Wait...Naruto?!" Iruka gasped as he saw the changes in Naruto and how much he had changed overnight.
"Huh?!" most of the class followed him...
Hearing the confused shouts about him Naruto just smiled and nodded his head saying "Hello Sensei"
Now confirming the fact that he was indeed Naruto the class was shocked, most of them had different reactions like Hinata was a blushing mess, Sakura got irritated about how Naruto can be more good-looking than her Sasuke-kun, Ino was admiring Naruto, as for Sasuke...he just didn't care on the outside but in the inside, he was fuming with anger at how can Naruto be so much more buff then previous day...
Sakura was angry and frustrated at how Naruto who did everything for her told and loved her suddenly looked soo good, she was sure that he would follow her for the rest of her life and she would be with Sasuke sooner or later. Previously seeing Naruto's record he was just going to be genin for the rest of his life if he even passes but now he changed, seeing the cole face of hie Sakura froze and even a word didn't dare to leave her throat.
Sasuke wasn't annoyed because Naruto was more good-looking than him but because he was looking much stronger than before, and if the last rank student was going to be stronger than him then how could he ever defeat the prodigy of his clan...the one who massacred his clan? Sasuke was feeling something he hadn't felt in quite a sometimes...jealousy, the last time he felt jealous was when his father didn't teach him jutsu and used to his brother...but now the feeling was back.
Grumbling at the figure of Naruto he tried to distract himself by focusing back on his studies...
While Hinata was blushing furiously, she had already seen him using her Byakugan but looking at real life was something different, using Byakugan was just a secondary option to see Naruto, and seeing him in person is something different entirely...by byakugan, all she could see was his chakra points and his body structure but not a part of his skin, his abs, and other things because her mastery in the dojutsu wasn't good to that level...yet. And just seeing that cold look on his face her feeling became even stronger, how cool he looked like that.
Shikamaru was confused too regarding Naruto's growth but in the end, it was too much trouble to think about it and then directly confront him, they had their moments in which they talked and played together so it wasn't much of a hassle to ask him directly...and went back to sleep.
Choji didn't care much and continued matching in his 8th packet of chips.
There was another student who came from one of the top ninja clans and he was fuming with jealousy too, for him he was the alpha, and yet seeing Naruto made him feel inferior to him, seeing his current crush blushing like crazy he felt anger too but he knew that he couldn't attack him right now so he would wait for the taijutsu matches and tell him who was the real alpha...
Last but not least Shino, his mood didn't change much because he wasn't close to anyone in the class because of his bugs but Naruto, only Naruto liked him and doesn't complain about the bugs that he had with him, so he felt a little happy at how his friend is changed so much and looking good too...one thing for sure he wasn't jealous.
The other students who were in the glass felt jealous and angry at how a 'Demon' according to their parents could be so good-looking but they were too afraid to attack him from the looks he had on his face.
As for Iruka...he didn't believe that the one in front of him was Naruto, no matter how much a person practices or tries they can't change this much overnight, and even his height has increased...
"You...you are really Naruto?" Iruka questioned out loud as he didn't want an unknown person to impersonate Naruto...
"Yes, Iruka sensei!" Naruto said with a blank face as he looked toward Iruka
Surprised by the emotionless voice, Iruka felt a sudden wave of guilt going through his heart...
"Tell me something that only Naruto knows..." Iruka didn't know how he should handle the situation so he asked the first thing that came to his mind...
"Iruka sensei remember when you took me to the Ramen shop and I ate 15 bowls of ramen and you complained that all your bonus money was used?" Naruto answered as Nano was still recovering the old Naruto's memory and adding it to his brain.
The memory that he told just took place a month ago so he remembered it quite well.
Iruka's face paled as he remembered the day when he thought that giving Naruto a treat would be a good idea for celebrating his bonus money but Naruto ate so many Ramen bowls that all his bonus money was used in a single day...or to be exact in 2 hours...
"O...kay I believe you..." Iruka said as his mood became more depressing by the memory.
As Naruto went toward the seats where he used to sit he looked near a pink-haired girl and suddenly his heart started beating fast, too fast that he felt like his heart was going to explode...
[Heart rate decreasing to normal! Master, control your emotions!]
Hearing Nano's alert voice his heartbeat started to decrease too...
'Nano, what was that?'
[Master, Old Naruto loved her too much but he wasn't able to recognize his feelings towards her, you have perfect knowledge of your feelings so previous Naruto's feeling mixed with your soul.]
Hearing the reply to his question Naruto wondered what Nano meant by His and previous Naruto's feelings were getting mixed.
