Chapter 3: CH3: New Skills And A Fight

While I was under the 6-hour observation to make sure I didn’t become a simp, I had time to come to terms with my fuck up. After the first two hours, the pain wasn’t so bad. My ability to sense the dragon power charging through my veins got easier. Once I could sense it, I learned a couple lessons quickly. First, don’t try to bottle up or stop the power. Dragon power liked to move and ripped through any mental barriers I put up. Second, I could tweak the direction the power traveled, sending more power to one section of my body over another. It was a learning experience, and I couldn’t turn it off. My body felt like it was burning like a big chunk of coal. Only I regenerated.


Dragon Power I: Beginner 25%

Regeneration III: Beginner 0.25%


The more I tried to manipulate dragon power, the easier it felt for my body. Of course, it still hurt like hell, but something else was present to distract me.


Alice, the Black Dinofu, had a weakness for thigh rubs. I was happy to rub her big sexy thighs and play with her tail. No, I still wasn’t a simp; I had my line separating us. I wanted to explore her body and feel up her scales without risking my sanity. She was unbelievably smooth and warm to the touch. Rubbing her was soothing.


“You know the second we leave this city, you will have to be a powerful tamer.”


“Yea, it's dangerous out there,” I said.


Her cheerful voice held an edge to it. “No, it's mating season, and there are bands of savage males thirsty for Waifu pussy. I can feel my power inside you, but it’s not enough. You need to build your harem fast, or you will die, and I’ll be popping out eggs like a conveyer belt. They will rape me over and over while they force you to watch until they get bored and kill you.” I nodded slowly.


I needed a weapon, preferably a gun, to help turn the tide. My hands left Alice’s thighs, and I got up.


“Hey, why did you stop,” Alice asked. 


“Shut up, I’m thinking,” I said and thought about all the child support my mother wasted on age regression injections. Memories of a childhood I never had came to the forefront of my mind driving me to rage. She denied me boxing lessons so she could look my age to get stuffed by Tyrone. I nodded my head; the answers were obvious. Tyrone’s gang had guns that were illegal in the city. A plan started to form as I thought about the odds of getting a jump on Tyrone. He wasn’t hard to figure out; he was probably fucking my mother all day. Such an act held no threat of losing his mind.


He had to die, and I would put him down. I approached Alice and rubbed her snout. She licked my hand and giggled at me. She licked her lips when I pulled my still hardening meat stick out of my pants.


“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Alice said.


I shoved my dick in her mouth, and she slurped it with her tongue. Then, she opened her mouth, licked my tip with her wet hot tongue, spread her legs, and pulled at the side of her cunny lips. Her dark lips spread to reveal a tight pink flower, a tiny pinprick of a urethra, and a slow swelling clit.


“Are you sure you want to start something already? You barely found your line last time?” Alice asked.


Alice was already flooding my mind with her fire, like standing in front of an erupting volcano. Still, that ass didn’t lie, and her pussy didn’t either. Besides, I had to do something to distract myself from the burning.


I laid on the bed, slipped a finger in her mouth until she parted it, and then jammed my dick inside. She closed her mouth and slurped me with her tongue. I slapped her butt harder than before, but she only shook her rear for more. I leaned in, ran my tongue over her clit, and slipped two fingers into her wet cunny. After she slurped them to the knuckle, I searched for her favorite bundle of nerves. She tasted salty with a bit of a tang, and her cunny quivered while my tongue lathered her clit.


Her mouth was warm, and Alice quickly lathered my balls with her while sucking my meat stick deeper. Finally, Alice curled her tongue around my cock and really started sucking.


I had to keep a watch on my line while she sucked on me, or else she might overwhelm my mind. Even a blowjob was dangerous. I didn’t want to end up like those simps, mere parts of a waifu destined to mutate into an obsessed monster. So, I slapped her rear and grabbed her tail.


The thick appendage felt heavy in my hand and so warm. My hands glided across her scales as I tried to avoid cuming too quickly.


If not for the taste of her clit, the smell of her hungry cunny, and the sweet treatment of her tongue, I might have distracted myself. Instead, I thrust hard against her tongue. Alice opened her mouth wider and lunged forward. I felt my meat stick slide down her throat when the heat and the tightness of her throat took hold; I couldn’t control myself. I exploded in her throat as she closed her mouth and sucked on my balls. Alice slid me slowly out of her throat and played with the head of my dick, slurping the last of my spurts.


Once again, I checked my line and ensured she didn’t cross it. Fortunately, it was still there, with only a little fraying along the edges. Mentally, I forced her off the edges and fixed it back. Once I was sure my line was fine, I pulled my dick out of her mouth. I was already hard again, ready for another round. Regeneration had helped me increase my recovery time for a price.


I was starving. My stomach felt like it was touching my spine, and my ribs were exposed. Fortunately, there was a banquet after this for all the successful tamers. So all I had to do was not die until then.


Another few hours went by, handled mostly through exploring Alice’s body. I couldn’t sleep, and the hunger pains were getting to me. Time was nearly up, and all I had to do was last a little longer.


