"Recording log..."
"Week 4"
"1430 hrs."
"Main Building"
"Naval Base Rostweller"
"Gargan Forest"
Immediately after having a call from Karma 1-1, Harvey was notified by RTO Xygote 1-17 through the radio on his vest that the designated respective elements are now ready to head out for the operation.
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ R.T.O. ] [ Xygote 1-17 , 5th Bn. ] : " *radio* Sir. All designated callsigns and elements are now ready. They are waiting for you at Field 3. "
Harvey then replies back to the radio.
[ Harvey ] : " *on radio* Roger. We're on the way. Out. "
After that, Harvey and his sortie from FISHERCOVE that were also waiting inside the building, head outside to meet up with the designated elements for the scenario operation.
Arriving at Field 3 of the base where the elements are, Harvey sees the tank commanders waiting for him out of their tanks, and the designated platoons all geared up and with load-outs of:
30 Units of:
- Main Armament: Full-auto M16A4.
- Attachments:
; Sights - ACOG TA31
; Laser and Light - AN/PEQ-2
; Grenade Launcher - M203 Railed
- Ammunition:
; Five plus One 30-round Magazines of 5.56x45mm FMJ
; Two M406 HE Grenades
; Two M651 CS Grenades
...and 10 Units of:
- Main Armament: M249 SAW
- Attachments:
; Sights - ELCAN SpectreOS
- Ammunition:
; Two plus One 200-round Magazines of 5.56x45mm FMJ
They salute Harvey as he walks and meets up with them at the field. Harvey then grabs two battle maps that he made based on what they had discussed with Colonel Hopkins and Rotter 3-1, and placed them on a stand board. All of the tank commanders and infantry elements gather up near Harvey as he briefly discusses their initiation procedures.
After the briefing, all of the tank commanders went inside their respective tanks and drove off outside of the naval base. While the designated platoons follow up behind the tanks.
As for Harvey, he now dismisses his sortie group from FISHERCOVE and instructs the four Rotter Units to join up with the operating elements for observation. He designated two Rotter Units per base target.
The four Rotter Units obliged and put on their hoods again. This time, they are now equipped of:
- Main Armament: Mk.12 SPR.
- Ammunition:
; Four plus One 20-round Magazines of 5.56x45mm FMJ
This is for them to help with the assault on the base targets by long-range attack support.
After the operation elements and the four Rotter Units were gone, Harvey meanwhile changes his attire and loadout again inside the Armory Building of the naval base. There, he dons a more casual and operator loadout which just consists of a gray hoodie, denim jeans, cap, ComTac, and a vest and belt with all of his mags and utilities.
Finished changing, Harvey went back inside the Main Building to greet Rear Admiral Albert inside the Admiral's Office. Along the way, he was greeted and saluted by the units of the naval base.
In the main hallway, he asks a unit if the admiral is inside his office.
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ Debbie 3-10 , 6th Bn. ] : " What can I help you sir? *salutes* "
Harvey salutes back quickly.
[ Harvey ] : " Ah thank you. Is the admiral here? "
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ Debbie 3-10 , 6th Bn. ] : " Yes sir. He's in his office right now. "
[ Harvey ] : " Thank you. "
Along the way into the office of the admiral, he is unexpectedly joined by another unit with papers in his hands, that were also heading towards the office of the admiral. The unit greets Harvey with salutations.
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " *salutes* Sir Harvey, Operations Officer Xygote 1-8. How may I help you, sir? I assume you also want to speak with Rear Admiral Albert, sir?
[ Harvey ] : " *salutes* Hmhm. You too? "
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " Yes sir. "
Harvey notices the papers Operations Officer Xygote 1-8 was carrying and thinks that it must be urgent.
[ Harvey ] : " I see. Alright. Let's go on then. You speak up with the admiral first. Ok? "
They then continue to walk while having a conversation.
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " Are you sure, sir? "
[ Harvey ] : " Yes. Don't worry about me. I'm just going to check up with the admiral to see how he is doing. "
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " U-understood sir. "
A couple of seconds later, they finally arrived at the Admiral's Office. Harvey knocks on the door and speaks through it.
[ Harvey ] : " Rear Admiral Albert? Are you there? "
A muffled voice replies back behind the office door.
