Chapter 7: Chapter 7: All Dead, All Dead

Martin Lambert had become impotent 'cause of a horrific car accident, although he was paid a large amount of money as reparation for his unfortunate accident, Martin had lost the most import thing which once soldified his dignity as a man, Mr. Blair was reading Martin's memoir for the system had informed Martin would lead him to his next target.

"When he checked out from the hospital Martin could see nurses pointing at him and laughing at his deformity which in itslef was an early sign of delusion, as the nurses were pointing fingers at Doctor Jensen goofing around as a clown." The Explorer system said.

Tony continued his peek into Martin's world by reading the poor fellow's diary, while smoking Black notes, and these cigarette surely had earned Mr. Blair's vote.

Martin ran away from his only home, to a place far away from the city, and their he enjoyed for some time the peace, quiet and serenity of the mountains.

But Martin had to return back to the city 'cause of a concering heart condition, it was Arrhythmia. Martin avoided his old neighborhood like a whore who shies away from her old pimp, but oddly enough he (Martin) would always hear a giggling chuckle whenever he was near a smiling woman.

The sound of their echoing laughter, rang like gong inside Martin's head it made him even more irritabe but during that time he was still a law abiding citzen he tried his level best to keep the monster in chains.

After coming back from the city Martin would lock himself in a room for days, until he could not hear the echoing sound of their laughter. Martin would drink Budweiser during those testing times and it was not the medicine but bottles of Budweiser which kept Martin from overthinking. 

"I wonder what would be his reaction if he saw a group of co-ed girls from Les Borne Academy laughing at him just because they wanted to do so." Tony ruminated on that sudden thought.

The story continued on, but the tale skipped suddenly to four monts later when Martin was coming back from the city and he was driving on a strange road, the one he never drove on, it was a dirt road completely parallel to rows of pine trees . 

In the forest Martin found a Tibetan Mastiff who didn't have a collar but on the dog's hindquarters there was a Hello Kitty sticker, and written on it was a name, a legendary name --- Andy.

"He found a docile Tibetan Mastiff in a jungle, he's gone bonkers, those large dogs are known for their aggressiveness that's why good folks with weak hearts buy them for protection."

"I wonder what kind of treats Martin brought for that dog, the word 'Treat' is highlighted in his notebook with a black marker. It must have a different meaning."

"He locked up a Tibetan Mastiff for days, for no reason in particular at all, I think he he was depressed, to stressed to take care of a dog."

Soon the hate took over depression, and feelings of remorse vanished, Martin built a graveyard within the confines of the true mountain hidden from the outside world...

"On Mondays there are no entries, it can't be did he commit murder on monday? No... No... he must've another reason. I got it, he went searching for victims on Mondays. Where he would pick victims from? Hmm... remote towns probably, nowdays every city has too many still and flying cameras."

"Oh... the first girl he caught smiling became his chosen target for the pilot 

 night. So he's not a serial killer... but a smile killer. I wonder, if Hoover boys have linkef a killer like him for totally unrelated murders."

Martin would always carefully speculate a chosen route to never catch the eyes of the police, he would never take a risk as he didn't want to alert the dogs in uniform. The girls he would constantly drug to keep them quiet, stable and happy.

Martin would free his victims, once he was back on the mountain but first he would break their legs. Martin would watch them from a bird's eye view, their struggle, the echoes of their scream would invigorate the warm bood, flowing in Martin's veins.

"God!! He even threw those girls into the kennel, I can't imagine someone being this creepy. What are your thoughts on this system?"


"At least Martin couldn't rape his victims on his own, that's the real silver lining. Holy shit... he fed meat to the mastiff, surely there must have been something wrong with the meat, aphrodisiacs. Oh lord in heaven, God rest their souls, they were... were they fucked by the large pecker of that rabid dog?"

Being an animal the Tibetan Mastiff would naturally lose his sanity and succumb to his sexual urges, the mastiff would pounce on the first pussy he could find and sparks of lust would constrict every other small hole...

The huge jaw of the Mastiff would scare the girl and the victim would willingly open her legs for the mastiff and then the mongrel would let it loose and Martin would watch the dog stirring her pot while eating popcorn he would even praise the dog.

"Uh... I understand he wanted to humilate them until they really became bitches in heat because he wanted to keep staring away from his rock (deformity) Martin's revenge was just a way to distract himself from the blazing tongs of reality."

According to Martin's observation it usually took the Mastiff two days to ruin a girl, within 48 hours he would turn a sentinent being into a bitch in heat who would only live for pleasure. 

