Chapter 10: Chapter 8

“Ms. Blackhorn, how do I do this?”


“You use this function to solve for X. Here, let me show you an example...” Allure here. It's been a little over two years since my time hunting wolves and I'm now eighteen. I got my red cloak and became a teacher for the guild. I can proudly say I now teach both mathematics and introduction to evocation courses. Math classes take most of my day to teach considering I'm teaching multiple age groups. Evocation meets twice a week and is where we teach aspiring wizards Chromatic Orb along with several other spells; yup it wasn't that long ago that I was in that class myself.


I'm also an assistant to several researchers here. Mostly I'm in charge of noting down test results or the like, but the researchers love the fact that I can recall specific experiments without checking the notes. It's very convenient. I'm not senior enough to run my own experiments, but that doesn't stop me from theorizing and making the occasional attempt off the record. Simply put I can still run any experiment I want I just don't get support yet. In fact some of my experiments have yielded interesting results; I created my own spell called Blackhorn's Solar Palm. It's a touch spell that deals some radiant damage and is theoretically especially effective against opponent's weak to sunlight. Of course I've only tested it against wolves so...


Oh, I also hit level four through research and study. I leveled up at exactly half of the exp normally required, leading me to believe that I level up twice as fast as other people. It would explain why I leveled up earlier than everyone else, and why I've out paced all my colleagues. So far they think I'm fighting ferocious beasts every day to level up and I've done nothing to dismiss that notion. It's just more convenient for people to think I'm extra dedicated than to admit I'm leveling with less exp. With these nut jobs I'd be made into an experimental subject in no time if it got out.


Despite my adultness I still live with Uncle and Auntie. They insisted and I didn't see any reason to force myself to find a place elsewhere. They're still living the retired life, for the most part. They apparently once played a key roll in supporting the king, or something, and get a monthly allowance off which they live. They are by no means wealthy, but with what they get each month they're able to live rather comfortably. I get payed weekly and as a teacher and research assistant make about 2gp a day. I'm never gonna be rich doing this but it's enough that I could comfortably live on my own if I wanted to and still have some savings. Argentian is still serving as my bodyguard, though I pay him myself now. He's ever dutifully drinking in the back of class or in the hall outside laboratories.


We've gotten to know each other over the years and he's told me some stories from when he was a soldier. To make a long story short he's seen some shit and lost most of his friends. He knew my uncle from his time in the army. Uncle used to be a mercenary and adventurer, one of the best, and they got to know each other on a campaign to take down a particularly big band of bandits. As it happens this band of bandits was a branch of the church of humanity and had some high level combatants on their side, so many of the soldiers didn't make it, including most of Argentian's unit. Now he whiles away the days drinking just enough to feel okay without getting drunk. A fine line which he's mastered.


On another note I've told Uncle, Auntie, and Argentian that I level up easier than other people. Knowing this Argentian has been going out to train occasionally. He always comes back drunker than usual, but never very hurt. His armor's not just for show, after all. I'd like to help his upgrade to a better material or enchanted armor eventually, but he always just shrugs me off saying “I'ma savin up to do that m'self, so don't go worrian 'bout that now.” He's a good guy all around, though it took my students some time to get used to him.


Right now I'm teaching the last math class of the day before I have to go play assistant to one of the researchers. I stand at the head of the class and say, “Alright now, that's it for today. All of you grab one of these papers and study the formula on it by next class. Dismissed!” Then I stand around passing out papers until the last kid leaves. It's funny to think I'm less than a decade older than these guys and gals. How time flies.


After that, I head towards one of the towers and up to the sixth floor where I'm scheduled to assist today. But just as we're getting started Mr. Thomson bursts in. “Is Allure here? Ah, there you are, good, good. Apologies Morgan, I'm stealing your assistant. Get ready, Allure. You've been assigned a mission by the guild and you're to leave tomorrow.”


It happens occasionally where the guild takes on a commission from an outside party and assigns it to one of their mages according to ability. I'm about average as far a level goes but low in seniority, so that's probably why I was picked. I just had one question: Could I bring Argentian? As it turns out I can and in fact he's another one of the reasons I was picked.


I was given some information on the assignment as I walked with Mr. Thomson. “Basically you're tasked with escorting a low level cleric of Eir back to the city of Bistole, which if you didn't know is about two days to the south-west. As I said you were picked partially because you come with a fighter escort, which should make the task much easier. You'll meet up here at the school gates tomorrow morning.”


You are reading story The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn at

And so I spent the rest of the day buying what I needed for a multi-day trip. Argentian was right there with me, helping me figure out all that I would need and buying what he was missing too. Then I went home and told Uncle and Auntie about where I would be going and they wished me luck. Honestly you can never have enough luck; hopefully it's good luck. And so I took a bath and headed to bed early, wanting to be up earlier than normal.


The next morning I woke at dawn and headed out after a quick breakfast. Argentian was waiting for me outside, a heavy looking backpack on his back under his shield. “You've ne'er been far from home, right lassy? I'll show ya how it's done! We'll probably be picked for more o' these missions after this, so you'll have ta get used to this soon enough.” He seems in high spirits, that's good. Hopefully we can keep good morale through this little trip.


We arrive at the school gates and find Mr. Thomson and a young woman probably only about seventeen years old. Mr. Thomson spoke up as soon as we were close enough. “Hey there! This is your charge, Lorain. Lorain this is Allure and... uh, her friend. Introduce yourselves and then get a move on, you have a lot of ground to cover today.” Apparently he doesn't remember Argentian's name, oh well.


We get close enough to talk comfortably and I introduce us. “Hello there, I'm Allure and this is Argentian. It's nice to meet you.”


“Hi, I'm Lorain; cleric of Eir. Please take care of me.”She was kind of demure, dressed in chainmail with a round shield on her arm and a mace at her hip. We'd be traveling together for a little while so I hope we can get along.


“Good! Now I've got things to do so I'll see you later.” Mr. Thomson took off. He's a pure researcher now so I'm sure he'd rather be experimenting than stand around talking to us all day.


“Shall we get going?” I asked.


“Sure.” Lorain responded simply.


“I know the way, so I'll lead. Follow me lassies.” Argentian said, taking the lead.


My first journey in this life. I hope the dice fall favorably and we don't have any trouble along the way. That's my hope but not what I expect. We're bound to encounter some trouble somehow, it's like fate unfortunately. I really just hope it's something we can handle.