After that day a brutal and bloody conflict began which would be known by future generations as the Diamond War.
White Diamond started to kill off the lesser Diamonds who did not agree with her plan to overthrow Purple Diamond.
She even sided with the Diamond's sworn enemy- the Regals.
The Regals were beings that also possessed the capabilities of Diamonds.
A race called the Regals. They were the sworn enemies of Diamonds and were ranked as the third strongest beings after the Diamonds. They are known for their title, Universe Destroyers.
They call themselves the Pure Race, but their heart was uglier than their beliefs.
They appeared in different forms, both beautiful and also ugly. Most of them appeared as extremely beautiful humans however, they saw beauty as an ideal to be chased and sought after. The regals were so beautiful that it wasn’t uncommon for some to sacrifice everything to just get a look at their beauty.
One of the things that signify that they are Regals is the color of the hoop on their head and the style. The angels had a circle hoop that appeared white, but the Regals had a hoop that looked like a star and had different colors like red, yellow, green, blue, and more.
They also possessed a pair of either black or white wings which they could choose whether to hide or not.
Also, the size of the wings determined how powerful they were, so the Regals who held a lot of power could easily manipulate and craft their own devices or weapons that they used for battle. If they were strong enough they could even let their weapons operate automatically.
They also have Cores like the Diamonds. The Diamonds carry a core called a Diamond Gem while Regals carry a crystal mixed with different colors, that they call a Soul Gem.
Regals choose to destroy planets and eat living beings for food, not because they can't survive without food, but because they find it fun to see other beings suffer. Destruction and suffering is their favorite pastime.
Instead of a pure Race, they were more like a mad race of Demons in angel skin who called themselves blessed. If they didn’t simply kill other beings, they would enslave them. And their enslavement wasn’t casual either. The Regals would make those they enslaved do grueling physical work and be used for training or target practice, they wouldn’t see them as living creatures, just things for their amusement.
After White Diamond had joined forces with the Regals she had an army of her own to combat the power and influence of Purple Diamond.
Her crusade caused chaos in the Heavenly Realms as she destroyed most of the worlds that held living beings.
Wars broke out in every world in each Dimension.
Humans and other races went to war with each other.
In addition, the lesser god realms were in chaos, all the lesser gods who were in charge of managing the smaller worlds were also corrupted and this caused them to go mad.
Black Diamond helped White out a little bit since she did technically start the war by manipulating White.
She wanted to make her plan become successful as easily as possible.
One after the other the Diamonds fell from their glory, many gems of their masters also died, so did their Pearls.
Pearls were immortal beings chosen by the Diamond System to be the aid of Diamonds. They are extremely loyal to their chosen Diamonds and never betray them. Pearls served their Diamonds to complete adoration and obedience. They are the managers of their world's Diamond system. They possess extreme combat abilities to be able to combat their own masters at the very least during training and strive to aid their Diamonds in their work.
They are mostly given the Title World Destroyer and Universe managers.
A world Destroyer is a being that possesses a great amount of energy to destroy various worlds themselves, mostly the title god Class is used, but they exceed the god Class in those worlds. They appear as people who barely have any gender, but most of them choose to have a gender. They have crystal long hair that resembles the hair of their Diamond, with a pearl as their core. Their eyes also have a pearl-shaped pupil to be able to identify that they are Pearls. Their entire body are like crystals placed together to form a body that can't be easily damaged from an attack.
A Universe Manager is a title given to the Pearls by their masters. They manage all the activities in the Universe and enforce various rules on the beings inhabiting the planets. When a Diamond dies so does their Pearl because their Pearls are part of them. Each of the Pearls has their own characteristics, which is meant to match that of their Diamond's.
The Gems are ageless warriors who project female or male humanoid forms from magical gemstones at the core of their being.
Gems are also like pearls but are created by Diamonds. Gems are made by a Diamond's tears or are chosen beings made to accompany Diamonds. They do lesser tasks for the Diamonds, they were servants, however they were treated with respect and love by their respective Diamonds. Due to this, any and all Gems would offer their utmost and complete devotion to their Diamonds.
