"Rewinding log..."
"Week 1"
"0827 hrs."
"Eastern Airspace"
"Gargan Forest"
Minutes before till touchdown near the bandit camp...
[ HAWKSEND 2 Pilot ] : */ HAWKSEND 2 - report Xray Delta plus 2. Altimeter two-niner-niner-eight. /*
[ A.B.] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio* Two-niner-niner-eight. Arkson Base. "
[ VIPER 1 Co-Pilot ] : */ VIPER 2, you see any little pieces down there? /*
[ VIPER 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ I got nothing. /*
[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ Roger. HAWKSEND 2, proceed to Lulu Zebra./*
[ HAWKSEND 2 Pilot ] : */ Copy that. /*
Meanwhile, inside the Chinook...
SOF's of BRAVOS and CHARLIES are on standby.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ All chalks, we're 4 Mikes out from the zone. Be ready. /*
The leaders of the two SOF groups - BRAVO 01 and CHARLIE 01 that were positioned at the ramp door signal their groups.
[ BRAVO 01 ] : " *comms* GEAR CHECK! "
The operators then check their M4 rifles, mags, PEQ lasers, torchlights, ComTacs, radios, etc. Each of them taps off each shoulder and back of the other operators signaling the all-clear.
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
After 2 minutes...
[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ Arkson Base, HAWKSEND 2 is two-mikes out. Establishing overwatch at 1000 AGL. /*
[ A.B.] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio* Arkson Base, ten-hundred. "
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
After one minute...
[ HAWKSEND 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ All right, commanders. Approaching the LZ, one-minute on the deck. /*
[ CHARLIE 01 ] : " *comms* ONE MINUTE! "
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
After thirty seconds...
[ HAWKSEND 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ Thirty-seconds. /*
[ CHARLIE 01 ] : " *comms* THIRTY-SECONDS! "
[ VIPER 2 Pilot ] : */ Roger. Establish overwatch at 4000 MSL. HAWKSEND 2 will be a fast rope infill. Stand by commanders. /*
After thirty seconds, the Chinook then hovers around the designated LZ near the possible bandit base, whilst the two Apaches circle around and establish overwatch.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Ramp Crew ] : */ Good Hoyer. Hold the hover. /*
The ramp crew of the Chinook then deploys the ropes.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Ramp Crew ] : */ Ropes deployed. /*
[ HAWKSEND 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ Two-Mikes out. GO! /*
[ BRAVO 01 ] : " *comms* LET'S DO THIS! BRAVO 08! YOU'RE FIRST! MOVE! "
[ CHARLIE 01 ] : " *comms* CHARLIE 04! GO GO GO! "
[ HAWKSEND 2 Ramp Crew ] : */ First team member on the rope. /*
[ HAWKSEND 2 Ramp Crew ] : */ Second team member on the rope. /*
BRAVO 08 then grabs the rope and proceeds down. While CHARLIE 04 rappels down on the other rope.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Ramp Crew ] : */ First and Second team members on the ground. /*
[ HAWKSEND 2 Ramp Crew ] : */ Third and Fourth team member on the rope. /*
Next to grab is CHARLIE 04 and CHARLIE 03, BRAVO 07 and BRAVO 03, and so on and so forth until the last two team leaders roped down.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Ramp Crew ] : */ Last team members on the ground. Deck is clear! /*
[ HAWKSEND 2 Pilot ] : */ Arkson Base, HAWKSEND 2 infill complete. Proceeding with a holding pattern at 1300 AGL. /*
[ A.B.] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio* Copy that. "
HAWKSEND 2 then goes to a holding pattern across the entire area, waiting for the operators to finish the operation.
Meanwhile on the ground...
As soon as the operators touch the ground, they quickly form a security perimeter across the area.
[ BRAVO 01 ] : " MOVE MOVE MOVE! "
[ CHARLIE 03 ] " CLEAR! "
[ BRAVO 05 ] : " CLEAR! "
[ BRAVO 07 ] : " NO CONTACT! "
After they have secured the perimeter, they simultaneously check each house, warehouse, storage, etc.
Until they find a cave by the side of the mountain near the base.
CHARLIE Operators went inside the cave while BRAVO Operators established an overwatch on the main field camp.
Inside the cave, CHARLIE Operators saw various tents and small houses.
