Chapter 8: Chapter 05 – Another Home






"Recording log..."

"Week 1"
"0215 hrs."
"Unknown Location..."
"Gargan Forest"



"Unnnhhh." Rosie wakes up in the middle of the night. She needs to go to the toilet.

Her sister Olivia, also wakes up to check her.

“Hmm? What is it?” Olivia said with drowsiness.

“*yawns* Toilet…” Rosie replied.

“Do you need me to come with you?”


Olivia then gets up from the bed with Rosie to accompany her to the restroom.

“Where is Sir Harvey by the way?” asked Rosie.

“I don't know. He may be upstairs sleeping.”

Then, as Olivia opens the door, she immediately sees two units from the Defense Elements that were guarding near the area.

She was startled by the new people in the house and peeks through the small opening of the door.

“Big sister Olivia? What happened?” Rosie confusedly asked her sister.

“*whispers* Shhh! Don’t be loud.”

As Olivia continues to check out the new guests, the door lets out a creak, which alerts the two Able Units.

Olivia saw the glowing green eyes glare at her which made her frightened and scared.

“*whispers* ROSIE! GO AND HIDE OVER THE BED! QUICKLY!.” Olivia hurriedly instructs Rosie.

Surprised and confused, Rosie hurriedly follows her big sister and hids down underneath the bed.

Olivia meanwhile locks the door and hopes for the best.

But seconds later, the doorknob vibrates and unlocks.

The door then slowly opens while Olivia picks up a baseball bat nearby to fend off the seemingly unknown guests.

“Big sister Olivia!” Rosie worried while underneath the bed.

Then, the door stops.

Olivia, while afraid, stands her ground ready to attack anytime.

But then, a peace sign pops out of the door and waves out, signaling that they are peaceful and won’t do any harm to the two girls.

Still, Olivia stands her ground.

[ ??? ] : “ Hey hello! We are with Sir Harvey! Don’t worry girls! “

“Sir Harvey? How will I know that you are not lying? “ Olivia courageously asked the unknown guests.

But the unknown guests don’t say a word.


[ ??? ] : “ ... Arksonville.“

This surprises Olivia.

“Wha-what about Arksonville? Are you one of the bandits that raided the village?!”

[ ??? ] : “ What? No no no! Sir Harvey! He went to Arksonville with some of the guys.“

“Why? Are you his friends? Why did Sir Harvey go there? What is he doing right now?“

The door then fully opens and the two Able Units greet Olivia.

Upon seeing the two of them even in a slightly dimmed room, Olivia was overwhelmed by the appearance and their weapons. Their eyes are glowing green, have bulky clothing and armor, and strange-looking big black muskets slung over their side. She can feel that even if she tries to fight these people, she won’t even get a chance to fend them off.

[ Defense Elements ] Able 1-4 ] : “ Yeah, we are friends of Sir Harvey. But don’t worry. You will learn soon why he went to Arksonville after he gets back. For now, it’s our job to guard and protect you girls. So we have to be mindful of the surroundings.“

“I-is that really true?” Olivia asked.

[ Defense Elements ] Able 1-5 ] : “ Of course. If Sir Harvey found out that something bad happened to you girls, we may not even see the sunrise. Haha. By the way, where is Rosie?“

Olivia then places the baseball bat back to where she picked it up and instructs Rosie to come out.

Rosie, you can come out now. It’s alright.”

Rosie comes out under the bed and hides behind Olivia.

[ Defense Elements ] Able 1-5 ] : “ Oh. There she is.“

“Big sister Olivia, I can’t hold it anymore!” Rosie said to her sister while holding her urge to pee.


[ Defense Elements ] Able 1-4 ] : “ You girls alright? We’ll escort you girls out.“


[ Defense Elements ] Able 1-4 ] : “ No no you got it wrong! We’ll just guard and escort you, girls, up to the door! It’s our role to have direct communications to you girls just in case something happened. “

“I-I see. Then let’s go!”

[ Defense Elements ] Able 1-4 ] : “ Roger that. 1-5, radio that in. “

Able 1-5 then uses his radio to report while they are escorting the two girls to the restroom.