" Yes, come on in. "
Harvey then opens the door and sees Rear Admiral Albert seated and looking through various warship blueprints on his office table. The admiral then looks up and sees Harvey and Operations Officer Xygote 1-8. He stands up and greets the two.
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Oh it's you, sir Harvey. And Operations Officer Xygote 1-8. "
[ Harvey ] : " *salutes quickly* Yep. Xygote 1-8 has something to discuss with you first. "
Harvey then sits on a chair near the office table where the warship blueprints were and takes a look at them.
[ Harvey ] : " Go ahead, Xygote! "
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " Y-yes sir..... "
Operations Officer Xygote 1-8 then proceeds to report to Rear Admiral Albert about the completion reports of the construction of certain buildings and structures like the armory, naval ports, roads, and fences around Naval Base Rostweller. He also reported the scenario operation elements that were now heading out towards the two enemy base targets.
After reading all of the reports, Xygote 1-8 flips the final paper down and gives it to the admiral as he finishes his statements.
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " .... and that concludes all of the reports, admiral. "
Rear Admiral Albert takes the papers and reads them.
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Alright. How about the hangars? "
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " Yes sir. Uvion 1-1 reported that it will take them another day and a half to finish the construction of the hangars. "
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " So Uvion's men got it now huh. What about the hospital building? "
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " For the hospital, Apple 1-1 reported that they will be finished constructing it after two days, sir. "
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Okay. I heard that the barracks meanwhile will take four days, am I right? "
[ ROSTWELLER ] [ OO ] [ Xygote 1-8 , 5th Bn. ] : " Yes sir. All of the Zebra Company Units are tasked with the construction. "
The admiral continues to read the paper reports while Xygote 1-8 waits.
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Alright. Thanks for the reports. You may now be dismissed. "
Xygote 1-8 salutes to both Harvey and Rear Admiral Albert and exits the office to continue with his task.
As the office door closed, Harvey looks at the door and smiled.
[ Harvey ] : " Heh. Good to see the naval base is doing good. "
Rear Admiral Albert puts the paper reports inside a file cabinet behind the office table and sits on his chair opposite where Harvey is sitting.
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Thank you, sir. "
The admiral then looks at Harvey with seriousness.
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " About the SCENARIO D Operation, sir Harvey... "
Harvey then looks at the admiral with a concerned face.
[ Harvey ] : " Hm? What is it, admiral? "
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " All of the bases are on DEFCON 4, right? "
[ Harvey ] : " Yes. Colonel Hopkins said that earlier in our meeting. What of it? "
Then, a quick silence.
[ Harvey ] : " Admiral? "
As Harvey said with a confused face.
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " A while ago, Colonel Hopkins had just ordered me to tell you that we might all go to DEFCON 3. "
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Harvey's eyes widened with surprise and puts both his hands behind his head in a lax position.
[ Harvey ] : " Oh. What do you know?! Hmm. Looks like we will be doing the parental guidance on both of them after all. "
As he jokingly said.
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Yes sir. That's why I'm currently looking for another possible warship to be added to our yard for additional force. "
[ Harvey ] : " I see. Well, don't just give me strong headaches that will make me faint, okay? Haha. "
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Y-yes sir. I understood that as well. I want just enough force to make a one task force without sacrificing your mental state, sir Harvey. "
Harvey then looks back at the warship blueprints on the table.
[ Harvey ] : " Hm I see. Well, let's look at some of it while I also look inside my Military Development System. "
{ ROSTWELLER } { C.O. } { R. Adm. Albert } : " Thank you sir. "
Thus, Harvey and Rear Admiral Albert went to search for a capable new warship to be added to the naval base for additional force.
"Recording log..."
"Week 4"
"1613 hrs."
"Near Base Target 1"
"Dittol Bay"
"Gargan Forest"
While on guard duty on their defensive sentries, Riman Soldiers are tasked on the lookout for any unknown activities in the vicinity.
On the shore hundred of meters away from their main base, there are only a handful of soldiers that were stationed for their early warning system and for perimeter security.
Some of the soldiers are constantly patrolling across the shorelines and in the forest. While some were just sitting on their outposts, waiting for their shift to end.
Riman Soldier 1: " Phew. Now that does it. "
As the soldier said as he sits down on a chair at their outpost together with another soldier.