[ CHARLIE 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* C-09, take that green tent over the east. "
CHARLIE 09 then went to check the green tent, while the rest of the CHARLIE Operators check the other tents and houses.
As CHARLIE 09 enters the green tent and it has a horrible smell. It's also pitch black inside but it's soon to be illuminated by the light torches outside of the tent.
He's surprised at what he is seeing - cages full of women in poor clothes.
[ CHARLIE 09 ] : " *whispers on comms* CHARLIE Actual. This is CHARLIE 09. I got some unknowns over here. "
[ CHARLIE 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger that. Standing by. "
And then...
" .....who are you? "
CHARLIE 09 looked in the direction of where the voice came from.
As he looked in that direction, he saw a girl with silver-colored hair and brown eyes, and with decent clothing. But as soon as he looked at the other girls near her, they were in poor clothing, bruises, and wounds all over their bodies, and were extremely stinking.
" Hm? She seems to be cleaner than the rest. " CHARLIE 09 thought to himself, comparing the silver-haired girl to the rest of the captive girls.
He then approaches the silver-haired girl while looking for targets. There, while in a lookout position, he asks the silver-haired girl a question.
[ CHARLIE 09 ] : " I assume that you are all captives? "
??? : " Uhm. Ye-yes. "
[ CHARLIE 09 ] : " Understood. *comms* CHARLIE Actual, this is CHARLIE 09. I got some presumed captives over here, probably about seven to twelve girls. How copy? Over. "
[ CHARLIE 01 ] : " *comms* Copy that. Twelve huh. CHARLIE 05, go with CHARLIE 09 inside the tent for a possible rescue. We'll await H.Q. to provide the choice of action for this."
[ CHARLIE 05 ] : " *comms* Copy. Moving "
After the bandit camp and the cave are all cleared, the operators gather intel and other useful materials and objects.
Meanwhile, at H.Q....
Harvey is checking various rifles and attachments into his Weapon Selection hud.
" Ooh. Nice. I wonder if this ELCAN will look good into the- *drags an ELCAN optic into the HK 416*
" Oh neat! This one's pretty good. That's one for my loadout then. "
Then, HOTEL 01 contacts Harvey by radio.
You are reading story Special Operations Forces In The Other World at novel35.com
[ H.Q. ] [ HOTEL 01 ] : " *radio* Sir. I have something to report. "
Harvey : " *radio* Hmm? What is it? "
[ HOTEL 01 ] : " *radio* CHARLIE Group have spotted about twelve presumed captives at one of the tents inside the bandit camp. What are your orders, sir? "
Harvey then requested a redirection to the CHARLIE Group.
[ CHARLIE 09 ] : " *radio* Sir, CHARLIE 09 here. I got some presumed captives over here, about seven to twelve girls. "
As Harvey listens to the radio, he can hear some of the girls are crying and groaning.
[ CHARLIE 09 ] : " *radio* Sir, They're all inside cages. Most of them have poor clothing and seem to didn't take a bath for a while. Most of them also have scars and wounds all over their bodies.
With this conundrum, Harvey thinks for a while.
" What if I saved those captives and let them live inside H.Q. or at Arkson Base? Where do I put them if that's the case? What if there are bad kinds among them? Hmmst -_- ..... "
... ... ... ... ... ...
After some thinking, he realizes that nothing will come out if he keeps ever thinking about it.
Harvey : " *radio* Alright. Go and get them out of there. We will inform HAWKSEND 2 that they're going to be the medevac. "
[ CHARLIE 09 ] : " *radio* Understood sir. "
At Arkson Base Communications Building...
Able 1-1 is managing his troops by reinforcing and enlarging the base area. When suddenly, while looking at the map of the area, a radio call from H.Q. emergers.
[ H.Q. ] [ HOTEL 01 ] : " *radio* Arkson Base, this is H.Q. Inform HAWKSEND 2 that they will be a medevac bird at site Lulu Zebra and have them send here at H.Q.. How copy?"
[ A.B. ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio* H.Q. This is Arkson Base. Roger that. Just give us the bird back when you guys are finished. Haha. "
[ H.Q. ] [ HOTEL 01 ] : " *radio* Haha. Cheeky bastard. Out."
Arkson Base then radios HAWKSEND 2.
