"Rewinding Log..."
"Week 4"
“1549 hrs.”
“Colonel Hopkins' Office”
“Main Operations Building”
“Gargan Forest”
Still inside the office, Harvey will now pick all the intel he gathered from their previous operations through his I.S.S.. The blue hologram displays in front of him and he opens a tab from his inventory asking him for a password.
" Opening : *Classified Tab* "
" Please. Enter. Password: _ "
Harvey then types the password for the locked tab with the phrase:
The automated inventory system quickly opens as the system correctly recognizes the correct password.
He then places pieces of paper containing valuable information and documents on the office table.
[ Harvey ] : " ...Let's see. This goes at the "slave market" column.*puts paper* .....And uh, while this........ goes to "Almeda Kingdom's Government” column. *puts paper*....... Hmmm. "Military intelligence".....here *puts paper*.
After it was sorted, Harvey closed his inventory. Stacks of paper were piled out on the table and were sorted into three sections.
[ Harvey ] : " Alright. This does it. Do you think that this will be enough to get the overall picture of their government or whatnot? "
Harvey asked Colonel Hopkins to his left as Harvey picked up and checked a paper on the office table while the Colonel also picked up a paper.
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Hmm. Likely. We will review and discuss all of this with Able 1-1 and see if we can initiate a further operation and investigation towards their capital - Pridel. We should at least get a recon or a survey team in there, so we can confirm the authenticity of all this intel. Or otherwise, gather up more information and intelligence. "
Harvey puts off the paper back on the office table and looks at the Colonel with trust.
[ Harvey ] : " I see. Well, I will leave these all up to you, Colonel. Just don't hesitate to tell me what's still missing. Logistics, armaments, materials, I will spawn it. Alright?"
Colonel Hopkins puts down the paper and looks back to Harvey with a smile.
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Thank you, sir. You can trust me all on this. Logistics and others are still good. We also got some resource operations ongoing. Like the oil reservoir we found near the Sea of Numanei, and the mining operation at one of the mountains in Blaide Ridge. "
Harvey grabs his chin in curiosity.
[ Harvey ] : " Ooh. Neat. But are they in incog? "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Yes sir. We've placed several traps, lure-out devices, and hidden patrols across its perimeters. "
[ Harvey ] : " I see. But wait. How do you transport those resources into the bases? "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Yes sir. We used various caravans and wagons like the ones you guys used, as a disguise transport. Of course, the soldiers manning the caravans were also disguised as civilians of this world. "
[ Harvey ] : " Oh! That's why there are so many of them in the parking lots and some of the guys there were also wearing these kinds of cloaks. I see. Looks like the things I've gathered since day one are somewhat useful at all. Good thing that you guys mastered using those caravans. "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Thank you sir. But not all of it is perfect though. There's one time, some 500 meters at Perimeter BRAVO, where a group of four civilians accidentally discovered our men's hidden armaments and armors while our men were en route to base. So, they had no choice but to apprehend them. "
Harvey is surprised about the report and makes a shocked face.
[ Harvey ] : " Wait. Really? But what happened to them afterward? Don't tell me that you just leave them out there? "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " No sir. After the elements had apprehended them, they quickly enforced them to indulge sleeping medicines in accordance with the procedure in case of accidental compromise of certain group elements. Then while the apprehended civilians were still sleeping due to the sleeping medicines, the elements took them to the nearest group of civilians caravan to take the apprehended civilians with them. "
[ Harvey ] : " Huh. That's, assuring. Just don't cause too much attention alright? "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Yes sir. "
The two then continue their review on the recently gathered intel and discuss the probable operation regarding the Riman Forces at Dittol Bay and Gulf of Drasthma.
Then, while in the midst of their discussion on the office table, Harvey remembers something. He informs the Colonel about it before they continue on with the said discussion.
[ Harvey ] : " Oh yeah come to think of it. I still haven’t promoted Able 1-1 yet. Right? "
The Colonel agrees.
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Yes sir. He is still a “temporary” chief, commanding the Arkson Base. I think we should now give him a proper promotion because of that. "
[ Harvey ] : " Haha. I know, right? I now feel bad because of it. Alright. After this, let’s go and drop by Arkson Base. "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Understood, sir. I will notify my second-in-command, OO Karma 1-1 to temporarily watch H.Q.. "
Harvey is amazed that the Colonel already hired a secondary chief of H.Q..
