Chapter 25: Interlude IV – Haemish, Audience with a King

As Haemish walked through the halls and corridors of the Imperial Palace of Darf he reflected on how he had spent the last week. As he had suspected his skill had done the trick but concealing his ability behind experimentation and subterfuge had been the real task. That cursed Taler Rant with his incessant questioning and nagging at Haemish to teach him something… good grief! It had only taken Haemish three hours before he grew annoyed and waddled off in search of quieter places to find the cure.


“Sir Haemish, please. I insist that you teach me what you are working on, how will I improve my craft and become as distinguished and capable as yourself if I can’t understand. I merely wish to understand what it is that you are working on. I hope that you did not find my inquisitive nature to be too bothersome but I do think that…..” on and on the idiot droned. It wasn’t that he wasn’t capable, far from it, the Level 73 Alchemist was quite adept and amenable at any menial task Haemish threw at him. They were mostly to get him out of the Potion Masters hair…but no matter. Haemish didn’t work well with babbling in the background even if there were poignant questions.


“Taler, please! I am trying to think about the problem, the Prince’s life depends on it! And more to the point isn’t there some type of cleaning work you can be doing? A tidy Alchemical Lab is a safe Alchemical lab. I always say!” which was exactly the moment Haemish turned around and find the lab completely spotless. He cursed under his breath. Of course, it was completely clean. Grumbling some more under his breath Haemish turned back to his work. Taler showed wisdom beyond his years in keeping very quiet and very still at that moment.


“Very well, ask your questions!” Haemish conceded. It was a faster way to get rid of the man.


“Thank you, sir! Thank you…well since you are open to some questions…” Taler pulled out a roll of paper that he lost control of and promptly unfurled to the ground. The man had attached more papers to the bottom to create an extra-long scroll!


Haemish sighed and Taler shot him a sheepish look, “Well, get on with it, haven’t got all day!” He did have all day, the only thing he was working on was the Prince’s cure and he had already sent that process in motion but Taler didn’t and couldn’t know that.


“Sir, thank you. Ahem….well, the first one is from me, that is what can I expect when I reach Level 80 is there some tangible benefit and what sort of things should I be doing to get there fast as your esteemed self has done?” Taler took a brief moment to peak past the scroll he had in his hand. Checking the expression on the grouchy man’s face, he wasn’t pleased.


“Taler, of all the inane questions to ask you ask that one? Someone of your rank and ability should know the answer to that already! You’re a Level 73 Alchemist for the Gods’ sake! Not a newling! Of course, it varies for each individual but generally working on new recipes and combinations that come out with a functional result is generally the most reliable way. Nothing new there... if you were to find a rare and powerful new material or chemical that has never been discovered before. That my boy would be the one that could catapult you into the highest echelons of Alchemy!” Towards the end, Haemish became more introspective with visions of discovering a cure to the Prince’s Luck situation clouding his mind.


“Thank you for the advice, Sir. I will put more effort into my works and trials, and Level 80? Anything noteworthy to expect?” Taler reiterated.


“Hmm? Oh, no nothing at Level 80. The next level you can expect something profound to happen is likely Level 100, but nothing is set in stone. Perhaps you will be one those rare individual that gains something special. Now, enough questions for now. I must get back to the Prince’s cure!” Haemish was already turning away at that last.


“But, sir. That was only one question and Rion, Calder and Marteen have asked me to run a few things by you and….” Taler trailed off and looked up as he saw who walked into the room.


“Haemish, please tell me you have made some progress on the cure? The Prince seems to be getting worse.” Marasa came striding in with her signature no-nonsense attitude and cut straight to the point, it was her way.


“Yes, Marasa, on that front I can say I am making slow but very steady progress.” Haemish’s skill once started was very much linear. “It will not be more than a couple of days. I will need to check on my finding later but I expect the Prince should be well on his way to recovery within the next 48 hours.” Haemish was confident he would have a solution that would work in half that time but he needed to buy himself some time in case of any…unforeseen complications.


“That is excellent news Haemish! Please keep me updated on the progress you make, and don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything, anything at all to make things move faster and smoother for you I will be happy to provide.” That was an invitation Haemish would not pass up.


“Well, in that case. That is to say…if you are offering. I wonder if I might have a private word.” It was Haemish’s turn to be sheepish with Marasa. The women’s snappish nature unnerved him, but if there was anyone who could get Taler off his back it was her. This was his only chance. Moving up to her and speaking quietly so as not to alert Taler. “Well. You see. It is about the young Alchemist there standing behind me.” He half-turned and smiled at Taler, who smiled back. “Well, he would do better working on something else I should think. Don’t you?”