"Its quite ironic that he would laugh at the ruined girl for hours until he finally killed them with a chainsaw, wasn't he doing basically the same thing what he perceived the girls were doing to him, he needed help, like the best kind of a help a hundred or more psychologist could provide, even Joker looks like a nice guy when we compare him to Martin Lambert. What do you think system?"

"I think you don't need to read the personal diaries of your possible victims, you are here for a mission not to read me a scary bedtime story of a man obsessed with living in an illusion." thus spake the Explorer system.

"Wait... wait... wait... its Monday night, he might come back to this place. I need to hide. System lend me an Invisible coat, I'm worried about my life."

"No way solve your problem yourselves, and if he does not come back in ten minutes... Tony you're fucked!!"

Tony prayed to the Lord, he was a devout believer... and the lord answered his prayers. Tony could hear the sounds of an engine. Only Martin would come to this remote location at this time.

Tony quietly stood beside the door, and he waited for a good chance to pounce on Martin like a tiger... like tiger Tony missed.

You are reading story Delusion: A Human Condition at

Martin was visibly surprised, he even had a mild heart attack because of Tony's sudden strike. Tony saw that Martin was dragging along two drugged girls.

"Woah man its over, the Bureau has surrounded you from all sides, surrender you might even live to see a movie about you. We're in Nebraska its not a death penalty state."

"I ain't going to no jail... your prison turns straight men into homosexuals... its better  I die... I don't wanna be a Gaylord like Hoover."

"What we see in movie's not always the reality."

"But Hoover was gay there are thousands of articles about on that subject."

"I don't have the time to talk to you, limp dick."

When Martin heard the words, 'Limp Dick' he lunged at Tony. Tony was waiting for that moment exactly, Tony ducked and he jumped towards the sleeping girls.

Like an animal Martin turned around and he ran towards Tony. Tony used the girls as shields, and that's how Tony stopped Martin's advance as he used girls as a barricade.

Due to the sudden impact, the wind was knocked out of the girls, and they woke up from their pleasant slumber.

"Kill her. Kill that redhead. She's the next girl. Kill Lynda Carter that's an order. If you kill her I'll gift you the Mjölnir for one use only." The Explorer system screamed in Mr. Blair's mind.

"I don't want Mjölnir, I know I'm not worthy."

"Don't worry you'll be able to pick up Thor's baby, tick-tick only four minutes remain before you die."

Tony raced over, his black sneakers briefly shined blue in the moonlight, and he jumped, he flew like Jesse Owens, and he stomped on Martin's head. And the 'Smile killer' was out cold. 

Tony poured gasoline all over Martin's limp figure, Tony burned Martin's body before 'Smile killer' could make use of his bear like figure. One of them, Lynda Carter even made his way towards Martin in a daze.

Tony used that God given opportunity, he cashed that cheque before it could expire. Tony threw a dart which he had picked up from Martin's living room as a souvenir, the dart pierced through the air, and its pointy edge stabbed Lynda's left eye.


"She's an accomplice. Quickly use that axe on the side of that open door, chop her head in a single arc, save yourself if you can, I'm already running out of fuel."

"Here have some Gatorade. It revitalizes your body with energy in five seconds." a man with sunglasses said. He popped out of nowhere from behind.

"Who the fuck are you? And what are you doing here?" Tony asked

"Tony... Tony... Don't you remember me, I'm Jin, Jin Fugui."

"It can't be... how are you still alive? Wait that's not your body."

"We don't have time for Q&A's."

Jin Fugui strolled towards a crying, moaning and screaming Lynda Carter, he picked her up like a cat, then dropped her down on the blazing fire, roaring on top of Martin's limp body.

While Jin Fugui was doing his own thing, Tony noticed something strange, he focused his eyes on Martin's nether regions, and he found that Martin was popping a boner, which could only mean two things, either Martin's problem was strictly psychological, or he had homsexual tendencies which dwarfed his straight persona.

"I need a cigarette." Hazel said.

"Here have one, it's on the house." Tony gives her the entire box of Black Notes.

"So, where should we drop you? Or you want us to leave you alone?" Tony asked.

"Yeah. I think I'll be happy on my own. Thanks for your offer. I'll wait for the police."

"Ciao. Mr. Jin we're leaving."

Tony and Jin, along with Martin and Lynda's overcooked bodies, vanished into thin air.

Hazel was surprised but she didn't think too much about it, she was safe and that's what really mattered.

After an hour Hazel started her long trek back home. The Tibetan mastiff was all alone in the mountain house he howled for Martin but when he never came, he went out of his kennel, in search of his master and pussy but when he found nothing, the disappointed Mastiff howled at the sky, and he went back to the forest, in search of happiness, forgiveness and freedom.