[ Harvey ] : " Oh you already picked out your second-in-command eh? That’s awesome. "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Thank you, sir. "
With that, they continue on with the discussion about the Riman Forces reported by the overwatch at FISHERCOVE, and the intel they had gathered in the previous operations. They would piece by piece the intel together to come up with a conclusion about the true movements of the Almeda Kingdom, and its surrounding countries.
“1533 hrs.”
“Field Base”
“Gargan Forest”
Meanwhile, Felicia, along with Aida and accompanied by FOXTROT 10 and FOXTROT 11 head their way to the Main House.
While on their way, Aida can't help but look around at various unique structures, vehicles, and people.
[ Aida ] : " Wo-woah! Hey Felicia..."
Felicia looks at Aida by her left side.
[ Felicia ] : " Hmm? What is it? "
Aida then points to the aircraft hangars.
[ Aida ] : " What are those vehicles inside those arc-like structures? "
[ Felicia ] : " Oh. Those are what we call 'jets'. They are the ones like you had seen earlier but on a bigger scale and need a person inside to operate. The ones you've seen earlier are just 'drones', which don't have people inside. "
Aida is astonished about the new vehicles and looks at them with amazement.
[ Aida ] : " I-I see. I assume that they are using those big and wide 'wings' on their sides to fly? Kinda like birds. "
[ Felicia ] : " Yes. It's based on what Harvey called 'aerodynamics'. I still haven't studied that but that is what makes those heavy vehicles fly. "
This made Aida intrigued. She tilts her head in confusion about the new word.
[ Aida ] : "...”Ai-ro dhaynamiks” ?....."
[ Felicia ] : " Yes. If we have time, let us ask Harvey or someone who will teach us something like that. "
[ Aida ] : " O-okay! "
At their back meanwhile, the two FOXTROT Operators are following the two girls. FOXTROT 11 has both hands behind his head while thinking of something. While FOXTROT 10 continues to look around the area.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Hmm. Hey, 10. "
FOXTROT 11 calmly said to FOXTROT 10. But FOXTROT 10 already knew what FOXTROT 11 was thinking based on the girls' conversation. He sighs with little annoyance and looks at FOXTROT 11.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " No. I know what you're thinking. There's no way we could use some jetpacks. "
FOXTROT 11’s mouth twitches with annoyance.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Tch. What a shame. "
“1539 hrs.”
“Main House”
“Gargan Forest”
After the brief walk, the four arrived at the Main House and stopped near the entrance.
[ Felicia ] : " This is it, Aida! This is the place where most of the guests are living. We called it the "Main House". Come on! I will introduce you to the people inside! "
Aida, feeling a little nervous, agrees.
[ Aida ] : " O-Okay! "
As the four approached the front entrance of the house, they were greeted by two maids tending a small garden at the right side of the entrance.
The two maids bow down their heads in greeting.
Maid 04 and Maid 10 : " Welcome back, Miss Felicia. "
[ Felicia ] : " We're back! Looks like you guys are well and fine now ever since we're at the hands of the bandits back before. "
The two maids raise their heads and smile.
Maid 10 : " Oh my my. We've long forgotten and moved on since that. "
Maid 04 : " Fufufu. After all, Master Harvey and his friends, along with Lady Olivia and Lady Rosie, took care of our humble selves. We have our deepest gratitude to you all. "
Maid 10 : " Hmm? Where is Master Harvey? We thought that he was with you. "
[ Felicia ] : " Yeah. He is. But something urgent came up and he was needed there. I think he is at the Main Operations Building right now. "
Maid 10 : " Ah. I see. "
[ Felicia ] : " Yeah. Oh and by the way, This is Aida. She will be living with us for the time being. "
[ Aida ] : " YE-YES! I-I'm Aida! Nice to meet you! "
Aida bows a little to the two maids.
In response, the two maids also bow their heads a little.
Maid 10 : " Fufu. Nice to meet you too, Lady Aida. "
Maid 04 : " Nice to meet you too, young lady. "
[ Felicia ] : " Hehe. Relax. Oh come to think of it, where are the rest? "
Aida and the two maids raise their heads.
Maid 04 : " Lady Olivia is at the barn. Lady Rosie meanwhile is inside waiting for Master Harvey and for you. The seven boys are on schooling with Sir HOTEL 02 and Sir HOTEL 10. "
[ Felicia ] : " I see. "
Then at the back of the group, FOXTROT 11 raises a hand.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Hey umm. Are the other FOXTROT bois inside, miss? "
All looked at FOXTROT 11.
