Chapter 14: Chapter 10 – Forward Assist






"Recording log..."

"Week 1"
"0021 hrs."
"Main House, H.Q."
"Gargan Forest"




Inside his room at the Main House, Harvey, in full tactical gear, sits on a chair beside a table and checks his map hud screen.

On the hud screen, he saw numerous HOTEL Operators, standing by on their defensive positions. There are about 16 of them now, guarding various positions around H.Q.. Apparently, he had spawned “20 Special Forces for 10 Souls” through his Military Development System earlier.

He then designated them by:

 - 12 into HOTEL Group

 - and 8 into FOXTROT Group

In total SOF’s, there are now about 16 HOTEL Operators, and the newly designated 8 FOXTROT Operators, which are directly in command and group force by Harvey.

While checking his monitoring hud, he opens his live radio feed to the FOXTROT Operators in their area.


At Arkson Base…

HAWKSEND 1 landed on the vacant helipad and the newly spawned 8 FOXTROT Operators exit through the Chinook’s ramp gate.

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " GO GO GO! "

[ HAWKSEND 1 Pilot ] : */ Arkson Base, this is HAWKSEND 1. Chalks have been dropped. What are your choice of actions, sir? Should we stay here, or should we go on a holding pattern until this shit is over? HAWKSEND 1. /*

[ A.B. ] [ OP Lead ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio*   Copy your last HAWKSEND 1. Erh okay. For your safety, go on with the holding pattern. We will notify you guys when the operation is over. "

[ HAWKSEND 1 Pilot ] : */ Roger that. HAWKSEND 1 going with the holding pattern. Out. /*

The Chinook then lifts up from the helipad and starts to fly on a holding pattern across Arkson Base.

Designated as the Defense Lead by Able 1-1 during the briefing they had earlier, Unit 99 greets the FOXTROT Operators.

[ Defense Lead ] [ Unit 99 ] : " IT'S GLAD TO HAVE YOU BOYS HERE! "

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " LIKEWISE! WHAT'S THE SITREP? "


Sounds of M230 chain gun and Hydra rockets, together with the impact sounds and fire smoke can be heard and seen from afar.

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " WHERE'S ABLE 1-1? "

[ Defense Lead ] [ Unit 99 ] : " INSIDE THE COMMS BUILDING! "

FOXTROT Operators then walk inside the Communications Building, while Unit 99 resumes and goes back to his defensive position.

Inside the Communications Building of Arkson Base...

Able 1-1 greeted the FOXTROT Operators.

[ A.B. ] [ OP Lead ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " Sup guys. Ready for some hunting? "

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " Always. "

Able 1-1 then discusses the plan to strike the main bandit force.

[ A.B. ] [ OP Lead ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " As usual. Spread by 4's and 3’s. Go after small packs. If given the chance, suppress also the larger groups. If they surrendered, take them as prisoners. Also, Patrol Team 3 is at the northwestern uphill. Be careful and stay frosty guys. "

FOXTROT Operators then moved outside of the Communications Building and went to regroup. They lower their quad-night vision goggles and do some quick gear and weapon checks before they move outside the base to attack the bandit forces.

They are equipped with:

- GPNVG-18 Quad-NODS

- Medium multi-threat tactical vests

- A couple of flashbangs and frag grenades

And loadouts with:

- FN SCAR-16 equipped with: ELCAN SpectreOSx4 w/ Docter MS01 optics, AN/PEQ-15 laser, Surefire 6P flashlight, RVG grip, and M4-1000 suppressor

56 magazines

- With 7 extra 5.56 magazines


- Torched and suppressed HK USP

One by one they each check their weapons and gears

- with 4 extra .45 ACP pistol magazines


One by one they each check their weapons and gears.

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *loads in 5.56 mag* *racks* "

[ Dispatch Team ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " *on comms*  Radio check, radio check."

[ Dispatch Team ] [ FOXTROT 04 ] : " *on comms*  Read you. "

[ Dispatch Team ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " *on comms*  Copy. *checks PEQ laser* "

[ Dispatch Team ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " *on comms*  Copy. *adjusts comtac* "

[ Dispatch Team ] [ FOXTROT 07 ] : " *on comms*  Good copy. *adjusts ELCAN Optics* "

[ Dispatch Team ] [ FOXTROT 08 ] : " *on comms*  Check. *adjusts Quad-NODS* "

[ Dispatch Team ] [ FOXTROT 09 ] : " *on comms* Check. *adjusts mag belt* "

FOXTROT Operators : *thumbs up*

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " Nice. *on radio*  Arkson Base, this is FOXTROT 02. We're moving out. "

[ A.B. ] [ OP Lead ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio*  FOXTROT 02Arkson Base. Good hunting. "

FOXTROT 02 pats Unit 99's back near the entrance’s gate.


