“There is nothing I hate more than crime, people say I am obsessive oh yeah? Prove that I am” A guy in a mask, and spandex suit drives down the road. “Is that kid littering?” Dark Narwhal shouts, Dark Narwhal jumps out his car, and stares at the little boy.
“Kid are you littering?” Dark narwhal asks, “Who is this goofyass looking faggot?” Natas asks, “You’re death” Dark Narwhal answers, as he spinkicks Natas across the face and he slams into a fence.
Natas opens his eyes, and sees Dark Narwhal pounding on him over and over again. Natas loses a tooth, and Natas decides to pull out a gun. “You are legally not allowed to own a gun” Dark Narwhal mumbles under his breath, snapping Natas’s Arm.
“Ah” Natas shouts, in pain and agony. “I hate you nigga” Natas shouts, “and I hate you too” Dark narwhal responds, a bolt of lightning is heard, and Dark Narwhal dissapears.
[The Next Day]
“Yo did you hear the news?” Wendy asks, “You're the only bitch who watches that,” Joskin replies. “Anyway, a poor black person got the shit beat out of him by a white vigilante” Wendy explains.
“Oh wow tell me more” Torch, sarcastically responds.
“This is an example of grade-A racism that was committed” Wendy shouts, “Wait you are more concerned about the fact how a white man beat a black kid instead of a man in general beating up a child” Hare states.
“Racism is America's number one problem” Wendy explains, “Yeah totally, who cares about the fact we are thirty trillion dollars in debt, and there are homeless people on the side of the road, Nope Racism” Torch sarcastically remarks.
“Whatever I am going to class” Wendy shouts, as she leaves.
“Can’t believe I dated her” Joskin states, “Can’t believe she dated you” Hare remarks.
[The first class]
“Can anyone explain what happened yesterday?” The teacher asks, “Pfft, can you explain what happened to your hairline over the years” Veronica roasts.
“No” The Teacher says, “also my answer” Veronica responds.
“Are you guys fucking serious, yesterday a white man beat up a black child in an act of racism” Wendy shouts, “I don’t think it was racism” The teacher responds.
“Oh really then what was it?” Wendy asks, “If I had to place my bet, it was an extreme vigilante” the teacher explains, “ugh I hate extremists” Wendy shouts.
The whole class turns to her, “What?” Wendy asks. “Oh nothing just something very ironic” Veronica states, “Anyway class settle down” The Teacher explains “We will now learn about geometry”
“How about I learn how to kill myself?” Hare asks.
“What do you guys think of Dark Narwhal?” Hare asks, “I-i-i-i I am pr-pretty s-scared” Reggie answers, “I for one don’t believe in it, I mean a vigilante. What are ten year olds who believe in comic books?” Tom asks, “Guys I actually came across Dark narwhal last night” Roger tells them.
“Oh boy so believable” Torch sarcastically remarks, “No seriously my dad is a superhero, and he got in touch with Dark narwhal, you know pretty basic stuff” Roger continues.
“Dude you are fucking lying shut up” Tom tells him, “hey has anyone seen Jeff today?” Hare asks. “What the boy in the KKK outfit I am glad he is gone” Wendy shouts, “What's that” hare asks.
A man with a horn on his nose, a mask, and a spandex suit appears. Jeff is thrown like a football, “The fuck?” Hare shouts, “This boy was beating up a black person, so I decided to teach him a lesson.” Dark Narwhal explains, as he disappears.
“Not real huh?” Joskin says, “Look we all know it’s just Xavier trying to prank us duh” Tom explains. “I can’t believe it” Wendy asks “Jeff what race was the guy”, “Black” Jeff responds.
“What? But it's impossible for a black person to be racist” Wendy questions herself, “M-m-m-maybe be-because he-he is isn't” Reggie suggests, “yeah what Adderall Andy said” Joskin agrees with Reggie.
“I will get to the bottom of this” Wendy shouts, “Sure, but it's the bottom of nothing” Tom shouts.
“If you are so sure that Dark Narwhal doesn’t exist, commit a crime” Hare dares him, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Damn” Jamal shouts, “Sure Conformist, and if I’m correct I get five dollars from all of you” Tom accepts the dare.
Wendy was hiding and she smiles “let’s bait him out shall we” Wendy says.
[After School]
“Here is a coke can” Hare gives it to Tom “now drop it”, “yeah foo you ain’t gonna leave are ya?” Jamal shouts, “A-ah thi-this is s-scary” Reggie shouts.
“I live to prove you faggots wrong” Tom explains, dropping a coke can.
“Oh my god this is like taking forever” Kweeny complains, “Oh what dark narwhal doesn’t exist” Tom taunts them.
Then, something fast pounces at them.
Tom jumps out of the way, and it aims straight at Eddy and beats the shit out of him. “Wait Dark Narwhal is real” Kweeny says, “No we aren’t Dark Narwhal we are the we hate Eddy fanclub” Someone says.