'What do you mean Nano?'
[Master your soul didn't replace Naruto instead it mixed with it and some of your and his feelings are being mixed, mostly the feelings that you had in common]
'Huh common?'
[Yes Master, you also had feelings for her as a 2d character in your last life]
That sentence made him shut up, he knew that he had feelings for her and he fucked girls with the same hair colors as her in his previous life too but why didn't they show when he saw her last time?
[Master, due to your souls being recently mixed your feelings weren't under control until morning and even until the last hour, now they are, the feelings and the souls are mixed with your current self]
'I see but Wouldn't it makes me an entirely different person? If my and Naruto's souls are mixed and I even got some of his emotions?'
[Yes Master, you are absolutely correct, and you have changed too]
'I. I see' remembering his behavior towards the shopkeeper this morning Naruto understood what Nano meant and after a moment he started moving toward the girl his heart was beating like a motor a second before.
As Sakura saw Naruto moving towards her she felt annoyed again, why was he moving towards her? Did he still love her and come to bother him again as he did in some past months? How many times did tell him that she only loved her Sasuke-kun... but now that Naruto is looking more handsome then should she give him a chance?...no heart is only for Sasuke-kun and only for him.
As she saw him approaching her, she froze for a second as his cold facial expression changed to a warm expression and this was the first time she had seen him like this...
As she saw him speak "Hey Sakura"
'Yes this is what should happen, he should always love and follow her but she would always love Sasuke and make Naruto follow them both as their slave...how cool it would be to have a demon as a slave' thinking this Sakura started to grin.
"No Naruto-"
"Can you move aside?"
"Huh?" "huh??" most of the class shouted as they saw Naruto speaking so cold to anyone...sakura nevertheless.
The look on Sakura's face was something else...even Ino was holding back her laughter...
"What did you say?" Sakura questioned with a confusion-filled voice as this wasn't how it was supposed to go...
"I said Can you move aside? Sakura?" once again Naruto repeated with pressure in his voice and this time Sakura didn't even hesitate to jump aside if his way.
Naruto never liked Sakura, he didn't hate her because without her Naruto would have died in the fourth war but the hate came back as she let Neji die, Sakura was just standing behind them when Naruto was asking for help but she didn't move...
As his, and old Naruto's feelings toward her, were different from Sakura's so the feeling didn't mix instead just the part of Naruto which Hated sakura added to his emotion and the good ones were removed...
After casting Sakura aside Naruto went towards the seat that was behind her.
Seeing her crush coming toward her, Her heart began beating so fast that she was going to faint...
"Hello Hinata, can I sit beside you?" As the question was asked Hinata was too close to fainting but she controlled herself...
'Don't faint don't faint didn't faint' repeating the line in her mind she looked towards Naruto with a deep red face and nodded.
"Y-y-y-ye-es N-n-n-na-a-ar-ruto-k-k-k-un" Hinata replied stuttering and on the edge of losing her consciousness.
[Master, please press her vagus nerve, it will help her calm down. The vagus nerve is on the right side of the neck and the other one is on the left side of the neck.]
Nano suggested as a small blue circle came into their vision of Naruto which showed him the nerve's position.
Nodding happily at the suggestion of Nano Naruto stretched his hands towards Hinata's neck and pressed her neck's nerves which made her heart beat slowly and helped her calm down.
Hinata was confused, and the same followed the class at what happened, it wasn't new news that Hinata faints near Naruto but what Naruto did right now was extraordinary.
"Huh?" Hinata gasped at what happened right now, she was going to faint and now she was normal.
You are reading story Chillin’ in an Omniverse. at novel35.com
As Naruto sat down with her he had a smile on his face, As Hinata was going to ask what just happened a bell voice was heard.
*Ding dong*
Hearing the voice Iruka also came out of a depressed mood and got ready to start the classes.
"Okay, class! Quiet down. Now take out your History books, and we will start your new lesson."
Hearing Iruka the class got quiet and took out their books before shouting "Hai, Sensei!"
Hearing the response, even from Naruto Iruka smiled and started writing on the board.
"Pst Hinata,"
Hearing the whisper coming from her crush Hinata looked at him blushing and asked whispering
"Y-yes n-n-naruto-k-k-un?"
"Don't you want to know what I did that calmed you down?"
"Y-y-es if y-y-you w-would p-please t-tell me"
Hearing Hinata's desperate voice Naruto formed a smug smile before he leaned toward her ear and whispered directly in it.
"if only you kiss me," He said in a playful voice trying to make Hinata faint once again, it was just fun to tease her...