Dragon Power I: Beginner 45%

Regeneration III: Beginner 0.45%


I closed the skill screen in my mind’s eye when the door opened. Professor Cacao stood in the doorframe with a proud smile on his face. There wasn’t any security with him, which meant I passed my first taming session. That was amazing. Cacao tossed me my tamer ID and a change of clothes.


“Get dressed quickly and come meet the rest of the tamers of your generation.” Professor Cacao said.


I stumbled to get the clothes on me quickly. They felt far too loose for me with the way my body was wasting away. I needed some meat on my bones, or there wouldn’t be much left of me after a while. Then, all I had to do was talk to some people who would probably die the second they stepped out of Jackson City’s walls.

The journey between here and Carthage through the forest separating the city killed 90% of first-year tamers. Some tamers waited months before leaving the city. Others waited a decade before leaving. Those who waited so long never amounted to much. If I wanted to be ahead of the game, I needed two things. The tamer starter kit Professor Cacao would give us and guns. Fortunately, most rank 1 monsters and waifus were still susceptible to small arms fire.


Unfortunately, there are rank 2 and even a handful of rare rank 3 in the forest. Fortunately, the maps given in the starter kits have marked territories of those monsters. So, normally if I stayed clear of them, I was unlikely to get killed. But it's mating season, and they are unlikely to stick to their territories. So, what I needed more than anything was speed and firepower.


That led me back to Tyrone’s gang with their guns and drug money. A few had their tamer license, and a waifu Tyrone included. So long as they paid Professor Cacao a cut of their profits, they were allowed to exist in Jackson. Killing them and taking their guns and money was a dangerous prospect. If there was one person I didn’t want to know what I was about to do, it was Professor Cacao.


I stepped into the lobby, where other tamers stared at me with their own waifus, either sitting in their laps or sucking them off. Some of the waifus stared at Alice with absolute hate in their eyes.


“Wow, someone managed to tame one of the black Dinofus.” I turned my attention to a brown-haired guy around age 16, the same as me. He had a smirk on his face that reminded me of Professor Cacao. However, by the white canidfu rubbing her tits on his back, I knew who the MVP of the Jackson tamers was.


“The name is Alex Cacao, but it's Tamer Cacao to you. I will be the first of our generation to complete my training with the 9 Geass region sects and become a Waifu Emperor like gramps.”


I rolled my eyes. “Not if I beat you first. It takes more than money to become a Waifu Emperor.”


“It’s good that I have talent and luck on my side then. You talk big for someone barely on their feet. But I know how to show you your place. Gramps has a regulation ring a few rooms down; we have time for a match before the banquet. What do you say, or are you all talking?” Alex asked.


You are reading story Waifu Wounderland at

A smile lit up on my face. This was my chance to see how I measured up against one of the chosen of this generation. Alex was trained by the best money had to offer and was talented to boot. In-game, if he isn’t killed early, he will become a Waifu Emperor. Fortunately, all he had were the Ice Claw, and Jotun Power I. He was unlikely to have any Day attribute abilities.


“I accept; let's have a match before we eat.”


“We have a fight on our hands.” One of the tamers shouted. Two security guards shrugged and led us and everyone else to the ring.


“Zoran, this might be a bad idea. You aren’t in any state to fight. I’ve sucked most of the life out of you already.” Alice said.


“Yea, but I need to see where I stand. This will be good for me.”


I also had a theory. Since arriving in this world, I found that if I focused on something I could remember it perfectly. Forums I read years ago came with absolute clarity. What would happen if I tried to copy the fighting style of someone trained by the best? How much could I learn in a single match?


At this stage, our bodies couldn’t handle constant skill usage. Mine was the exception with its recovery ability. Until Alex gained a regeneration skill of his own, he would be limited. Most night waifu users eventually gain a recovery skill vampire that drained their opponent’s life to recover their own. Unfortunately, the vampire skill clashed with the day version of regenerate grace and often killed the user. The neutral regenerate skill, on the other hand, flipped the table on convention.


So even if I was weakened from regeneration already, I still had the advantage of constant dragon power.


We got into the ring, and Alex was already hopping on his feet, so I copied him feeling my muscles stretch. Blue frost covered his fist before he hit me in a flash. He combed it with a knee to my gut and a snap kick to my head. I raised my hands like I saw him and tried to shrink his target. His blows hurt because he could use his jotun power right before the point of impact. I shot forward-moving dragon power into my fists and punched. He vanished to the side, powering up his feet before delivering two jabs to my face before shifting to an elbow to my jaw. I tasted blood for a second before the wound healed. The pain hadn’t faded, and I felt weaker with every hit. I needed food soon; the longer I went without it, the fewer people around me remained people. When he hit, my dragon power felt sluggish.



I remembered too late that dragon was weak to jotun. While I could remember things with perfect recall, I didn’t see the need to look that fact up before. Attributes weren’t my main priority when picking this world. It was mainly the color and freedom that appealed to me. Early in the timeline, Waifu Wonderland was practically lawless.


