Chapter 65: Chapter 58.5 – [ PREDETERMINED_ACCOUNT ]






"Fastforwarding Log..."

"Week 4"
"2305 hrs."
"Somewhere along the Western area of the forest"
"Gargan Forest"




With grasshopper chirps echoes inside the thick forest coupled a cold breeze rushing out by the trees and bushes, a man is running frantically as he sprints.

Random Man : **pant* *pant* *pant* WH-WHO THE HELL ARE THEY?*pant* *pant* *pant*

The frantic man thought in extreme distress as he continues to run away as quickly as he can.


Random Man : *pant* *pant* *pant* *WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPINING TO ME?*pant* *pant* *pant* *FUCK! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A NORMAL ROB-AND-RUN OPERATION!* *pant* *pant* *pant*




Minutes earlier...

A group of a couple of merchants is traveling along the forest from Pharaonia Empire, back to their hometown - City of Brisgade, and they were accompanied by six hired bodyguards for their security. 

Female Merchant : " *sigh* Finally. We can now hold these stocks back to our storage! "

Male Merchant : " Ahahaha. I bet that our daughter will be surprised once we give them the souvenirs! "

Female Merchant : " I hope so darling. Emily is in her rebellious phase. I doubt that she will accept these. "

Male Merchant : " Yeah. But I think she will! Just look at all these souvenirs! They all look so cute! With its flowers and butterflies! "

Female Merchant : " Hehe. I think that she will unlikely like all of these. After all, she's a little grown up now."

Male Merchant : " Noooo! What happens when she will not love her father anymore?! Noooo! Emily! Don't leave me! "

Female Merchant : " Oh come on! Don't be over-exaggerated. "

Then, a bodyguard went to notify the couple to take a quick rest on a nearby pond.

As they stop to take a quick rest by a pond, the couple parked their caravan and feed their horses, while the bodyguards took a security perimeter.



But, little did the merchants know, the hired bodyguards were secretly a group of organized bandits. The disguised bandits smile as they begin to approach the innocent couple.


As they encircle around the area, two bandits stabbed the male merchant while he is feeding the horses.


Male Merchant : " ..........huh?  "

The male merchant slowly looks at the sword that went through his stomach and his mouth spits blood as he looks at the bandits with horror. 

The bandits were maniacally grinning.

Then, the female merchant, finished cleaning the inside of their caravan goes out only to see the gruesome scene. She looks at her husband with horror and drops her carrying bucket.

The couple stares at each other, and with his last breath remaining, the male merchant tells his wife to run away.

Male Merchant : "  "

As soon as the male merchant chants his final words, the bandit removes his sword on the male merchant's body, only to stab the dead male merchant a couple more times along with his other bandit friend.

Female Merchant : " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  "

The woman merchant screamed as he tries to run. But, as soon as the female merchant looked behind to run away, she felt something that hit on her stomach.


She looks down and also sees a sword through her stomach. Blood flow came immediately out from her mouth as she coughs.

Female Merchant : " *GLAARKK!* "

With also on her last breath remaining, she also says her final words.

Female Merchant : "  "

As soon as the female merchant lay dead on the ground, another bandit stabbed her by the neck.





After a couple more stabbing, the bandits arranged the valuable things inside the couple's caravan. Box of copper, iron, and bronze materials, alongside various antique tools and instruments.

Some bandits then also start to undress the dead woman merchant to start raping her. But the dead male merchant, however, was decapitated and burnt into the campfire.



As the gruesome scenes are still ongoing, a bandit starts to feel that he was going to pee. He just finished raping the dead woman's body and ejaculated inside her lifeless mouth.

Bandit 4 : " Haaaa! That's the spirit! Now, if you just excuse me guys, I will take a fucking pee somewhere. "

The bandit then leaves his three bandit friends that were still raping the dead woman merchant. While the other two continue to arrange the merchandises and loots they had stolen inside the caravan.


As the bandit finally chose his location to pee, he notices something odd along with the bushes nearby. The bushes were strangely moving in all directions.


He readied up his sword and flintlock as he slowly approaches the bushes.


Then, quickly, he dashes into the bushes and brushes it off away with his sword.

Bandit 4 : " GOT YOU! "

But, it's just a rabbit. The rabbit quickly jumps off away from him.


Bandit 4 : " What the? Fucking animals! "


He unsheaths his sword and flintlock.


But, as soon as he turns his sight on his right side, he makes a confused face as he sees a strange head with two green tubes on its eyes, and a strange tube pointing at him inside the bush.