With absolutely no tact at all, she said, “Taler, for the Gods' sake, leave Haemish alone, I know you have a lot of questions and you have been wanting to meet him for many years but really, have some decorum!” Then she immediately turned and marched out leaving Haemish and Taler gaping after her.


Haemish and Taler exchanged a glance, Haemish looking suitably abashed. Then, he too turned and strode out of the lab while mumbling something about it being time for diner. The sun had just risen. Taler for his part just stood there dejected for a few moments before deciding that he would take the advice of the man he admired and began tinkering with mixes right away. That was the only way he would earn some respect from the man and that was the way he would get into his good graces.



Marasa leaned back against the wall two corridors down from where she had spoken to Haemish and Taler. She let the utter feeling of relief wash over her as she could not in front of others. Haemish had not said he had a cure only that he was making steady progress on one. Even that much was more hope than she had had in some time and it was enough to bring her to her knees.


Marasa, this is not the way to behave or to act! You are in the Palace, get yourself together! Marasa had crafted this persona very carefully and used it as a weapon to get to the position of Head Nurse, she had been assigned to the Prince when he was first taken ill the first time when he was very young and the Luck problem had been identified, and since then she had cared for him like her own son. Just one day ago she had thought he would not make it and now…tears welled in her eyes again at the thought that the young boy who had suffered so much at the hands of something he was born with would have a chance again. A slim one to be sure, but one was better than none. She would see to it that Haemish had what he needed; the cure was all that mattered for now. Other matters could be resolved afterwards.


“Ahem….” A cough echoed in the hall to her left and Marasa quickly spun and blanched at Haemish standing there was a look of concern on his face. “Sorry to interrupt, would you like me to come back?”


Marasa donned her mask again, a little late but appearances had to be maintained. “Not at all Haemish, how can I help?”


“Well, I had another request you see but you left quite…abruptly and so I didn’t get the chance.” Haemish was looking anywhere but at Marasa’s face.


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“Of course, you have my apologies. Please go ahead what is your request?” Marasa asked.


“I would like an audience with the King, I have a very special request, but I would speak with him directly.” Haemish had started that sentence tentative but was firm by the end.


“Impossible! The King does not have time to meet with everyone that wants to meet him? What is this about? I will take him the message. That is the most I can do.”


“Marasa, do this for me, get be the audience, I know you have the power to do so. You care for the Prince deeply. I can see it in your eyes. I care for him myself and I have also seen him a few times since he was a babe...” Haemish paused. “If I were to tell you that I would like to try to help with his condition and this request is related in some way to that. Would that change your mind at all?” Haemish changed his argument mid-sentence when he saw that this might hold sway. He was loath to reveal even this much of his intentions to any but the King. However, he sensed that he would need this powerful and caring woman on his side.


Marasa sniffed and affected poise, “Very well, your intentions seem noble enough. I will bring His Majesty the request and he will decide, I cannot, of course, decide that for him or grant you an audience with him. We shall see.”


With that, Marasa excused herself from Haemish’s presence and swiftly marched down the hall to see about composing herself properly.



Well, that was certainly interesting. Who knew that Ice Queen could have a warm and tender heart for the boy? Haemish had been a little shocked by the way he had found Marasa, leaning against the wall, knees bent like they were unable to hold her up. Then when she heard him she had stood like some had zapped her with lightning. He would have to pay more attention to Marasa, she seemed a woman of unknown and previously unseen depths.


Walking out back along the corridor the way he had come he called out to a passing servant, “Good man, where is the dining hall, I want a spot of breakfast.” It had been quite the morning already and if Haemish’s luck held things were about to get much more stressful than they were already. He rather things got hairy for him on a full stomach than on an empty one.



The following week flew by for Haemish. He had processed and administered the cure to Prince Boren. The Prince had made a full and miraculous recovery. No surprise to Haemish, of course. He knew his solution would work, but he had feigned uncertainty to throw off the scavengers. In the meantime, the King had agreed to a private audience with the Potion Master once it was proven that the Prince had been getting better and would soon make a full recovery after over a month on the sickbed.


Haemish was reassured to know that his efforts had been recognised which was why he was being offered this audience. Which was how Haemish found himself here, sweating profusely in front of the most powerful man in the country.


