Chapter 1: Prologue

In the realm of the gods, a fierce battle rages. Thousands if not millions of gods desperately fight with all their might. Is it not demons they’re fighting with, nor is it the devil their foe. Their foe isn’t even a numerical equal, for they vastly outnumber her.  But one could argue their opponent deserves the moniker of the devil, for the goddess they are desperately struggling against rules with an iron fist. She's one of the gods that have existed since the word itself was coined. The Great Old One, The Elder God, The First Generation of Gods.  Her experience and age far surpass those called the Great Old Ones.

The Goddess fights all the gods without breaking a sweat.  In fact, she still has some room to read a book while fighting, taunting the arrayed combatants. A circular barrier envelops her body, and while her right-hand holds the book she's reading, her left-hand guides the flow of combat, controlling five fire-like tentacles that attack the army of gods before her. An open white robe complements her long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes with a grey dress underneath. In contrast to her chronological age, her outward appearance is a young girl in her mid-teens. She controls the fire tentacles as though they are extensions of her own body and occasionally launches a spear of light from the tip of a fire tentacle. 

The sight of so many gods struggling against one lone goddess could make someone question their divinity. Not a single barrier they create can handle a single blow from the construct of flame. The spears of light erase any existence that touches it, leaving only oblivion.  All they can do is evade all the incoming attacks while trying to break her mighty barrier. 

She has an arrogant sneer as she glares at the army of deities.  "Look at your pitiful struggles.  Your efforts are no greater than a mere mortal. And yet, you all dare to call yourself gods.  None of you deserves the title of divinity that you claim.”

"Indeed, we are individually less powerful than you are. We may not even be gods like you say. But at the very least, we wield our power with responsibility. We do not destroy a world left and right as though they were nothing." Roared one of the many young gods that continued to resist. 

"What a wonderful thing that comes out from your mouth. What you said could apply to you, but how about the other gods?  Do you truly believe that I act without reason?."  Her innocent smile and simple question only enrage her foe.

The goddess then closes her book and looks at the god who spoke to her earlier. He has black hair and dark eyes. His eyes hold an innocence of youth and a will to match. The goddess suddenly takes an interest in the young god. She then stretches out her right hand towards the young god and then immediately pulls her hand in. The young god is helplessly drawn into her barrier without even the slightest resistance. She then proceeds to choke the young god, though without the intention to kill him.

"Tell me your name." Said the goddess while smiling.

The young god chokes out his name while struggling to put a word out of his mouth.

"Shu...  Shullous. My... 'cough' 'cough' name is... Shullous."

She then throws Shullous out of her barrier and then says.

"Very well Shullous, I shall remember your name. I do wonder what you shall be in the future. I can't wait to see, hahahaha."

She laughs maniacally for a few seconds and then stops when she feels a familiar presence approaching.

"They’re finally here." she murmured to herself.


A voice from afar reaches her ears. She then looks to where the voice came from. A familiar face then meets her sight. A handsome man with grey hair that looks as though he is in his early twenties. The goddess, aforenamed Sulfie, then grins...

You are reading story RE: Apotheosis Journey of The Former Divine Ruler. at

"I've been waiting for you, Emir."

Immediately after, five fire-like tentacles launch an attack on Emir.

"It's futile," Said Emir, who Immediately created a barrier around him.

"Not quite."

A voice comes from behind Emir.  Before he could turn around, his body was immediately blown away.  He then spread white bird-like wings from his back to stabilise himself. But before he can, he is impacted on his back and crashes into the ground creating a metaphysical dust cloud.

"As usual, you really aren’t fit for fighting. What shall you do no-"

Before Sulfie could finish her word, a dark shadow enveloped her body.

"I see..."

While on the ground, Emir smiles; the trap has succeeded. Even though the battle between Sulfie and Emir only lasted a few moments, it ended in his favour. Sulfie, in her hubris, looked down on the other gods and believed their efforts to amount to nothing. While they couldn’t harm her directly, they could seal her away.  Upon realising that, Sulfie just confidently laughed.

"What a surprise, I should have seen this coming. To think a proud being who called themselves gods would use the so-called forbidden magic they themselves despise.  How hypocritical.  Hahahahaha..."

Normal sealing techniques would not work on her because of her massive divine power pool. And because of that, she didn't expect them to even attempt to launch any sort of sealing technique. Was it overconfidence, or was it naivete?  Only she knew the answer. To think they were really that desperate to get rid of her. Slowly, as the dark shadows envelop her entire body, she snaps her finger.

"So long, all of you..."

Her entire body then gets swallowed by the dark shadow and disappears from sight.