Bandit 4 : " ........huh? "


The other bandits were startled by the loud noise and stopped at what they were doing. They left the dead woman's body and quickly wear their pants, and they quickly hide the merchandise behind the caravan.

Bandit 2 : " What was that? "

Bandit 5 : " I don't know! "

They quickly prepared themselves and readied their swords and flintlocks.


Bandit 1 : " *whispers* Where's the bald guy? "

Bandit 3 " *whispers* I don't know! He said that he was going to take a leak over there *points behind the bushes* "

Bandit 1 : " *whispers* Check him out! "

Bandit 3 " *whispers* O-okay! "

Bandit 3 then slowly approaches the bushes and calls out his bandit friend.

Bandit 3 : " BALDY? ARE YOU THERE?......"

But no response.





Then, as Bandit 3 takes a look behind the bushes, what he saw was his dead bandit friend on a pile of his own blood and with a gaping hole on his head.

Bandit 3 : " BALDY! "

As soon as he shouted his dead bandit friend, a faint voice emerges from the bushes.

[ ??? ] : light em' up! "

Bandit 3 : " WHA- "


Bandit 3 took a hail of 5.56 lead.

Overwhelmed by the sheer amounts of bullets that went straight through his body and head, the bandit was overkilled, his head exploded, and his torso is now full of holes like cheese.

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As the bandit lay dead on the ground, other of his still alive bandit friends were also shocked and surprised. And soon after, they too were also struck by barrages of 5.56 lead that were coming from behind the bushes. The bandits didn't have enough to react and time to fire their flintlocks as numerous leads are being fired towards them.


One by one, the bandits receive numerous gunshots all over their bodies and fall down lifelessly on the ground. 

Bandit 6 : " AARRRGH *drops dead*"

Bandit 5 : " BLARRGGGHH *drops dead* "

Bandit 2 : " FUUUCK! FU--- *drops dead* "



After the engagement, silence envelopes within the area.




But their leader was still alive. He was fortunate enough and took cover behind a tree.

Bandit 1 : *pant* *pant* *pant* *WHA-WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?* *pant*

He frantically said to himself with a pile of cold sweat rushing on his body.



Soon after, bush sounds emanate within the area.


And then, footsteps and metallic-like sounds follow.




And then, male voices, talking at each other.

[ ??? ] : " Clear. "

[ ??? ] : " Clear. "

[ ??? ] : " Clear here. "

[ ??? ] : " Clear. "

[ ??? ] : " Clear. "



Still terrified, the lone surviving bandit slowly takes a peek behind to see who are their attackers.



As he peeks, he sees five strange green camouflaged men, with unusual clothing, strapped with strange armor, and equipped with strange metallic musket-sized rifles.



Bandit 1 : *WH-WHO THE FUCK-*

The bandit whispered to himself with extreme confusion and fear. But then, the bandit, unfortunately, breaks a little twig as he tries to slowly walk away from the strange green men.


This alerted the strange men and looked at the origin of the small sound. They all point their rifles on the location of the sound and sees a shadow of a man.


Bandit 1 : *FUUUUCK!!!!*

The bandit then runs for his life.


Another hail of lead was shot at the fleeing bandit. Bullet wheeze on the left and right side of him as he continues to run.

*bullets whizzes*

But the bullets never struck the bandit.



*pant* *pant* *pant*

Bandit 1 : *WH-WHO THE HELL ARE THEY?*pant* *pant* *pant*


Bandit 1 : *pant* *pant* *pant* *WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPINING TO ME?*pant* *pant* *pant* *FUCK! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A NORMAL ROB-AND-RUN OPERATION!* *pant* *pant* *pant*


Then, as the fleeing bandit looks behind, he saw a couple of the strange men that were coming after him.


This made the bandit even more terrified as he feels he is being hunted by powerful predators.



Bandit 1 : **pant* *pant* FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUU- *


Three bullets finally went through the bandit's torso.

Bandit 1 : " ..........wha............. "

The bandit smacks down on the ground with extreme pain.

Bandit 1 : " ARRRGGKKK!!!!!!!! "

He tries to crawl away until he heard footsteps coming towards him.


Then, in his final remaining seconds, he hears: 


[ ??? ] : " Slick 5-Actual, hostiles have been eliminated. Proceeding back with the patrol. "

Then, a faint voice emanates on the strange man's shoulder.

[ Slick 5-1  ] : " Roger that - "











" - TANGO 01. "








The bandit's eyes closed as his last breath fades away.

And what follows were two more shots by TANGO 01 into the bandit's head to ensures he was dead.