Riman Soldier 2: " Yeah. Tell me about it. I've heard that the major expected some additional reinforcements back from our home base. "
The first soldier then kicks some sand on the ground.
Riman Soldier 1: " Argh! I don't know! I just want to go home. I don't want to be in this fucking area anymore. "
The second soldier rests his head on his right hand striking a thinking pose.
Riman Soldier 2: " Hmm. You got a point. I also want to get home. Hehe. I can't wait to get back and do some good ol' cuckoldry again! Hahahaha! "
Riman Soldier 1: " Ohh yeah! Haha! That reminds me of that one guy that pleaded with us to spare her daughters and wife in exchange for his life. "
The second soldier looks at the first soldier in excitement as he also remembers it.
Riman Soldier 2: " That one?! Yeah I also remembered that. Mhhm those pussies are really top-notch I say! Hahahaha! "
Riman Soldier 1: " Hehehe oh yeah. Poor dad. He watched us fuck his daughters and wife before we killed all of them. What city was it again that we'd invaded? "
Riman Soldier 2: " Hm if I remembered correctly, it was at the Napoca City. That city is quite troublesome when we had first invaded it. Put up too much resistance. "
Riman Soldier 1: " Oh yeah. You're right. Still, it has so many beautiful cunts and pussies in there! So it's all very worth it! Hahaha! "
Riman Soldier 2: " Hehehe. And also the - "
He stopped as he heard a faint track sound appear in the distance. All of the nearby Riman Soldiers also listened to the faint sound and wondered what it might be. They thought about whether it is just a rumble of thunder or just the sound of powerful waves from the bay.
Riman Soldier 1: " Do you also hear what I'm hearing? "
Riman Soldier 2: " *whispers* Shhh! Be quiet. Yeah. Me either"
Other soldiers then began looking for the faint sounds. They grabbed their muskets and crossbows as they began cautiously searching the origin of the said faint sounds.
Seconds passed by, and the track sounds get more even louder and louder. The Riman Soldiers are very anxious about it and some start to run towards their main base at the bay shore.
Then, the first soldier stands up and squints his eyes as he sees a strangely odd object from afar.
Riman Soldier 1: " WHA-WHAT WAS THAT?! "
Riman Soldier 2: " WHAT? WHAT IS IT? WHERE? "
The first soldier then grabs his monocular and looks through it to see the strange object from the distance.
Then upon seeing the object, he is utterly bewildered and shocked. The object he is seeing has cannon on the top portion, and it is moving on supposedly metallic tracks.
But, little did he realized...
... he is now done.
The cannon moves and it directly points at him through his monocular sight.
Riman Soldier 1: " WHAT THE FU- "
And then...
The HE 120×570mm NATO tank ammunition blasted and quickly vaporized all of the Riman Soldiers on their outposts and the area was engulfed in a large flame.
Meanwhile, the other soldiers that were patrolling inside the forest near the shore quickly descended and were very shocked that their outpost is utterly destroyed. They run in panic towards their main base.
But, another two more rounds fell on them.
Only a couple of soldiers survived, but even they sustained serious injuries and some of their legs and arms were amputated by the blast.
The surviving ones cried hysterically while they tried to crawl with their legs now gone. Another soldier picks up his amputated right arm and continues to run while losing blood.
Meanwhile, inside the leading tank of the 1st Cavalry - "Warlord", radios to the other tank COs to lock and load for their new phase.
< IRONHOUSE 1-1 > < Warlord > : " *on radio* All IRONHOUSE: This is Warlord. Prepare for Phase 2. I say again. Prepare for Phase 2! "
< IRONHOUSE 1-2 > < Humbler > : " *radio* Humbler here. We are good to go. "
< IRONHOUSE 1-3 > < Boomstick > : " *radio* This is Boomstick. Roger on that. "
< IRONHOUSE 1-4 > < Krieger > : " *radio* This is Krieger. Copy that. "
Soul Count:
[ 2,312 ]
+ 12 Riman Soldiers
Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )
[ 3,220 ]
= 3,004 Infantry Units
= 256 Special Forces
- 2 McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II
- 2 General Atomics MQ-9
- 4 AH-64D Longbow Apaches
- 1 MH-60A Blackhawk
- 2 MH-47 Chinook
- 12 M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams Tank
- 1 Virginia Class Submarine - USS Vermont
Chapter 70 - So It Begins