Maid 04 : " Oh. You mean the other 'FOXTROT Operators'? I'm afraid there are none of them inside of the house and if I'm not mistaken, they are on a certain mission right now. "
FOXTROT 11 puts down his hand.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Oh..Huh...It's alright. We can just relax here in the meantime. "
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " I bet they're on guard duty right now. "
[ Felicia ] : " Is that so? Anyway, come on Aida. Let's go inside. "
[ Aida ] : " O-okay! "
Then, all of the sudden, FOXTROT 11 quickly ran to the left side of the entrance door ahead of the rest.
FOXTROT 11 then mimics a “breach-and-clear-ready” posture with an imaginary low-ready stance rifle in his hand.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Pssssh. This is FOXTROT 11. Waiting for your command, FOXTROT 02. "
The rest stopped and watched FOXTROT 11 as he did his gimmick.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " ….What are you doing? "
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Hmm? Is something wrong? "
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " Yeah. “
FOXTROT 10 then approaches FOXTROT 11 and goes behind him.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : “ Your weapon stance is wrong. If you wanna go full-tactical, go high-ready. "
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Oh sorry. *adjusts rifle stance to high-ready*. First man ready! "
Felicia looked at FOXTROT 11 with an expressionless face. While Aida and the two maids are making confused faces.
[ Felicia ] : " .........really? "
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " FOXTROT 02 signals the a-go! FOXTROT 10, bang-bomb! "
FOXTROT 10 smirks.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " Heh. Seriously? "
Joining FOXTROT 11's gimmick, FOXTROT 10 went to the right side of the entrance door and also mimicked an imaginary flashbang while holding an imaginary rifle. He then presents the imaginary flashbang in his hand to FOXTROT 11.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " Flash ready. "
Aida then looks at Felicia with a little confusion.
[ Aida ] : " Wh-what are they doing, Felicia? "
[ Felicia ] : " Oh uhm. Haha. Just, don't mind them. It's one of their gimmicks I guess. "
Aida looks back at the two operators with intrigue.
[ Aida ] : " Huh... "
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Opening. "
FOXTROT 11 then slightly opens the door.
After that, FOXTROT 10 prepares to throw the imaginary flashbang at the gap of the entrance. He unpins the imaginary flashbang to toss it inside.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " Flashbang out! Phssiing! "
After he supposedly throws the imaginary flashbang, they went all silent.
Waiting for the supposed explosion of the imaginary flashbang, the two FOXTROT Operators look at each other.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Hey who will do the sound effects? "
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " Huh? I dunno. I thought you would make it. "
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Wait, really? Oh, come on! "
Felicia facepalms herself because of their cringe, while the two maids and Aida make a wry smile.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Ok ok I'll do it. Ahem..... "
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " BANG! BANG! BANG! "
After that, FOXTROT 11 quickly opened the entrance door and went on a tactical approach with his imaginary rifle.
But FOXTROT 10 and the two ladies just casually walk and follow FOXTROT 11 with a wry smile.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : *on a monotone voice* " Clear here. Clear that. Clear there. Clear everywhere. "
But FOXTROT 11 then kneels in the front hallway.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Roger. Pssh! FOXTROT 02, FOXTROT 10. The hallway is clear. Proceed to the living room. Over. "
FOXTROT 10, Felicia, and Aida then went to the living room. There, they are greeted by another three maids while on their cleaning routine.
Maid 02, Maid 03, and Maid 05 : " Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. "
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : *on a monotone voice* " Ahh. We have some unknowns here. Nice to meet you. "
You are reading story Special Operations Forces In The Other World at novel35.com
Felicia is surprised about FOXTROT 10’s reaction.
[ Felicia ] : " Pfft. Who the hell greets some 'unknowns'?. And how long will you guys act like that? "
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " Erhm. Hehe. Sorry. But, ..... "
FOXTROT 10 stares at FOXTROT 11.
[ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *sigh* Okay I'll stop now. But I think that guy will be on his dumb gimmicks for a while. That idiot's got too much shit on. "
[ Felicia ] : " Huh? "
Felicia then looks at FOXTROT 11.
FOXTROT 11 is headbanging and grooving to the beat of the music he played on the radio beside the hallway.
♪ Cue Music ♪ :
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " ♪ Ayyy ! ♪ Ayyy ! ♪ "
Felicia squints her eyes with a deadpan face as she observers FOXTROT 11 vibing to the song.