[ Defense Elements ] Able 1-5 ] : *radio* “ Defense ElementsAble 1-5. Be Advised: Me and Able 1-4 are now escorting the two VIPS to the restroom. “

[ Defense Elements Lead ] Able 1-1 ] : “ *radio* Able 1-Actual copies all. Proceed. “


After a while, the two sisters made it to the restroom while the two Able Units stand guard by the door.

While outside of the house, sounds of footsteps are coming from the forest.

The Strike Elements finally came back from the raid at ArksonvilleDefense Elements greets and congratulates them for the successful operation.

[ Strike Elements Lead ] [ Entry Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : *in radio* "All Units: It’s RED MOON! I say again: RED MOON!"

Strike Elements quickly lay their gathered materials at a table inside the house. They opened their backpacks and started segregating things.

[ FOXTROT 01 ] : "OKAY LISTEN UP! BLOCK BY BUILDING! ALL OF THE INTEL WILL BE HERE *points an empty makeshift container*. ALL SOME SORTS OF WEAPONS, HERE *points ground*. MISCELLANEOUS, HERE *points table* .....WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR, In my drawer. *Harvey jokes* "

The operators and units chuckle. The living hall became lively from the operators disaggregating the materials.

"Hmm? What's that noise?" Olivia asked herself while inside the restroom with Rosie.

As they finished using the restroom and headed outside, she asked the two Able Units that were standing by the door.

"What's happening? Is Sir Harvey here?" Olivia asked.

Able 1-5 ] : " Yep. It's Sir Harvey with the other guys. They came back."

"Really? Where is he?"

[ HOTEL 06 ] : "I think he and the other guys are at the living hall now."

"O-okay. Rosie, come with me!"

The two girls then went to the living hall. There are many materials that were being segregated.

Olivia saw Harvey and the operators segregating various objects. She and Rosie rush over to the living hall to confirm what she was seeing.

"Olivia? Rosie? Why are you guys still awake?" Harvey asked them.

The girls then confronted Harvey.

"Sir Harvey, did you really go to our village?" Olivia asked.

Harvey let out a sigh.

"Okay. But first, let's get Rosie back into my room." Harvey ordered Olivia.

"Okay. Rosie, you can go back to sleep. It’s still early."

"But, big sister..."

“It’s alright, Rosie. Don’t worry! I will be back shortly after this. Ok?”


Rosie obediently follows her big sister to go back to sleep. The two Able Units accompany Rosie again back to Harvey’s room.

After Rosie is out of sight, Harvey confronts Olivia about what happened at their operation at Arksonville.

"You see, we've conducted an intelligence and wipe-out mission at your village. By the time we arrived, the bandits had already taken control and were swarming across the area. They've killed all of the people living there. There were no survivors."

"I-I see." Olivia as she tears up.

A moment of silence...

"But don't worry about now. We've already brought those bastards down. After that, we collected intel, weapons, or anything that is valuable."

“Again, I’m very sorry for what happened. If I only arrived and woke up earlier, I would have helped you and the village.“

"Its-its alright.” Olivia wipes out her tears.

“By the way, I found this drawing paper with your names on it."

Harvey hands out the drawing paper that Olivia and Rosie made. The drawing paper has some blood stains over it. Still, seeing again their drawing with their family, Olivia can’t help but cry in tears.

The operators and units that were in the area look at Oliva with deep sympathy.

HOTEL 03 whispers HOTEL 01.

[ HOTEL 03 ] : *whispers* Poor girls. At such young ages, they’ve already lost their parents.”

[ HOTEL 01 ] : *whispers* Yeah. Well, shit happens, and unfortunately, we can’t help it most of the time.”

After a while, Harvey then instructs Olivia to go join her sister and sleep.

"Listen. I need you to rest now. There's something we need to do the next morning."

"*sniffs* Okay. Goodnight, Sir Harvey. Thank you."

Olivia goes downstairs into Harvey's room, while Harvey continues to help the other operators that were working with the gathered intel materials.




Morning comes...

Olivia and Rosie are awakened by the roaring sounds of a Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter and two AH 64 Apaches.




The two girls peeked through the windows and were shocked that they were hovering on a plain field near the house.

"WHAT ARE THOSE, BIG SISTER? Rosie shouted because of the loud thumping sounds the helicopters were making.

