Somewhere in the colonial slums, two individuals are carrying their fire arms as they walk into an alley.
"Did you see the guy with the highest bounty?"
A human with a mechanical arm starts the conversation
"I heard the news but didn't see the official post."
"It says a low-rank scavenger managed to get promoted to the 3rd highest rank in the scavengers."
The human with a mechanical arm quickly turns up his radio on the wasteland armor that he has.
"Still no radio signal, still static noise."
The human turns off the radio and begins serving the ruins where they are staying.
"These ruins are said to be an old factory for labor dolls in the past, so if we dig enough we might hit a jackpot."
Hearing what the human with a mechanical arm said to his partner, who is wearing a reinforced kevlar vest, he starts to dig the soil beneath where they are standing
"I'll keep watch for low-spec soldier dolls because I have the best armor between us and the soldier dolls may not have firearms in the first place."
The human keeps on digging until he hits a trapped door beneath the soil
"Bro, I think we hit a jackpot."
He told his partner, who quickly jumped down the hole and opened the trapdoor
"Eyes wide and guns up, if this is a factory, there might be some security dolls or left behind hostile robots."
Both of the humans jumped down the trapdoor that is just 3 meters deep from where they jumped.
"It's so dark in here and I can see dusty doll parts here. I think we hit the jackpot."
As the two humans searched the dark area underground, they saw a white flashing light, probably from a switch.
"Let's move I think there might be some electricity from its emergency generator. "
The two humans quickly go toward the light and flick the switch up. Soon the light from the room where they were standing is lit, revealing a spacious space covered only with white tiles. Bullet casings can be found all over the floor and some destroyed robots and dolls filled with bullet holes and a deep cut on their bodies.
"I think we hit a jackpot, but we must survive and escape from this room."
A loud sound of turning gears can be heard all over the room, walls lifting up and floors collapsing
"Prepare for combat; we either survive and become rich or die trying. Let's go!"
Suddenly, robots appear on the sides of the room through the doors that were lifted when the humans lifted the switch.
"I'd say we have found a doll factory and this factory is used for creating bio weapons and based on the information we got."
The two humans start to fire their guns, damaging the dog-like robot. As the two humans shoot their way through the white room, they reach the trapdoor, where they enter. They climb their way up and drop an emp grenade to try to disable some of the robot dogs. They close the trapdoor and cover it with dirt
"Haaaa shit, that was dangerous; we need to get back to the colony and sell this information to the scavenger; they'll pay a lot of creds for it."
The two humans who are trying to go back to the colony are spotted by Lea from a great distance
"Hey Kyle I think we just found the place. "
Lea, who is dressed in a thin reinforced steel that appears to be a normal fabric but is as hard as steel,
"Are you sure that this place is safe? I mean, look at those hunters that are running away from that building."
Kyle is looking at the two fleeing hunters using binoculars
"They are well armed and yet running away for some reason."
Lea picks up a sniper rifle that they both borrowed from the doll parts shop and the rounds
"Ready up Kyle! We might return richer than the richest in the colony."
Kyle readys his scavenging gears, double checks his terminal and some tools, which include a small tool kit and laser cutting tools
"I'm good to go. You lead the way. I'll follow from behind."
Lea stands up and loads the remaining bullets into the magazine of the sniper rifle. Both Kyle and Lea start to move towards where the two humans are resting
"Before we enter this underground facility, can you setup a signal relay?"
Lea asks Kyle to setup a relay just in case an emergency occurs.
"Wait, let me place this radio box."
Kyle places down a radio box that can relay signals coming from Kyle's terminal to send Sos signals
"Kyle's focus on salvaging relics let me do the fighting."
They cleared the dirt from atop the trapdoor and entered the white room containing a deactivated dog.
You are reading story I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One at
"I see now why those two humans ran. They made the good choice to run rather than fight these dogs."
Lea said as she inspected the deactivated dogs
"Why isn't this kind of metal on the dog's body so thin that even a small caliber bullet can pierce this dog's body?"
Lea continued to inspect the dogs and was looking for bullet holes
"Those humans don't know how to properly kill these dogs based on where they fire; they aim from the dog's head and not at the motherboard of this mechanical dog."
While Lea is talking, Kyle went to salvage the mircochips of the destroyed dogs
"Leave the mircochips, they are worth nothing for the thing we came here for."
Kyle dropped the collected mircochips and followed Lea deep inside the facility
"What did we come here for?"
Kyle asked
"We came here for the blueprint of doll equipment from armor to weapons, but the rate of finding it in a random doll factory is close to zero, but according to the last recorded information in my mircochip, the coordinates of the stolen blueprint"
As Lea explains to Kyle, several dogs appear and slowly surround them
"Save the explanation for later, we've got company."
Kyle quickly pulls out a pistol from his bag and points it towards the dogs
"Kyle, save your ammo. I'll handle this."
A dog charges at Lea, biting her metallic arm.Lea quickly shoots the dog in the chest, destroying its motherboard, before removing the metallic dog's jaws and tossing it aside.
"Do you have the knife that Aila gave you?"
Lea asks the dog to slowly move closer to Lea
"Here is the knife."
Suddenly, a dog runs at full speed to Lea. She punches the dog at full force, sending the dog away and shattering Lea's fist
"Damn you Aila, if you're making a combat doll, give them a body that can cope with the energy that the reactor produces."
Lea's right fist starts to fall apart as the dogs close it
"No time, Kyle, disassemble that doll over there and give me the parts."
Hearing what Lea said, Kyle immediately went to the lifeless doll and quickly disassembled its hands
"This thing is ancient. I don't know how to remove the parts."
As Kyle is trying to disassemble the hand of the doll, Lea keeps shooting the rifle with her broken hand
"Hurry up, Kyle, any more force from this gun recoil is going to render my right hand useless."
Kyle can be seen sweating as he takes the parts of the hand and gives them to Lea
"Good one, now remove my whole right arm now and replace the broken hand."
Dogs pounce on Lea, 1 by 1, chewing away parts of the armor that Lea is wearing
"Hurry up, Kyle, or we are both going to die here."
Kyle hurried up to remove the arm and replace the hand with the old doll parts
"Here, let me place it back."
While Lea is fighting the dogs with a knife on her left arm, a dog bites into Lea's chest, cranking open the armor she's wearing
"Now get back, Kyle, because there will be bloodshed."
Upon fixing the arm back to Lea's body, she picks up the knife and moves at full speed, surpassing the speed of the dogs. She slices and dices through the dogs in a single step.
"Move Kyle Go for the switch now! This dog army won't end until you flick that electric switch. "
Kyle runs at his full speed, reaching for the switch Several dogs start running at Kyle when they notice he is aiming for the switch.
"Kyle, run as fast as you can and don't look back."
Lea shouted as she picked up her sniper rifle and aimed it at the persuing dogs and fired the gun. The flying bullet hit the motherboard of the dogs that were persuing Kyle and, one by one, all the dogs that were chasing Kyle fell down. Kyle managed to activate the switch, shutting down all lights in that room and deactivating all of the robot dogs at the same time
"Kyle!!! Stay low and don't move. I'm moving towards you. Stay still. "
Lea shouted as the deactivated dogs still clinging to Lea's body from biting in and getting stuck upon reaching Kyle Lea asked
"Kyle, can you cut their support so I can remove their jaws?"
Kyle went into work to laser cut the heads of the dogs that are stuck at Lea
"Now that we've finished this floor, how about we go to the office and loot their safe?"