[ Felicia ] : " Yeah right. He’s probably homesick I guess. Okay. Just let him be. "
Felicia then takes her attention back to the maids and then again introduces Aida to them in the living room.
After the greetings, the maids went to the kitchen to bring up some snacks and tea for the group while relaxing in the living room.
Then, after a while, footsteps can be heard running towards the living room.
It's Rosie. She runs towards the living room to meet the returnees. Behind her were also her two bodyguard operators.
[ R-A ] : " Lady Rosie! Don't run in the hallway! "
[ R-B ] : " Watch your steps, my lady! "
Rosie then saw FOXTROT 11 dancing and vibing by the hallway and greeted him.
[ Rosie ] : " Ah! You're really back! Where's big sister Felicia and Sir Harvey? "
FOXTROT 11 stops in his tracks, pauses the radio and greets the young girl with a smile.
[ FOXTROT 11 ] : " Oh Rosie! Hello! Yeah, we're back. The others are in the living room. But Sir Harvey is still busy outside. But don't worry. He'll probably be back soon. "
Rosie then hears a voice in the living room.
[ Felicia ] : " Rosie-! We're back! "
Rosie quickly recognizes the female voice.
[ Rosie ] : " Big sister Felicia! "
She quickly ran inside the living room and immediately noticed a new guest.
[ Rosie ] : " Eh? Wh-who are you? "
She curiously asked Aida.
[ Aida ] : " I'm Aida. Lady Felicia and Sir Harvey invited me to stay here for a while. Nice to meet you! "
Aida said as she introduced herself to Rosie. Rosie in exchange also introduces herself.
[ Rosie ] : " Aida! I'm Rosie! Also glad to meet you. I have an older sister. Her name is Olivia! But, she is working right now at the barn. I think she will be back before 3 o'clock. "
[ Aida ] : " I-I see. "
Aida then looks at Rosie's two bodyguard operators
[ Aida ] : " And you two are?.... "
Rosie's two bodyguard operators then stood firmly facing Aida.
[ R-A ] : " Yes. We are Rosie's hired bodyguards as per Sir Harvey's orders. You can call me 'R-A' "
[ R-B ] : " And you can also me 'R-B' "
Aida makes a confused face.
[ Aida ] : " Hmm. I don't mean to disrespect you but, what a weird name you two guys have. Rosie, what do you think? "
[ Rosie ] : " Hmmm? "
Rosie looks at her two bodyguard operators and smiles.
[ Rosie ] : " I think it's fine! It's easy to remember and say their names quickly. "
[ Aida ] : " O-okay. If that's what you say. I'm Aida. Nice to meet you guys. "
[ R-A ] : " Likewise. "
[ R-B ] : " Me too. "
After the greetings, all of them have a quick snack time and have casual conversations with each other while the maids delivered the snacks and continued to do household chores.
After some time, FOXTROT 11 also joins with the rest of the group inside the living room after he is done vibing.
“1825 hrs.”
“Colonel Hopkin’s Office”
“Main Operations Building”
“Gargan Forest”
Still, inside the Colonel’s office, Harvey and Colonel Hopkins finished their discussion and come up with more operations such as: additional specialized patrol and recons around H.Q. and Arkson Base; more base of operations; additional aircraft and vehicle parts for maintenances, securing the supply route of Blaide Ridge to H.Q. which they called “The Flake Trail”; and the upcoming establishment of the Gargan Navy Department.
Harvey then lets out a sigh of relief as they finish compiling all of their plans.
[ Harvey ] : " Whew! That’s about it I guess. Now. For the new TIER 3 SFODS. "
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " Roger that, sir. I’ve already contacted OO Karma 1-1 and he’s already prepared a transport bird for us to Arkson Base. “
[ Harvey ] : "Alrighty. Let’s get it going. "
The two then left the office and went outside of the building.
“1830 hrs.”
“Field Base”
“Gargan Forest”
Outside, Harvey opens again his hud system to spawn another TIER 3 SFOD for dispatch that will help the other patrol and recon teams in case an extreme encounter ensues.
The robotic female voice appears again.
"Spawn Function Detected..."
"Confirm "40 Special Forces for: 20 Souls?"..."
Harvey clicks the confirmation button and the designated forty SF’s immediately spawns on the field near them by a wide glowing magic circle on the ground.
They all salute Harvey and Colonel Hopkins as the magic circle disappears.