[ Defense Lead ] Unit 99 ] : " SEE YOU GUYS LATER! "

Other FOXTROT Operators also pat back other Defense Units who are in their defensive positions, as they make their way outside of the entrance and into the forest to go for the attack.




Inside VIPER 2's cockpit..

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ Stabilizing. /*

[ VIPER 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ Oh here's there. *switches to M230 mode* /*



The bandit's back explodes and torn into pieces from the direct hits of four 30mm rounds.

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ Oh yea got him. /*

Then an incoming call from Arkson Base.

[ A.B. ] [ OP Lead ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio* VIPER 2Arkson Base. Be advised: FOXTROTS are on their way into the strike zone. I say again: FOXTROTS are on the way into the strike zone. Watch for their blinking strobes. "

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ Arkson Base, copy that. /*

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ Looks like some tough-ops decided to join the party. /*

[ VIPER 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ Haha. Oh yeah. /*

After the call, Arkson Base calls Patrol Team 3.

[ A.B. ] [ OP Lead ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio*  Patrol Team 3, this is Akson Base. Be advised: FOXTROT Operators are moving inside the strike zone from your northeast. How Copy? Over."

Over Able 1-1’s radio, the sounds of the patrol team's suppressed M16A4 MWS bursts can be heard.


[ Patrol Team 3 ] [ Unit 57 ] : “ *radio*  ARKSON BASE, ROGER! "

As the FOXTROT Operators traverse inside the forest...

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *radio*  VIPER 2, this is FOXTROT 02. Requesting visual guidance. Over. "

The pilots detect their thermal strobes.

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ FOXTROT 02, we have your sights covered. Have a good hunting. /*

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *radio* VIPER 2, thanks for the assists. Out. "

All of the FOXTROT Operators turn on their radio feed from VIPER 2. They now began their assault on the bandits.

[ Dispatch Team Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers in comms*  F-03, F-04, F-05, with me. F-06, go Group 2 Lead with the rest and flank west. "

[ Dispatch Team - Group 2 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " *whispers in comms*  Roger that chief. "

VIPER 2 starts to relay bandits’ locations to the FOXTROT Operators as soon as the pilots find them. The Apache pilots would then also engage enemy targets when the bandits are deemed to be out of reach by the operators on the ground. Then also on the ground, as the operators start to separate, they quickly rush to flush out bandits who are still hiding beneath the bushes and trees. One by one they pick out several bandits who some of them tried to fight, but only to be greeted by a 5.56 lead straight through their heads and hearts. But most of them didn’t even realize that they were being stalked and followed by the FOXTROT Operators. The operators will just straight up eliminate all the bandits without even them seeing, and when they are seen still holding weapons and still have the capacity to fight.

As the operators continue to hunt for more targets, they leave in their trails piles and piles of bandits’ corpses.



After countless barrages of M230, Hydra, and Hellfire Missiles, VIPER 2's load-outs are finally exhausted with only a few couples of 30mm's to spare.

You are reading story Special Operations Forces In The Other World at

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ FOXTROT 02, VIPER 2. We've bingo ammunition. You guys take care of the ground for us. We’re continuing with the guidance. Over and Out. /*




Meanwhile at Arkson Base...

Able 1-1 notices multiple white dots on the radar coming to the base’s entrance.

He quickly broadcasts at the base radio.

[ A.B. ] [ OP Lead ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *base radio* ALL UNITS. INCOMING CONTACTS! STANDBY FOR AN ENGAGEMENT! "

The white dots that were approaching the base are the bandits that escaped from VIPER 2's rain of fire, and still have the courage and bravery to attack Arkson Base.

On mounted M249 SAWs located at the left sides of the base’s entrance gate, a couple of the Defense Elements were positioned and await engagements.

[ Defense Elements ] [ Unit 33 ] : " Ah shit. Here we go again. "

[ Defense Elements ] [ Unit 51 ] : " *racks the machine gun* COME TO PAPA! "

After a couple of seconds, numerous bandits start to charge at full speed to the base entrance. They are all screaming with their swords, axes, and spears pointing up.

At the other side of the base’s entrance gate, a couple of manned MG4 were also positioned and also await engagement.

[ Defense Elements ] [ Unit 26 ] : " Hey bro. "

[ Defense Elements ] [ Unit 65 ] : “ Hmm what is it? "

[ Defense Elements ] [ Unit 26 ] : " What's the opposite of water? "

[ Defense Elements ] [ Unit 65 ] : " Uhmm. Fire? "

[ Defense Elements ] [ Unit 26 ] : " ROGER THAT! "


Unit 65 starts to unleash continuous barrages of 5.56 leads into the charging bandits. The other Defense Elements start to fire as soon as they see and hear Unit 65 fires his machine gun.