Alex threw a jab, and I stepped to the side just as he had earlier. I jabbed forward in a feint, then shot at him with a knee. Instead of knocking him off his feet like I envisioned, he swayed a little before countering with an elbow to the side of my head.


“You should keep your guard up. Moves like yours will get you killed.” His hand glowed impossibly bright before he hit me with an uppercut. I felt my body fly into the air until I landed heavily on my back. Someone was counting while I replayed the fight repeatedly before rolling over and standing back up.


“If you don’t tap out now, I won’t hold back anymore,” Alex said.


My injuries had already healed, and my body no longer felt sluggish in places. Regeneration was completely overpowered. I hopped on my toes like Alex continued to do before shooting forward. Alex moved faster than before, but I had learned a lot already. I countered his elbow with one of my own and jabbed him. Flames practically leaped off my fist as it shot through the air to impact Alex’s face.


A jab from him caught me in the face as our knees hit each other. We pushed against each other, trying to force the other down. In my emaciated state, I couldn’t put up as much strength. He slowly pushed me back, surprising me with how well he already controlled jotun power.


I headbutted him and tried for an uppercut. Instead, he slashed at my chest with icy, ethereal claws, and I felt my skin split open. Flames lit around my fist, only to be caught by his cold hand. Ice climbed down to my elbow as he held my fist.


“I’m calling the match. Alex is the winner.” Alex smirked and let go of my arm.


I punched with my other hand, but Alex kicked my legs out from under me. “Give up, loser. You aren’t even a challenge.” That pissed me the hell off. I shot up and swung with all my might, but he only stepped to the side. He smirked and leaped out of the ring. His waifu quickly wrapped him in a hug as other tamers crowded around him.


Alice grabbed my frozen arm, opened her mouth, and breathed a slow stream of flames. After a few seconds, I could feel my hand again. Unfortunately, the dragon power was slow to fill it back in. Looking at my arms filled me with depression. While they weren’t massive before, they looked like twigs after the fight.


“I smell food; let's fill you up. And don’t worry about the loss; you’ll beat him next time. After all, I know something he doesn’t.” She smiled big at me. “You didn’t know how to fight before you entered the ring, and now you do,” Alice said.


“How do you know that?” I asked her.


“You’re a part of me just like I’m a part of you. That’s how it works, partner. Now let’s go try all the tasty dishes. I can’t wait to see what’s available.” 


I piled a mountain of wings on my plate. They were from a domesticated kind of monster called a pigmy phoenix slathered in various sauces and grilled over charcoal. I tossed a minotaur steak in my mouth, chewed it rapidly before swallowing, and took a long drink of rank 3 Blitzberrifu wine from my cup. Long stalks of greens cut from rampaging plant attribute monsters mutated beyond identification made up most of the salad on the table. I drenched some in wing sauce and ate heartily while Alice did the same crushing bones with her teeth. She sat beside me at the table while other tamers had their waifus at their own table with a less extravagant fair.


Only the white variant waifus were given such an honor normally. They stared daggers at Alice while she chomped down on everything in front of her. I did the same, matching her pace dish by dish. The dragon power burned faster within me as I ate everything I could to restore my body. This was what I needed to recover.


Professor Cacao didn’t seem bothered by the situation in the least. He only eyed his grandson, staring daggers at me while talking to the rest of the tamers who had white variant waifus.


“You know something tells me your mother hasn’t spent much of the child support your father sends on you.” The professor said.


“What gave it away?” I asked.


The man smiled genially. “It's common, especially when one of the older generations has no power in a city. I’m afraid all the gangs in town answer to me.” Professor Cacao said. “That seems to have stunted your development. However, I have a way to balance the scales a bit. Why don’t I hire you for a year as a manager of the various gangs around the city? You’ll receive a cut of the profits and some practice wielding authority.” Professor Cacao said.


It sounded like a setup to become a fall guy. I looked at the forums to come up blank. I’ve never looked into this scenario. A year wasn’t too much of a loss, and I would make some money. I would also have time to develop a stronger foundation with my skills. All in exchange for putting myself under Professor Cacao’s power.


“Gramps, you can’t do that. He’s an untalented nobody; this is too much of an honor.” Alex said.


I blinked and couldn’t help but sense this was a trap. “Alex is right. I’m a nobody; you should find someone better for the job like one of Alex’s friends.” I said.


“You say that, but you’re the only one who managed to tame a black dinofu. So think about it and get back to me before you leave.”


I glanced over at Alice. “Who would want to be tied down in a city? Let’s explore the world and go on an adventure.” Alice said.


That settled it then and there. Why would I bother staying in the city under Professor Cacao’s power? He led the gang Tyrone was a part of and knew my mother used all my child support on herself. The professor was the ruler of this city and held absolute power. Because of that, I couldn’t say no outright. I needed to get my supplies and leave the city before morning. There was only enough time to kill Tyrone.


“Alright, Professor, I’ll think about it and get back to you,” I said and made a game plan.