[ A.B. ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio* HAWKSEND 2 , Arkson Base. They need a medevac at site Lulu Zebra A.S.A.P. Over. "
[ HAWKSEND 2 Pilot ] : */ Arkson Base, roger dodger. Ambulance is on the way. HAWKSEND 2. /*
HAWKSEND 2 then leaves holding pattern and prepares to land on the wide-field area near the bandit camp.
Inside the bandit cave...
Some of the CHARLIE Operators are regrouping inside the green tent in which the female captives are imprisoned. They are now trying to get them out of their cages.
[ H.Q. ] [ HOTEL 01 ] : " *radio* CHARLIE Actual, this is H.Q. Get the captives out of there and rally them at the LZ. Medevac will be HAWKSEND 2 for about Five Mikes and will RTB here at H.Q.. Over. "
[ CHARLIE 01 ] : " *radio* Five by five H.Q. Out. "
CHARLIES 05, 04, 03, and 02, break the locks of the cages and escort them out to the LZ. As they are on their way, other BRAVO Operators also help with the escorting.
Some of the female captives are still resisting the operators because they're scared. Other's are curious and keep on looking at the operators, as the silver-haired girl. The gun, the outfit, and the way they speak. They haven't seen and heard this before.
But in the end, they were still escorted by CHARLIE and BRAVO Operators into the LZ.
Up in the air...
[ VIPER 1 Co-Pilot ] : */ Woah. I can't believe that some are still alive there. I thought this is gonna be like a ghost town or something. /*
[ VIPER 2 Co-Pilot ] : */ Yeah. They seem to be all females. I don't wanna even think about what they have done to them. /*
[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ Shit's crazy huh. Oh, here comes HAWKSEND 2. /*
HAWKSEND 2 is getting near the site Lulu Zebra.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Pilot ] : */ A.B. , HAWKSEND 2, one-mike out from the zone at 1400 AGL. /*
The female captives looked up in the sky and saw three strange flying metal machines hovering.
With their strange thumping sounds, most of them looked shocked and in awe. Some are scared and frightened.
Then, the Chinook slowly hovers down at the LZ to load the female captives and the operators.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Pilot ] : */ A.B. HAWKSEND 2, twenty-seconds out from the zone. /*
As the Chinook gets closer to land, so as the sound becomes deafening. The female captives close their ears with their hands.
But the silver-haired girl, she didn't even flinch. She just continues to stare at the Chinook until it lands.
When the Chinook landed, the operators then escorted the captives again to get inside the Chinook.
Some refuse to go inside due to being frightened and scared. While most of them just simply follow, due to being afraid of their lives being taken if they didn't obey the operators.
... ... ... ... ... ...
After a while, the captives were now seated at the middle section of the helicopter, together with all of the operators seated on both sides of them.
The operators bring various forms of intel and other materials with them.
[ HAWKSEND 2 Pilot ] : */ A.B. This is HAWKSEND 2. All chalks and guests have been accounted for. RTB in H.Q. /*
[ A.B. ] [ Able 1-1 ] : " *radio* HAWKSEND 2, roger that. VIPER 1, proceed back to Arkson Base. We need a little air assistance over this area while we're working with the base layout adjustments. "
[ VIPER 1 PIlot ] : */ Arkson Base, roger that. Looking forward to helping you guys. Out. /*
[ VIPER 1 Pilot ] : */ VIPER 2. Take care of the bird for me alright? /*
[ VIPER 2 PIlot ] : */ Wilco. /*
VIPER 1 then heads back to Arkson Base to help them and assist in establishing overwatch while the Arkson Base Units are working with the hectare-field addition to the base.
And VIPER 2 then proceeds to escort HAWKSEND 2 while it lifts off with the two operator groups and female captives inside.
The captives were startled and shocked when they realized that the helicopter was moving up on the ground.
As the helicopter gradually flies upwards and flies towards H.Q. up in the air, most of the captives were afraid and nervous.
But the silver-haired girl then again stares outside by the window. It's the first time she saw a horizon point of view while moving. Her eyes widened with astonishment as she saw wide areas of trees, rivers, and mountains in the distance.
This made her feel calm and at ease, despite the loud sound the Chinook is making. She then gradually closes her eyes and eventually falls asleep.
Soul Count :
[ 3 ]
Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )
[ 2,049 ]
= 2,005 Infantry Units
= 44 Special Forces
- 4 AH-64D Longbow Apaches
- 2 MH-47 Chinook
Chapter 14 - A Questionable Welcome