[ Defense Lead ] Unit 99 ] : " *radio* ENGAGE ENGAGE ENGAGE! KEEP UP THE SUPPRESSION! "

One by one, the bandits fell to the ground with extreme wounds and traumas over their bodies. Some are shot through the head and explodes. Some are shot at the chests which were ripped apart. Others are on the legs, which followed by shots through the head or getting stomped by the stampede.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!" as the bandits scream in pain and horror as they continue to eat lead.

Meanwhile, some bandits were hiding behind the trees around Arkson Base. They watch in horror as they continue to witness the overwhelming destruction of their bandit friends from the base entrance.

Random Bandit : " ARGH. WHA-WHAT KIND OF POWER IS THI- *BRABABABABABABA!!* *drops dead* "

Little did they know, other Defense Elements at the watchtowers for overwatch was also watching over them. They are mounted with their MK46 machine guns.

[ Defense Lead ] Unit 19 ] : *breathes out*  Sucks to be that guy. "

[ Defense Lead ] Unit 43 ] : ‘19! WE GOT CONTACT OVER HERE! BE CAREFUL ON YOUR SIDE! "

[ Defense Lead ] Unit 19 ] : " ROGER THAT! "

The overwatch units continue to fire their machine guns towards the bandits that were seen outside of the base and hiding behind trees and rocks. Some Defense Elements on the ground also start to throw frag grenades at the bandits to flush them out from their cover. The bandits are easily killed quickly by the machine-gun fire and frag grenades, that they now realize that there is no point in staying further near the base. As a result, most of the bandits came running away in panic and horror. As they leave the area, they see countless of their bandit friends laying down on the ground lifelessly. They all scream as they continue to run in random directions.




Inside the strike zone...

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ Group 2, continue to your left for about 20 meters. You'll find seven bandits hiding over the bushes. /*

[ Dispatch Team - Group 2 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " *whispers on radio*  Copy that. Engaging. "

[ Dispatch Team - Group 2 ] [ FOXTROT 07 ] : " *whispers on comms*  Come on F-08."

[ Dispatch Team - Group 2 ] [ FOXTROT 08 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger."

[ Dispatch Team - Group 2 ] [ FOXTROT 09 ] : " *whispers on comms* Moving."

… … … … …

After a quick walk, the operators saw a group of bandits hiding over the bushes.


Six of the bandits died and one remains.


As the bandit raised his hands and kneeled.

Two operators closed into the bandit. But then, the bandit rushes into F-05 with a knife that he has been hiding behind his hands, with the intention of stabbing F-05.

"ARRRRRHH!" as the bandit screamed.


FOXTROT 07 quickly fired his FN SCAR-16 into the bandit's head. The head of the bandit splits into two with parts of the brain scattered across the ground.

[ Dispatch Team - Group 2 ] [ FOXTROT 08 ] : " *whispers on comms* That's so cheeky of him eh?. "

[ Dispatch Team - Group 2 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " *whispers on comms* Thanks man for the assist. "




Meanwhile, on Group 1...

[ Dispatch Team Lead - Group 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on radio*  VIPER 2, be advised. There's a cave over here. Provide overwatch for us. How copy? Over. "

[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ Group 1, we read you. Providing overwatch. /*

VIPER 2 then proceeds to hover around the cave, while the operators then go inside the cave while drawing their rifles.

Inside the cave, the operators saw multiple bandits. They are crying. Some are going insane and crazy. They also see a handful of bandits' corpses. Possibly committed suicide or killed by fellow bandits.

[ Dispatch Team Lead - Group 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Take them out. "

*BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* as the sound of their suppressed FN SCAR-16 fire resonates inside the entire cave.

The bandits one by one drop dead on the ground.

After the short engagement, they fire another couple of rounds into the bandits.


… … … … …

Upon clearing the place out, the operators began searching for any more targets.

[ Dispatch Team Lead - Group 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms*  Clear. "

[ Dispatch Team - Group 1 ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " *whispers on comms*  Clear. "

[ Dispatch Team - Group 1 ] [ FOXTROT 04 ] : " *whispers on comms*  Clear. "

[ Dispatch Team - Group 1 ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " *whispers on comms*  Clear. "

[ Dispatch Team Lead - Group 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms*  F-04, and F-05, with me to gather intel. F-03 you take lookout. "

The two operators then search the cave from the bodies for intel.

… … … … …

As they scramble through the bodies, a couple of papers are found inside the bandit's bag.

[ Dispatch Team - Group 1 ] [ FOXTROT 04 ] : " *whispers on comms*  Cap. "

[ Dispatch Team Lead - Group 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms*  Hmm what is it? "

FOXTROT 02 went into FOXTROT 05 and examined the paper.












[ Dispatch Team Lead - Group 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " .......this is..... "


Soul Count :



Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )

[ 129 ]

= 105 Infantry Units

= 24 Special Forces (+20)




2 AH-64D Longbow Apaches

1 MH-47 Chinook






Chapter 11 - Knight Felicia
