"Recon Report: ASSIGNMENT #15b"
"Fastwording Log..."
"Week 4"
"0215 hrs."
“FOXTROT Recon Team 1 - FOXTROT 05 & FOXTROT 06 Survey Position”
“Somewhere around Sector D”
“Gargan Forest”
Having eliminated most of the hooded men that breach through their survey position, FOXTROT 06 apprehended the surviving hooded man into a safe room, while FOXTROT 05 ensures that there are no hostiles left within the surrounding area.
At FOXTROT 06, he is pointing his suppressed M4A1 towards the hooded man that is lying and facing down on the ground.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " ..No..sudden...moves, if you know what's best for you. "
The hooded man replies in fear.
Surviving Hooded Man: " YE-YES! "
After a couple of seconds, FOXTROT 05 comes into the safe room where the two are.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " Alright. The area seems to be clear now. I already placed some claymores around. How's that guy doing? "
Still looking with his rifle pointed towards the hooded man, FOXTROT 06 replies.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " He's fine. He's just scared shitless. "
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " Heh. I bet he's also pissed. That's a nice sword he got there. "
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " *whispers on comms* Yeah. How's the backup? "
FOXTROT 05 then goes by a window and scans the area with his NODs and suppressed M4 SOPMOD 2.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " They said that they will be on standby, and will call up once they are ready to go here. "
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " I see. "
Then, all of the sudden, a static voice emanates through FOXTROT 05’s radio.
[ H.Q. ] [ TANGO Recon Team 2 Lead ] [ TANGO 04 ] : " *whispers on radio* FOXTROTS, FOXTROTS, this is TANGO Recon Team 2 Actual - TANGO 04 of a five-man team. How are you guys holding up? "
FOXTROT 05 adjusts to his position and continues to observe the surroundings as he talks to TANGO 04 through his radio.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " *whispers on radio* TANGO 04, FOXTROT 05. We're fine here. We just need some extra security and men to clean this place up and extract this motherfucker. "
Then, another transmission emerges on their radio. It’s FOXTROT 03.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " *whispers on radio* FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Actual - FOXTROT 03. En route, five mikes, coming from the west. "
[ H.Q. ] [ TANGO Recon Team 2 Lead ] [ TANGO 04 ] : " *whispers on radio* Roger roger. My team is also en route to FOXTROT 05 and 06. Be advised: We're coming from the southeast of their position. So mind your rifles. TANGO 04 Out. "
The two FOXTROT Operators then wait for the reinforcements as they continue to guard the hooded survivor, and watch the surroundings with NODs.
A couple of minutes passed, FOXTROT 03 and FOXTROT 04 arrived at the ruined stone building where the rest of the FOXTROT Operators and the surviving hooded man were.
They stopped first behind a tree to scan the surrounding area with their NODs as they contacted the two operators inside the ruined building.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " *whispers on comms* This is FOXTROT 03. Approaching from the west. How copy? "
Inside the building, on the second floor, FOXTROT 05 can see the two other FOXTROT Operators through his NODs. He immediately recognized the two heat strobes emanating from the back and sides of the two FOXTROT Operators.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " *whispers on comms* We see ya guys. I'm coming down here to remove the claymores I set up earlier. Standby. "
After FOXTROT 05 removes the claymores, he then signals the two FOXTROT Operators the all-clear.
FOXTROT 03 and FOXTROT 04 then slowly approach the entrance of the ruined building while checking the surroundings, as FOXTROT 05 is waiting for them and also checking the surroundings.
After a couple of seconds, the three meet up inside the ruined building.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " How's it doing? You guys alright? "
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 05 ] : " Yeah. We're fine. You guys can go up ahead. I'll take security. "
FOXTROT 03 and FOXTROT 04 then go to the second floor where FOXTROT 06 and the hooded man were, while FOXTROT 05 guards the entrance.