[ Harvey ] : “ Aight. You guys are now designated - “
“ - 8th SFOD TANGOS! “
Upon designating the newly spawned forty SF’s, the hud system automatically designates the SF’s into 8th TANGOS SFOD as they faintly glow quickly.
Harvey then instructs them to get their designated operation from inside the Main Operations Building and to arm and gear themselves in the Armory Building.
[ TANGOS ] : ”*salute* SIR, YES SIR! “
Forty TANGO Operators then march towards the Main Operations Building to register and to accept their tasks.
Finishing with the spawns, Harvey and Colonel Hopkins proceed to the Helipads.
“1839 hrs.”
“Helipad 02”
“Field Base”
“Gargan Forest”
At the helipad where a Blackhawk is prepping up, Harvey and Colonel Hopkins approached the prepping Blackhawk and were greeted by the crews and pilots of the helicopter.
[ THUNDER 1 Crew Chief 1 ] : */ *salutes* /*
[ THUNDER 1 Crew Chief 2 ] : */ *salutes* /*
[ THUNDER 1 Pilot ] : */ *salutes* /*
[ THUNDER 1 Co-Pilot ] : */ *salutes* /*
Harvey and Colonel Hopkins also saluted the crews as they went inside the Blackhawk. Inside, they wear their respective headphones for their conversation.
And immediately, Harvey gets jokingly loud on the headphones.
The pilots and the two crew chiefs outside, preparing the Blackhawk in preflight, laugh on their mics.
[ THUNDER 1 Crew Chief 1 ] : */ Aw come on!. Not again, sir! We might get captured and become prisoners again! Hahahaha! /*
[ THUNDER 1 Crew Chief 2 ] : */ Welcome aboard again sir! The weather is now fine and we will not get downed again by a fucking storm! Haha. /*
[ THUNDER 1 Pilot ] : */ Haha. Welcome also aboard, Colonel. /*
[ THUNDER 1 Co-Pilot ] : */ Haha. Now we got two VIPs for transport. This is nice. /*
{ H.Q. } { Chief of Main Operations } { Col. Hopkins H. Henderson } : " *mic* Haha. That’s alright. I’m also a former SF. I can still take things with ease. “
[ Harvey ] : “ *mic* Yeah yeah alright. How’re things going on? “
[ THUNDER 1 Pilot ] : */ Yep. We’re good to go, sir. CP will now ask for departure. /*
Finished checking the Blackhawk from the outside, the two crew chiefs now went inside the Blackhawk and sat at both opposite sides near the doors.
[ THUNDER 1 Crew Chief 1 ] : */ I’m good here, “Tommy”. /*
[ THUNDER 1 Crew Chief 2 ] : */ Haha. Good copy, “Toby”. /*
Noticing this, Harvey shakes his head jokingly and giggles.
[ Harvey ] : “ *mic* Hehe. Shut up with those names haha! It is now making me cringe! Hahaha. Fuck why did I again come up with those names by the way? “
All of the crews laugh at their mics.
[ THUNDER 1 Co-Pilot ] : */ Haha! Aight. Departure time. Ahem. H.Q. Tower. This is THUNDER 1. Requesting departure. Over. /*
Then on their headphones, the voice of an H.Q. Flight Controller speaks through.
[ H.Q. ] [ Flight Controller ] [ Nexon 3-7 , 3rd Bn. ] : “ *radio* Roger THUNDER 1. You are clear for takeoff. Advise: CLIMB MAINTAIN 8000 INITIALLY EXPECT FL400 1-0 MIN AFTER DEPARTURE UNTIL OUTSIDE CLASS CHARLIE CONTACT “Arkson Base” APPROACH AT ONE-SIX-THREE-POINT-NINER-ZERO.
[ H.Q. ] [ Flight Controller ] [ Nexon 3-7 , 3rd Bn. ] : “ *radio* Readback is confirmed. Have a safe flight. “
The Blackhawk then starts to hover and steadily fly up towards Arkson Base as the sun is starting to set.
Soul Count:
[ 88 ]
- 20 Souls
Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )
[ 2,061 ]
= 2,005 Infantry Units
= 96 Special Forces ( +40 )
- 2 McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II
- 2 General Atomics MQ-9
- 4 AH-64D Longbow Apaches
- 1 MH-60A Blackhawk
- 2 MH-47 Chinook
Chapter 60 - Two Sides, One Reason