The heavens were in Chaos, as it broke to pieces.
The other Diamonds who did not want to be caught up in the war fled from the Diamond Realm.
During the last battle, The Purple and White Diamond were the last ones who remained standing in the chaotic battle.
The battle was a magnificent one that called for heavy sacrifices on both sides.
Purple Diamond's powers far surpassed White, but when it came to battle experience White was stronger and much more powerful since she was always sent to wars against the enemy races in Purple's place.
Despite being the Diamond of Peace she had to commit violence to preserve it, which may have been one cause for her nature.
White and Purple fought each other for days on end as the Diamond world kept breaking into pieces, the other realms suffering from this too.
Purple knew that if she didn't stop her sister, creation would be unbalanced and the Diamonds would receive harsh punishment from the Great Divine Deity, who stood above them.
Purple could think of nothing else but sacrificing herself to protect the other Diamonds.
She summoned a forbidden spell exclusive to Diamonds, called Diamonlia.
As Purple Diamond activated it, a massive purple light with strange symbols surrounding her.
The energy radiating from Purple made White’s blood run cold.
She could sense the power, the one thought she had was the ability was dangerous.
‘There’s no way she’s doing what I think she’s doing right!? If she’s using Diamonlia she could completely destroy the universe.’ Beads of sweat ran down White’s face, ‘This is a sacrificial spell as well. Her heart will shatter, I have to stop this! I have to stop her!’ She thought frantically.
White dashed with all the force and power she could muster, with all of her mind, body and soul she charged in anger. As she lifted her blade attempting her final blow, a split second before it connected with her neck and effectively killing her a big light sparked.
White Diamond was far too late.
White couldn’t stop her, Purple Diamond's spell wiped out her army, and the surrounding area, saving the Diamond Realm.
When they were both shattering, time seemed to slow for them and Purple asked why she became like this.
White just scoffed, "If you hadn't stolen what was mine everything would have been alright. I tried holding myself back but I just couldn't stand how naive you were anymore. Blessing all the mortals with whatever they wanted without even checking on them to see if they truly praise you. You made the Diamonds look like fools!!!!" White Diamond barked angrily at Purple in a harsh tone.
White diamond bit down on her lip hard, ‘I don't know why I turned out like this. I never wanted this to happen, but for some reason, I just couldn't hold my resentment for you anymore,’ She thought to herself.
“Honestly Purple,” White paused for a moment, “What made me angrier than how you ruled was how you were treated. If you were the ruler of all us Diamonds you shouldn’t have let beings, especially those lesser, mock you. I wanted you to at least prove why you were our ruler... but you never did.”
Tears dripped down White’s face as she gave Purple a look that could only be described as thousands of years of torment and resentment being released.
She had done all she wanted to, and said all she wanted to say, she could finally rest now that she got that last bit off her chest.
And with that, White shattered, leaving Purple Diamond all alone as she slowly crumbled.
Purple cried out, "I'm so sorry White Diamond. I knew everything that was going on in the lesser realms but let it happen anyway. If I would’ve handled things differently I wonder, could we siblings have lived happily together? That was my one, for us to remain living in harmony forever, as long as I had you all I was satisfied...” With a regretful look she closed her eyes, shattering completely.
After they had both shattered, no traces of their gems were left. They had been completely erased.
The ashes of their Diamond Gems remain to this day and are looked over for new generations to inherit their powers.
I gazed at Mum, my eyes watery from the emotional ending, "That’s terrible. Mum, what happened to the rest of them?" I questioned sadly, feeling sorry for the Diamonds.
"I don't know, they may have hidden in different dimensions," she answered back with a smile.
That night I went to sleep, I never knew that after that story our happy moments could never last. Late at night, I opened my eyes and sneaked out of the room as the playful child I was to go and scare my parents in bed.
