Chapter 5: Chapter 3

It's been eight years since I started school. Sorry for skipping the school arc but shit it was boring, at least most of it was. The magical stuff was anything but boring. I finally got my class, I'm a wizard just like I wanted. I got a whopping 21 ability points to spend when I did too. I'm now decked out with a 20 (+5) in intelligence and none of my stats are below a 10. 14 (+2) in Dex, Con, and Cha because the squishy wizard is so over done and I do not want to be squishy irl. I discovered something nifty after I got my class, which is that studying gives exp. Not a lot but some. A few more years here and I'll be level two without having to fight a thing. Thank the gods too since fighting at level one is crazy dangerous. I can't tell you how many times I've lost a level one character to goblin bandits or something. Even had one Dungeon Master who sicked dire wolves on my level one character. I quit that campaign shortly after because that was not okay. Great, now I'm remembering his smug face. He was one of those hostile DMs; never liked that play style and I always avoided DMs who used it. I can only hope that whatever is DMing for my life now is kinder, though I know that reality is rarely kind.


The other students avoided me at first, but after a while some of them came around and I even made a few friends. My first and only real friends were two twin wood elves, Sinia and Suine. The two couldn't be more different; Sinia is logical and calm while Suine is emotional and energetic. We have long discussions about magic often. I rarely win our debates since their understanding of the arcane is very deep. I think the two of them together know more than some of the teachers. They're both wizards like myself, though they each want to take a different arcane path. Sinia wants to become an abjurationist, while Suine wants to become an enchanter. Obviously we all wanted different things but we were bound to work for the Red Cloak Mages Guild for a while after our graduation. Yeah, I got into the special classes which locked my affiliation in. It was worth it though, I have access to all kinds of fascinating research materials.


My magic is progressing day by day. The Mages Guild has a library of spells that the members can use to increase their repertoire, and I'll get access soon! It won't be tomorrow but next week is still soon, right? Of course at my level, I can only copy 1st level spells, but that's still a lot of spells I can add to my book. Although another consideration is that if I take too many first level spells I won't have enough pages in my spell book for higher level spells. The starter book they gave me only has a hundred pages so I have to consider the future too. Of course I could always get a second book, but that just complicates things later on. I could try to find a bigger book, and probably will, but that's for future me to worry about for now. Now that I think about it I'll probably end up as one of those wizards who carries around a huge tome.


“Lur! What are you doing getting lost in your thoughts again? Jeez.” Suine pulled me from my musings. She's a refined beauty with a soft face and thin body, her sister looks much the same since they're twins.


“Sorry, I was just reminiscing about my time here. You two are basically the only ones who spend time just hanging around with me.” I said simply, looking over at her. We were having lunch, sitting on a bench in a little garden area near the school. The area was meant for students to relax while doing school work, I think. Suine is to my left while her sister Sinia is to my right. 'A flower on each arm' I think is the expression, though I don't really see them like that.


“That's kinda sad, Lur. You should just go out and make a bunch of friends! It's easy!” Suine exclaimed. If only it were that easy for everyone. She's friends with basically everyone in our class of twenty.


Sinia then looked over and tried to rebuke her sister. “It's easy for you, but not that simple for the rest of us. Honestly, it's troubling how easy going you are most of the time.”


“It's fine, it's fine. You just have to be more outgoing. Keeping your head in books all day won't earn you any friends.” Suine returned fire over me. Maybe sitting in the middle wasn't the best idea after all. These two don't really fight so much as snipe at each other with words. They actually get along alright, they just enjoy their verbal duels.


“Now, now.” I say, trying to end this particular duel before it really begins. “Let's just enjoy the afternoon. The garden is lovely, don't you think?”


We talked about this and that for another half-hour or so before heading off to our respective towers for the last classes of the day. I head to the evocation tower, where we learn all about the more destructive spells available to the wizard and sorcerer classes. My class is on the third floor, out of the eight floors in the towers floors one through three are class rooms while the rest are laboratories. I entered the classroom and found my seat quickly. The teacher isn't here yet, same for most of the students. I pass the time by noting down my thoughts on some magical theories and before I know it the class has begun.

You are reading story The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn at


“Alright, settle down everyone.” It only took a second for everyone to pay attention to the teacher. This teacher is named Mr. Thomson. He's a laid back kind of guy, but he takes our studies seriously. This is my last class of the day; Practical Evocation Application. In short it's a class where we actually, more often than not, shoot off magic. Usually just cantrips, but still.


“Good. Today we're doing something special; as a group you'll go out into the forest behind the school and hunt for wolves. This doubles as practical experience for you and pest control for the town. I'll have you each split into three groups of four and spread out; I'll follow from behind and will only interfere if things get dangerous.” Damn, and here I thought I'd be able to hit second level before doing any combat. At least I won't be alone, having a team is certainly reassuring even if we're all low level wizards.


“Alright, I'll give you five minutes to find your groups. Get to it!” At that everyone stood up and started talking to each other. I don't have any friends in this class, just acquaintances, so I stand and wait for there to be one group with only three. There are twelve people in this class including myself so I'll have a group if I just wait long enough. Soon enough there's two groups of four and one of three.


One of the three comes over to me and says, “Looks like you're in our group. Try to keep up, alright?” Honestly I'm worried they'll slow me down. I have my memories of my past life to rely on and I was in more than my fair share of scrapes; not to mention my litany of encounters in D&D, though I'm not entirely sure if those count. I'm casting magic for myself in this life, not simply saying what I'm doing, so it's different. There's a certain arrogance that comes from bending the rules of the universe at a whim and I can't deny it might have gotten to me too.


“Good, good. It looks like you have your groups. Now, follow me everyone. We're off to the forest.” Mr. Thomson called out just as we finished making our groups. My group is made of two elvish males and a dwarf female. It was the dwarf who came up to me. I honestly think she has something against me 'cause she keeps giving me a hateful look, but is trying and failing to keep it from being obvious. The two boys are keeping to themselves so they're okay. One is busy ogling the dwarf and the other is watching the other teams. Thank gods I'm not the target of their interest. I'm not good with male attention.


My team mates are named Tina for the dwarf, Allgran, and Veynestin for the two elves. I'm almost surprised I remember their names until I remember my condition of remembering everything. Convenient that. Anyways we followed Mr. Thomson out of the tower and out of the school headed towards the forest. At the edge he turned and gave us a little direction.


“Okay, Here's the forest. From here you'll split into your groups and search for wolves. I'll follow behind and keep an eye one all of you. I'll only interfere if you're in serious trouble so do your best.”


Okay here comes my first real test since coming to this world. Will I be able to handle combat or will I be hopelessly crushed be the pressure. Only one way to find out! Here we go.