“Oh yeah I’m a part of that” Joskin explains, “anyway I was bored so I decided to beat up Eddy see ya” The guy then leaves.
You are reading story The Hare Show at novel35.com
“See like I said nothing happene-” Tom gets interrupted, as his face gets slammed onto the concrete. “Littering bastard” Dark Narwhal puts his foot on his dick, “Ouch” Joskin says.
Mime smiles, and drops his coke can, and Dark Narwhal stomps on his dick.
“Why is Mime smiling?” Hare asks, “The less questions the better” Joskin responds. “See that is Dark Narwhal pay up” Hare Shouts, “No way” Tom disbeliefs “That is Xavier pranking us”
“How can this be Xavier if he is right here?” Joskin asks, “Pfft I don’t know strategy” Tom explains.
Wendy smiles, as she walks up to Dark Narwhal “Thanks Mime you little Deviant” Wendy mumbles. Wendy starts inspecting Dark Narwhal, “Wendy why are you here?” Joskin shouts.
Wendy hides behind a pole, “Oh stalking” Dark Narwhal slams his first into the pole, and Wendy runs off.
Dark Narwhal’s hand gets stuck in the pole and can’t pull it out.
“Guys quick let’s make a run for it” Joskin shouts, Everyone follows him.
[the next Day]
Wendy walks around with a trenchcoat, and a hat. “hey Wendy” Hare says “Why are you hiding”, “Dark Narwhal was on the news last night, and he is looking for me” Wendy shouts “But I am positive he can’t find me as long as I hide forever”
“Yeah, sure thing” Hare responds, “oh and have you seen Joskin?” Wendy asks. “Well, Well, Well Look who wants to know” Hare teases “but No I haven’t seen him”, “that’s odd he would never leave school, how else will he get to bully and belittle us” Wendy answers.
[geometry class]
Wendy frantically looks around during class as the teacher teaches, until a message appears on the promethean board.
“Hello I am the Dark Narwhal, and let me ask you something, are you impressed? I was able to hack all of the electronics in the town, and now I want to know where is the girl from yesterday, who tried to avoid the law. After all I have one of her friends” Dark narwhal then shows Joskin.
Wendy gasps, “Oh Little girl, meet me where we met yesterday” Dark Narwhal shouts.
“WE HAVE TO GO GET HIM” Wendy shouts, “I thought you hated Joskin” Hare teases, “I don’t have time for this” Wendy runs out of the classroom, Hare follows her.
[The Pole]
Wendy walks around, she then walks backwards, and accidentally bumps into Dark Narwhal. “Hello little girl” Dark Narwhal shouts “Putting your nose in places it shouldn’t be huh?”, “Listen here Dork Narwhal I know karate” Wendy threatens.
Dark Narwhal vanishes, and appears Wendy then he pimp slaps her. All the other kids witness this, Jamal grabs his uzis and starts firing, Dark Narwhal grabs Jamal’s hand and breaks it.
Dark narwhal starts running, Mime throws a copy of Playboy magazine in hopes he will slip. Dark Narwhal does a flip over it, and stomps on Mime’s face.
Jeff throws a burning cross, Dark Narwhal stands there and takes it. Craig starts drinking alcohol and runs to Dark narwhal.
Xavier looks around, and grins he runs to Joskin, and grabs his pocket knife.
“Want to see a prank?” Xavier asks, “No I don’t” Joskin answers, “I’ll chop off your arm” Xavier shouts, as Joskin starts sweating.
“Sike” Xavier says, freeing Joskin from the chair he was tied to.
Dark Narwhal stomps towards Wendy to finish the job, Joskin grabs the chair, and speeds towards Dark narwhal.
Wendy sits there, as Dark narwhal approaches.
Wendy starts crying “Someone save me”, Joskin slams the chair against the back of Dark Narwhal’s head, Dark narwhal turns around “Was that supposed to hurt?” Dark Narwhal asks.
“No it was supposed to heal you” Torch sarcastically remarks, Dark narwhal punches Torch. Joskin runs, and Dark Narwhal follows. Wendy gets back up “Joskin protects me?” Wendy says to herself, she grabs Jamal's Uzi and runs towards Dark Narwhal.
Joskin ends up at a dead end “before I die tell Wendy” Joskin pauses “Fairy has a fantastic body”, Dark Narwhal cracks his knuckles, and Wendy shoots his arm.
“FUCK, FUCK, DAMNIT, JESUS THAT HURT YOU KNOW” Dark Narwhal shouts, he fades away.
“Wendy babe you saved the day” Joskin states, “Joskin” Wendy shouts “Don’t act like nothing happened I heard what you said about Fairy”
“Rough, well ok” Joskin says, uncomfortable, “We are over” Wendy shouts. “Wendy we were never a couple and besides the fact how my last words were for you, shows what I think about you” Joskin explains.
Wendy blushes, but then leaves him there.
“Guess I went too far with the teasing this time huh?” Joskin says “Whatever I’m going to go find that gay kid to bully”