But that was when everything changed.
I saw Seas of flames raining down from the sky. Confused and startled, I slowly started to run away from my chamber trying to figure out what was going on.
As I was running I heard some people shout, "Find the Princess and kill the queen and the king!!!!"
They screamed together, "Yeeeeaaaahhhh!!! For the Glory of our kingdom and our peace!!!"
'What why?' I thought as I saw them holding swords, Axes, and torches while marching determined.
I ran to my sister's room, quickly picking them up. I started to run away from the men, trying my best to make it to a safe place.
‘Where are the royal Guards??’ I asked myself as there weren’t any knights in sight which was strange seeing how they would be patrolling the castle around this hour.
But just then, there was a sudden cry to my left. There was a Knight running towards me.
You are reading story I wanna be the Hero, but I’m the villain at
He was a handsome tall man, with broad and slender shoulders, ahead of short blonde hair unrolling behind him, and a ponytail falling down nearly to his waist with no curls.
He gave off a calm and innocent impression even in this situation. Most eye-catching were his eyes, they are a pair of cool and soft green eyes; both eyes unexpectedly have twin pupils.
For some reason, he felt very familiar to me.
I tried my best to push that feeling aside though once he made it directly to me, stopping.
He was covered in blood, "The Royal Guards and Knights were ambushed at the palace gates. They were annihilated so please, Princess, you must leave the palace to a safe place. I’ll need you to follow me."
The blood seemed to mostly be from other people but I had the feeling he had been injured badly as well.
"Knight, what is happening?" I asked with a shaky voice.
"The King’s brother is rebelling against him for the throne," he answered.
"But why is daddy's brother rebelling?"
"I don't know myself," he said nervously, “The King is and alway has been so Peaceful so the cause of this is unexplainable... "
We then heard some of the intruders who were part of the rebellion appear. "It's the Princesses, get them!" Shouted one man as he pointed our way.
The Knight got in a battle stance, shouting out, "Iris start running!!"
"But what about you Mr. Knight??" I asked worriedly.
"I said run, don't worry about me I can handle them," he said, a confident smirk on his face.
I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to die so without a second thought, I started running without looking back, which was a decision I would regret.
Once the Knight saw how Iris was at a safer distance he turned, facing the attackers, "Goodbye my little sister Iris and my baby twin Sisters," he muttered under his breath, "I promise I'll see you again one day."
"Mum, Dad, where are you?" I screamed as I ran with my two sisters in my arms.
Grunts and voices were ringing throughout the castle.
Some were voices I didn’t know but I did recognize one. It was my dad! I started running to where I could hear my dad's voice, it sounded like there was a struggle happening.
I rounded the corner, now standing in the throne room.
The throne room- the most majestic and beautiful place in Asteria. The walls were made up of clear gold, with a clear glassy floor, and at the front of the throne room, there was a Throne of crystals.
However, now that the palace was under attack, the throne room didn’t have its former glory intact. There were sword gashes all over the throne as well as the floors and walls- proof of a fierce battle taking place.
I saw dad, struggling to fight a strange man with swords. I could hear the constant clashing of the swords as it echoed throughout the room.
My Dad, the King of Asteria, was fighting for everything. His family, kingdom, and honor.
My Dad, the King of Asteria, was a man with a handsome face. Having long black hair that was tied backward, with his gray eyes and stern face that showed his benevolence and handsome features.
He wore Diamond armor that had beautiful and regal looking crafting on it as he held a huge black sword. He was a tall man which was befitting, since he was the King of Asteria. Whenever he entered a room if his standing didn’t make his presence known, his height and stature would’ve done the trick.
The man he was in battle with had similar features to dad, but he wore bright silver armor and had short Black hair with a beard.
‘So that's my dad's brother,’ I thought, analyzing the situation.
The two siblings were clashing forcefully, each swing creating immense wind pressure in the room.
The more I looked around the more things I noticed. Like my mum and my Dad’s advisor Graymor standing a bit away from the two clashing warriors.