"K-k-k-k-kis-s-s?" as expected Hinata became a stuttering mess before she heard a chuckle from Naruto...understanding what he meant...
"You don't tease me like that, Naruto," She said as she began pouting and looking cuter...
Listening to this Naruto's heart skipped a beat and leaned to her ear once again...
"But I wasn't, Hina-chan" listening to the nickname given by Naruto she panicked and was on the verge of getting unconscious once again...
"Hahaha" Naruto laughed quietly and a second later he suddenly felt chalk coming down his side, dodging it Naruto looked at the place where it came...
"So...Naruto, can you tell me what we discussed right now?" Iruka asked while smiling
[Master, He discussed the 2nd Ninja war
Which was between Konohagakure, led by the Third Hokage, Sunagakure, likely led by the Third Kazekage, Amegakure, led by Hanzō of the Salamander, and Iwagakure, presumably led by the Third Tsuchikage. The majority of the fighting seems to have taken place in minor countries like Amegakure, leaving them devastated. The eventual outcome of the war seems to have been in favor of Konoha.]
Hearing Nano's reply Naruto answered clearly about what Iruka had discussed which not only Iruka but the whole class including the sleeping Nara got surprised.
Most of the eyes were on the verge of getting out of skulls and the jaws touched the ground...
"C-correct, next time don't talk in between the classes," Iruka said as he came out of his shocked state.
"Thank you, Sensei" Naruto replied before sitting back and looking at Hinata.
[Master, please touch the books and flip all the pages of them]
Listening to Nano, Naruto did as instructed, and after he took a book and flipped all the pages in front of him a new screen was presented in front of him.
[Scanning completed.
Completely scanned the Ninja History book.
Would you like to transfer its information to your brain?]
Seeing the question Naruto answered yes in his mind then suddenly he felt a tingle in his mind and he has already learned and understood every word inside the book.
As Naruto noticed it too he smirked and started scanning other books too.
While Naruto was scanning his books, Hinata was lost in her thoughts.
'Is this really Naruto? He suddenly changed overnight, He look cooler now, he didn't talk to Sakura and came to sit beside me and was even teasing me to k-k-kiss him. He even made me stop fainting and Answered the question asked.
Are you really the Naruto I knew?' Thinking this Hinata wondered what really changed Naruto...did he finally break his shell and act he was maintaining for a year or did something else happened to him while she wasn't there?
But she doesn't really care, whatever Naruto does she will always love him, even if she has to fight him to take him back to the good side if he ever goes dark she will otherwise she would just follow him, even in death...
Smiling at her own thoughts Hinata noticed Naruto flipping pages of different books like crazy but it seemed like he understood every word while he read the books...
'Hahh, he really did change. I will miss the old Naruto. ' sighing at the current situation she shook her head and focused back on her textbook.
~2 hours later~
It's been two hours since the academy started and right now the students are required to go outside for the lunch and come back in half n hour.
As Naruto checked his bag he noticed that he didn't bring lunch to school, so he needed to go to Ichiraku ramen, the only shop that welcomes him, for eating lunch.
As Naruto started walking towards the shop he heard someone calling him
"N-naruto k-k-kun" a small voice stopped Naruto and when he turned backward he saw Hinata with two Bentos (Lunchbox) in her hands...
"Here," Hinata said as she moved her hand towards Naruto giving him one of the Bento.
"For me? But why do you have two of them?" Naruto said in a surprised voice.
"Uhmmmm a-about that i-i m-made an e-extra f-for m-myself but i-i a-am not h-hungry so y-you c-can h-have i-it," Hinata said embarrassingly as she tried to hide her face with her single hand...
"O-oh, Thank you, Hinata!" Naruto said as he quickly hugged Hinata before taking the bento from her hand
[Master, she is lying]
'I know Nano' Naruto said as he looked at Hinata with a smile, as to the reason why she didn't faint from the hug because while the hug Naruto calmed her nerves once again as he had his hands on her neck.
"Would you like to eat with me Hinata?" hearing the question Hinata blushed and nodded without saying a word Naruto took her hand went to a spot he liked and found it while the memory merge.
As Naruto and Hinata left the classroom, Most of the students had a gobsmacked look on their faces...
"Wow, he really did dump you didn't he Sakura?"
"Grrr, shut up Ino, I am sure he would come back sooner or later to me"
"Yeah yeah, whatever" Ino said while rolling her eyes.
Kiba growled at the affection his crush was giving to Naruto and continued eating his food in a sour mood.
Shikamaru followed Naruto to ask him what happened to him while Choji followed him.
Meanwhile, Shino always goes to a restaurant to eat food.
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