“Well, Potion Master Haemish! First, let me thank you for your part in curing my son of his ailment, it was most fortunate that you came to the capital when you did, otherwise who knows what could have happened to the Prince. You have my heartfelt gratitude.” The King gestured magnanimously. “Haemish, tell me two things, first what boon would you request for this incredible act that you have performed? Second what was the reason you requested this audience?”


“Quite right Your Majesty! Well, as to that, the two are, in fact, related. In terms of the boon, I would ask that you allow me to set up my Alchemical Lab here in the capital closer to the city for the moment and second, you allow me some time and resources to once again attempt to find a cure for the Prince’s unfortunate ailment.” Haemish spoke feverishly fast, words tripping over each other on their way out of his mouth. This was why he had been sweating. The King had very famously gone into quite the rage when Haemish had brought failure after failure while trying to find a cure.


“Haemish….” a dangerous glint entered the King’s eyes while his voice by contrast was suddenly very quiet and menacing. “You know how I feel about this subject, I suggest you tread lightly, or better yet, drop this subject altogether.” While the King was known to occasionally flare-up, it was also known that it was usually for very good reason. He was, above all else, a reasonable King and reasonable man. He would hear a person out if he had agreed to an audience, unlike the Mad King before him. Thought that King was before Haemish’s time, his reasonable nature was something that the Potion Master liked very much about this King.


Having received the sort-of, go-ahead from the King, Haemish quickly launched into his rehearsed spiel, he had known the path this conversation would take and had prepared for it accordingly. “Sire, you see when I had first attempted the cure for the Prince nine years ago many things were different. I was not the Potion Master that you see before you today. I have since gained much beyond Class Levels and skill levels. Nine years has done a lot for me in terms of my proficiency in my craft. Allow me to try once more.” Selfishly Haemish knew that he would be able to advance his craft much faster with the Kings help, nine years ago working on the potion for the Prince is why he was at Level 147 in the first place, he had advanced nearly 40 Levels in just 6 months because of the number of new combinations and permutations he had been able to concoct. Something completely unheard of for such a high levelled individual. Then it had taken another eight and a half years to improve by another seven levels. That was how much he had been fast-tracked by this man’s…this King’s support, and he could get it again if he played his cards right.


I also want to help the Prince. He thought belatedly, and while that was true it was also an afterthought to the personal advancement he had been striving for his whole life. This was what he needed. He did give it as the reasoning behind his desire to work on the cure though.


“Haemish, I do not disagree with your words. However, it was not lightly that we stopped funding you in the past. It was not only for the reason of your failure though in truth I knew that what we were attempting was unlikely at best and reckless at worst. No, I did not hold that against you.” The King raised his hand to forestall Haemish’s words in his defence. “No, the real reason behind my anger and dismissal of further attempts were two-fold.


“The first and perhaps the lesser of the reasons was that Darf was not an endless pit of funds and while it was true at the time and is not now the point still stands, we cannot just throw money down a pit and hope for wishes to come true. We have a kingdom to run and the economics of the situation cannot be ignored. The second and the most important reason was that both Isabella and I were at the end of our emotional ropes. The constant ups and downs, when you came up with a new concoction that you were sure would work and then it didn’t, again and again, and again…it was too much for us both but Isabella especially.” At this, the King stepped over to the window and looked out over the courtyard of the palace. There, in the distance, walking among the roses was the Queen.


Coming to a decision in his head the King turned and Haemish could see the resolve in his eyes. “Very well… however, you will do what you do in secret and you are not to mention the true intent to anyone, including the Queen. Is that understood? I will not subject her to the same emotional turmoil again that she went through nine years ago! You will need to arrange the components and items that you require yourself and organise expeditions to get the rarer materials yourself as well. I remember how it was the last time. If you need men or materials let Marasa know, she will act as a liaison between us, it is too suspect if you keep coming to meet with me yourself now that Boren is well again. I trust her implicitly.


“Now, leave me. You have said your piece and got what you desired. A soft and heartbroken old man has bowed to your whims again.” The King once again turned sadly to look out of the window towards the setting sun and sighed heavily.


Haemish wanted to say something, but what could he say to this paragon of a King when he looked this defeated? Haemish was surprised by this reaction, in all his years he had never seen the man, the King like this. We all have our burdens to bear. I just hope that my new burden can alleviate some of your own, Your Majesty.


Haemish, with head, bowed to the King’s back shuffled out of the room to start his search for the impossible.