"I DON'T KNOW! I NEVER SEEN THOSE BEFORE! Olivia also shouted.

What they are now seeing are helicopters that Harvey spawned in his Military Development System earlier in the vehicle selections.

All of the vehicles there still required maintenance, refueling, and rearming.


As the two girls continue to watch the helicopters slowly land, Harvey, in a service uniform comes inside the room and taps the shoulders of the girls.

He then gave earplugs and told them to put them in their ears to reduce the loud sound of the helicopters.

"COME ON! WE GOTTA MOVE!" Harvey told when they've put their earplugs on.

The two girls prepared themselves and followed Harvey outside where the Chinook helicopter is. Rosie hugs her big sister as they stumble upon the helicopters.

The two girls kept on looking at the helicopters, especially at the two Apaches because of the menacing looks that had fangs painted on them. They even thought that it's a living being.

They've also realized that some of the trees were cut down, thus making extra space for the helicopters.



"BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE TWO? *points the Apaches* Olivia shouts.



You are reading story Special Operations Forces In The Other World at

Harvey smiles and laughs.


Olivia is stumped by Harvey's reply.

As they moved closer inside the Chinook, the girls saw a man by the ramp gate and the HOTEL Operators in their full gear sitting on each side.

Harvey then led the two girls inside the Chinook.

"WAI-WAI-WAIT! IT'S SCARY!" Olivia shouted.

Rosie holds tight to the back of her sister.


The two girls slowly walked into the Chinook and sat close beside Harvey.

[ HAWKSEND 1 Pilot ] : */ All passengers, this is HAWKSEND 1. Preparing for takeoff. /*

[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ This is VIPER 1, all systems green. We're good to go. /*

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ This is VIPER 2, we're also good to go. Standing by for takeoff. /*

After a minute, the helicopters take off.

First to take off is VIPER 1, then VIPER 2, and lastly HAWKSEND 1 on a linear formation.

"WHOOOAAA! WE'RE FLOATING!" Olivia, in awe of what was happening.

Rosie's nervousness fades away when she sees that they're now up above the ground and flying.

Harvey then gives out headsets with microphones to the two girls so that they can communicate through the loud thumping sounds of the Chinook.

"*mic* See. There's nothing to be afraid of." Harvey spoke to them.

"*mic* Oh, by the way, Sir Harvey, where are we going? Olivia asked Harvey.

"*mic* To Arksonville. Your village. I was hesitant at first on spawning these helicopters because they stand out from the rest of this area and may compromise us. But the village is so far away and there is a lot of forestry and woods on the way. Flying there will save us time and energy. "

"*mic* Huh? But, why?" Olivia asked.

"*mic* Remember last night in the living hall, right?"

"*mic* Yeah. You mentioned doing something in the morning. Is this it?"

"*mic* Yes. While you guys are still sleeping, I ordered the Able Units to go to Arksonville. I need them to do something important. You'll see when we get there. Oh, just in case you girls noticed that the area around the house was widened, it’s because I used chainsaws to cut the trees to provide some extra space for these helicopters."

"*mic* What is a chainsaw?" Olivia asked.

"*mic* It's a tool for cutting down trees. It uses fast-rotating blades which makes the cutting easy. But, it uses gasoline to work."

"*mic* Ohh. I see." Olivia said in amusement.

Harvey then thinks for a bit.

"Back in my world, gasoline is one of the most valued things. I wonder if that's also the case here. Should I search for some gasoline deposits? Hmm."

"I should. I can't rely so much on my powers. My powers might suddenly vanish. I must take some precautions and backups later on. Good thing also that spawning vehicles don’t require Souls for its crews so that I can focus more on important things and spawns."




After a couple of minutes and sightseeing, they've arrived at the village.

The two girls saw that there are no laying bodies and corpses in the area.

"*mic* Big Sister!" Rosie hugs Olivia with a sad expression.

"*mic* It's alright Rosie. It's alright." Olivia pats Rosie's head.

Meanwhile, over by the radio, the two Apaches are searching for possible targets. They encircle the entire village, checking through their thermal and infrared sights.