Graymor was wounded, with a bloody wound in his side that he was covering with a piece of cloth, while my mum was looking to be in perfect health.
‘Dad and Graymor must’ve protected her,’ I thought.
The two clashed and clashed but right when things looked to be completely even, Dad slipped slightly, losing balance and when he slashed he didn’t aim accurately.
His brother didn’t waste the opportunity as he slipped under the attack, before slashing at my father and before I could make sense of what was happening, blood spurted out from Dad’s chest.
Dad was able to safely move backwards as he held his bleeding chest and his pale face could be seen, but his brother wouldn’t let up. Charging forward, going for another slash, letting out a bloodcurdling scream, “Time to die dear brother!”
Dad raised his blade, attempting to parry but he winced, still reeling from the pain of his flesh wound.
His guard dropped and just as he was about to get stabbed through the heart, I saw a person run over.
I watched in horror as the sword meant for my dad went through my mother's womb. She had jumped in the way to try and protect him.
She fell on the floor- a pool of blood around her.
The Queen of Asteria, my dear mother, was dead.
"Mum, noooo!!!" Right as I started to turn and run to her, Graymor quickly scooped me and my sisters in his arms, “I'm sorry but we have to go princesses.”
My dad held mum in his arms, tears pouring down his face. He screamed out, “Nooooooooo!”
I struggled, attempting to escape Graymor’s hold but it was no use, he was too strong, or maybe I was just too weak.
The last thing I saw was my dad's brother raising his sword in the air and while wearing a wicked expression that I will never forget- striked my father down- completely beheading him.
Light flashed and all of a sudden we were in a different place. Tears ran down my face as I felt the conflicting emotions of sorrow and fear.
Everything went so quick that I had little time to process what had just happened. The sorrow of losing my parents, who had been my whole world along with the fear of not knowing what to do next without them.
The Kingdom had been overthrown. For why I couldn’t say, but one thing I knew was an indescribable pain in my chest and throat as I cried like I never had before.
As I weeped, Graymor didn’t say a word as he set me and my sisters down. He had teleported us in an instant, proof of his skill seeing how most teleportation skills would take preparation in advance.
He went over to a control panel. The room we were in had a lot of weird looking devices and items spread throughout.
As I continued to cry he simply walked over, grabbing each of us one by one.
He gently placed my newborn sisters into a strange machine but when he grabbed me, I struggled. So if it was out of annoyance or urgency, he tossed me into one forcefully.
We were each in our individual machine.
The machine was a space that could hold a human being, but it had different black cravings and signs on it.
I cried and banged as hard as I could but it would not open. I was separated from my sisters and I didn't want that.
As my violent tantrum was at its all time high, gas started pouring into the machine. It had a soothing scent that made me forget all about the death of my dad and mom, as well as my separation from my sisters. I was slowly drifting off to sleep.
I could hear a faint sound of people running to where we were screaming, "There they are, don't let them get away!!!"
Graymore turned to face me, a griefed expression on his face, "Be strong and one day you may avenge us."
Those were the last words I heard from Graymore. After he finished his words, the devices started moving.
My vision at this point was blurry but I saw red, a lot of it.
‘Graymore was killed right in front of me. Just like with dad and mum I was useless! Graymore always cared for me and watched over me like family and I couldn’t do anything to save him. It was blurry, but he was still killed before me, wasn’t he?’ A single tear dripped down my face as my mind started to fade away.
'Why, why why why why why why why! We did nothing wrong at all, so then why???!!!!!!!!'
With those last thoughts in my mind, I fully fell asleep as the light faded from my eyes.
A dull humming sound went off and the next thing I knew, I was safe.
(These devices are Dimensional spacecraft that were invented for the Princesses in case they were in Danger to keep them safe. They teleport the person inside to another Dimension. A High-Class Goddess who controls Dimensions creates mostly this device.
So then was there a Goddess around and who do you think it was?)