types. Now, this may offend some of you but there are Factions that are weaker than others by no small degree. There are the Primary Factions, the largest and most influential Factions. The next is the Infentrairy Factions, Factions that aren't as large or influential as the Primary Factions, but are just as much of a threat, if not an even greater one. The next are the Underlying Factions. Those are the ones that are small or large but are not as powerful as the others. They are influential in their own right, especially among trade, knowledge of the land, and wandering warbands and mercenaries. The next ones are the Outlying Factions. These are mainly the smallest Factions, and arguably the weakest, but they are not to be underestimated. There is a reason most of these have survived enough to gain the title.
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These Factions are known throughout all of Nostalisk, and for good reason too. Mighty and experienced, they have seen their fair share of bloodshed and mistakes. Yet, through them all, they still remain standing strong.
That being said, they can be dealt with, and quite easily too. They are Never, however, to be underestimated or looked down on. Remember, they are the largest Factions around, and they have the largest territory too. They have plenty of resources and troops to spare to deal with even small threats. Yet, depending on the type of Primary Faction you are dealing with, their priority would be with themselves rather than the other Factions. However, note this only applies to a few, so be weary of attacking them. Of course, being the large Factions they are, they do have quite the number of enemies. They just don't have the time to attack them when they're all engaged in a war with each other. That's right. The biggest enemies to the Primary Factions are the other Primary Factions and, as anyone probably knows, they are almost always fighting each other. However, even if the other Primary Factions are their biggest foes, they don't see them as the biggest threats. That title falls to most of the Infentrairy Factions, and for good reason. Most Infentrairy Factions can go toe-to-toe with a Primary Faction and come out on top, with a few even being able to take on multiple, though for most of those few, it happens in special circumstances.
Of course, attacking such a large Faction will take much out of the Infentrairy Factions, and doing so often won't end too well for them. While the Primary Factions are enemies, they too also rely on them to keep other Factions in check. As such, they will often lessen their attacks on the Primary Faction under attack or even help them out in rare cases. In this sense, one could say the Primary Factions are also each others' greatest allies.
While they aren't as large as the Primary Factions, these Factions should be considered just as dangerous, if not more. A few of them used to be Primary Factions themselves, while some of them are powerful enough that they are avoided.
The Infentrairy Factions vary in size, with the smallest being one point three million while the largest has eighty-eight trillion, only being beaten in population by two Primary Factions. However, it is not their size that makes them an Infentrairy, but the threat they pose. Their soldiers are not only extremely skilled or vastly unique, but their leaders make sure that their army is used perfectly. Invading an Infentrairy Faction will make the invader a target of other Infentrairy Factions, meaning invading one is normally not a good idea. Inentrairy Factions also have more use being around than being invaded as, since they are more skilled than other Factions' armies, they often are hired or made allies to help fight in many wars. One just has to be extra sure not to cross them.
Mainly large Factions that are found on the outskirts of Nostalisk, they can put up a good fight and invading them takes time and resources. Since these large Factions fight each other most of the time, they rarely get involved with the rest of Nostalisk, and often fight using hit-and-run tactics and ambushing.
Even if they don't get involved with other Factions, they will send out warbands and groups of mercenaries to bring in extra income and knowledge. Even if some of these Factions can be said to not have the full Nostalisk Spirit, they are true warriors and will fight to the death in most cases. They also protect their smaller fellow Underlying Factions, protecting them in turn for troops and technology. Because they live on the outskirts, they have the most resources of any Factions and are the ones in control of the many trade routes, often being the ones that bring resources in. They are also the ones that make the most accurate maps of Nostalisk, and rarely take sides with the other Factions.
Often some of the oldest Factions that have been reduced to a former shell of what they once were. While old and small, often listening to pressure, they are experienced and are never to be underestimated, especially since they are still around.
A good deal of Outlying Factions are made primarily of one species or families. Like the Underlying Factions, they can primarily be found around the outskirts of Nostalisk. They supply many of the records of times of old and have many tactics under their belts. They are considered the most peaceful Factions, and getting to them is hard. Still, if one does manage to get to them, they can put up a very tough defense. If they do go to war, then one will expect them to gather a very tough and very determined army. Most of the time they use hit-and-run tactics, going out into the battlefield and decimating battered or lone armies before disappearing, retreating back to a safe location. They rather despise religion but not the Gods. Many of them also hold temples and shrines dedicated to the Apostles, and these are the Factions the Apostles most often visit...though if they are favored by them can't be said for sure.