[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ VIPER 2, you got something on your side? /*

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ We're clear here. No visuals. /*

[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ Alright. HAWKSEND 1, you're clear for landing. /*

[ HAWKSEND 1 Pilot ] : */ Roger that. Preparing for landing. /*

The Chinook hovers by a wide and large field to land.

[ HAWKSEND 1 Co-Pilot ] : */ 50 meters.......20 meters.........5 meters....... /*

[ HAWKSEND 1 Ramp Guard ] : */ …….we’re touched down. /*

[ HAWKSEND 1 Pilot ] : */ All passengers, this is Hawksend 1. We're now landed. /*

The Chinook's ramp gate opens, while the two Apaches keep on hovering around the area searching for possible hostiles.

HOTEL Operators come outside of the Chinook first, followed by Harvey with the two girls.

The two girls then followed Harvey into the former village. Whilst the Able Units greeted them all and helped HOTEL Operators by establishing a perimeter around the area.

"*mic* Come think of it, you're wearing completely different clothes now. And where's this strange musket that you had used yesterday? " Olivia asked Harvey.

"*mic* Hmm. Oh, don't worry. I got a smaller one.”

Harvey then presents a SIG P220 pistol in his belt.

"But more importantly, I'm want to show you girls something."

After a brief walk, the three arrived at the place where Harvey wants the two girls to see.

- A large cemetery.

The two girls are surprised. They had a cemetery before but this one is wide and has more graves.

"*mic* This cemetery has all of the graves of the people that died in your village. Olivia., I'm sorry that we can only do this much." Harvey said with a sad expression.

Harvey then led the two girls to two graves.

"*mic* This is where your parents rested. We are able to identify your home and your parents because of the drawing paper I gave to you."

Olivia and Rosie burst into tears as they mourn their parents' passage.



After a couple of minutes...

The two girls calmed down. Harvey told them to join a ceremony before they leave the place.

What follows is the five Able Units, this time on their service uniform, marching by the side of the cemetery.

They got their M1 Garands, preparing for a 3 Volley Salute.

"*mic* What are they doing, Sir Harvey?" Rosie asked Harvey.

"*mic* They're doing what we call a “3 Volley Salute”, where we fire our rifles upwards three times. It is to commemorate the dead and it's like a way we say the final farewell."

"*mic* Ohh."

The two girls stood by and watched the ceremony.

Harvey removes his headset and takes the lead in the firing.


Harvey : "Stand by....."



Harvey : "Ready..."

*M1 Garand racks*


Harvey: "Aim..."

*muzzles pointed upwards*


Harvey: "Fire!"



The two girls are surprised by the gunfire. It's loud compared to the ones they saw before. But they still continued to watch.

Harvey : "Ready..."

Harvey: "Aim..."

*muzzles pointed upwards*


Harvey: "Fire!"



Harvey : "Ready..."

Harvey: "Aim..."

*muzzles pointed upwards*


Harvey: "Fire!"



Harvey: "Present......Arms!"




After the ceremony, the HOTEL Operators and the two girls went back into the Chinook to head back home.

"*mic* You won't come home with us, Sir Harvey?" Olivia asked.

"*mic* Nah. I still got some business to do here. Don't worry. I will come home shortly. You can count on my guys if you need any help. " Harvey replied.

"*mic* Okay. Take care now."

"*mic* Take care, Sir Harvey!!" as Rosie smiled and went into the Chinook with her sister.

[ HAWKSEND 1 Pilot ] : */ Alright you two. Buckle up. We're going back home. VIPER 1, what do we got?/*

[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ Green as a tree. /*

[ HAWKSEND 1 Pilot ] : */ Roger. VIPER 2, mind if you take this parking spot? /*

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ A-firm. I'll leave HAWKSEND 1 to you VIPER 1. Cheers. /*

[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ Roger. I'll also leave Sir Harvey and the boys to you mate. /*

The two helicopters then took off, while VIPER 2 took the empty space that HAWKSEND 1 took earlier.

Harvey, along with Able Units, then prepares for another work.




Soul Count :

[ 25 ]


Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )

[ 9 ]

= 5 Infantry Units

= 4 Special Forces




2 AH-64D Longbow Apaches

1 MH-47 Chinook






Chapter 06 – The New Base