As they were making their way to the room where FOXTROT 06 and the hooded man are located, FOXTROT 03 and FOXTROT 04 are passing through the dead bodies of the hooded man that were killed by the two FOXTROT Operators earlier.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 04 ] : " *whispers* Who the fuck were these guys? "
[ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : “ I don't know. Maybe these are just some adventurers or whatnot? "
As they opened the door of the furthest room, they saw FOXTROT 06 still aiming his rifle towards a hooded man lying down on the ground.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " Hmm. Itchy trigger finger? "
He said to FOXTROT 06 with humor.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " Very. Since I got this bastard. "
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FOXTROT 03 and FOXTROT 04 then apprehended the hooded man. They put tape over his mouth, place a bag cloth over his head, and tie his hands with plastic handcuffs. The surviving hooded man is very scared for his life, as the operators are tying him up.
Surviving Hooded Man : “ MFFFHPPP!!! “
After they are done apprehending the surviving hooded man, they take images of the said hooded man with a portable camera.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 04 ] : " Say cheese! "
*click! click!*
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 06 ] : " Thanks for the assistance. I will join 05 downstairs. "
FOXTROT 06 then joins FOXTROT 05 down over by the entrance to assist security. While FOXTROT 03 orders FOXTROT 04 to gather some intel from the corpses, as he stays behind to guard the apprehended hooded man.
FOXTROT 04 then goes to each corpse to search for valuable intel, and what he finds are some familiar papers and documents, and a couple of weird badges of some sort. He would then put all of it inside his backpack.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 04 ] : " *whispers* Hm? What the fuck are these? Weird *puts badges in backpack*. Oh. This insignia looks familiar. Huh. *puts the paper in backpack*. "
And by the last corpse done, he also finishes up his search and goes to FOXTROT 03.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 ] [ FOXTROT 04 ] : " Alrighty. All is taken care of. "
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " Good. I'm gonna call the guys out. "
FOXTROT 03 uses his radio to call TANGO 04.
[ H.Q. ] [ FOXTROT Recon Team 1 Lead ] [ FOXTROT 03 ] : " *whispers on radio* TANGO 04 , TANGO 04. FOXTROT RT 1 Actual. The perimeter is secured and a subject is ready for extraction. Copy? Over. "
[ H.Q. ] [ TANGO Recon Team 2 Lead ] [ TANGO 04 ] : " *whispers on radio* FOXTROT RT 1 Actual, copy. We're now ten-mikes out coming from the southeast. Oh, man. That motherfucker will have a lot of fun at the base for his interrogation. TANGO 04 Out."
Minutes later, as the TANGO Recon Team 2 are now approaching the survey site where the FOXTROT Recon Team 1 are, reports of the scene have reached the second-in-command of H.Q. - Operations Officer Karma 1-1.
Inside his office at H.Q., OO Karma 1-1 is sitting at his desk, while the Chief Radio Telephone Operator - Taz 1-1, is standing near him. They are discussing the situation in Sector D.
[ H.Q. ] [ Vice Chief ] [ Operations Officer ] [ Karma 1-1 ] : " .......compromised? "
He said in question and confusion.
[ H.Q. ] [ Chief Radio Telephone Operator ] [ Taz 1-1 ] : " Yes sir. As of now, another recon team is dispatched to reinforce the contacted recon team. "
Karma 1-1 then places his both hands behind his back as he stands and goes to a window.
[ H.Q. ] [ Vice Chief ] [ Operations Officer ] [ Karma 1-1 ] : " Hmm. Is that all? "
[ H.Q. ] [ Chief Radio Telephone Operator ] [ Taz 1-1 ] : " Yes sir. "
Silence for a couple of seconds.
Then, Karma 1-1 goes to his desk and arranges some papers.
[ H.Q. ] [ Vice Chief ] [ Operations Officer ] [ Karma 1-1 ] : " I see. Contact my department and they might take advantage of this situation with the other Operations Officers. "
[ H.Q. ] [ Chief Radio Telephone Operator ] [ Taz 1-1 ] : " Ro-roger, sir. Your department, sir? "
[ H.Q. ] [ Vice Chief ] [ Operations Officer ] [ Karma 1-1 ] : " Hm? Yes. The one that I’ve been commanding in the first place - "
" - the Gargan Intelligence Department. "