Whoa! It was big! Even bigger than Captain Brutus' ship!
"This will be your new ship, Captain Yuuji. Because of your occupation as a Doctor and your assignment, you are given a bigger and newer version of the ship. Inside the ship is a docking system that lets you store four other vehicles."
A second after he said that, something opened up on the side of the ship.
"Oooh, there is already something inside."
"Yes. This is the UPS or Underwater Plant-gathering Submarine. This is one of the four vehicles inside. Other than this you will have a fast-moving boat that is three times as fast as the main ship and it does not need wind to sail. You can use the boat for emergency situations. The next one is your real emergency boat in case this one gets destroyed and the high-speed boat is not enough to carry all of your crew. The last one is a land vehicle car that you can use to carry all the material you need to fulfill your job."
"I see."
That is good. At least have a choice in traveling the world.
"And now, let's see your new crew shall we?"
"Of course."
Both of us walk to the training ground, and I can see many people already gathering on the training ground. Seeing my fellow captain and me, they quickly stood up and saluted us.
I give them a nod.
"They are the newest recruit we have. The highest-ranking one is Gion."
When hearing her name, she quickly stepped forward. Gion is a slender woman with red lipstick, long curly black hair that is tied back and a mole on the right side of her face below her mouth. She is around seventeen or maybe eighteen. I can see a katana strapped to her waist.
"Sir! My name is Gion, I'm honored to work under you!"
"Me too, Gion."
I smile at her and look at my fellow captain.
"She is already in Ensign and has a good amount of experience in fighting pirates. Not only that, but she is also an apprentice in the Medical field. The Fleet Admiral wants you to take her as your apprentice and teach her how to be a Medic. We also want you to take a few more people under your wing if you can."
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"Oh? Do we not have that much medicine?"
"At the moment? No. The Fleet Admiral already asked the Commander-in-Chief about sending us more Medic. However, it is starting slow and not many are willing to put their life on line and decide to stay on one island and get money without the risk of getting killed by the pirate."
I nod in understanding. Medics or Doctors have a special place in the pirate world. As long as you are willing to heal them, Pirate will not hurt you or your family. Hell, you will also get a lot of money if you decide to maintain your neutrality and have fame. Because of this, many pirates did not want to hurt doctors or Medics because if they did that, all the doctors and medics around the world would not heal them.
Of course, many pirates still hurt the doctor and their families, but they are most likely to be killed by the other pirate or die from some disease because no one is willing to help them for their reputation as a medic killers.
On the other hand, Marine Medic will not have the same privilege because they are Marine by the end of the day, and Pirates will always kill Marine. So you can see the reason why not many doctors want to join the Marine Corps.
"I see."
"There are also your Shipwright, Cook, Navigator, and Helmsman for you to command. Other than that, we have already written some files that you can read in your office."
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it. Ah, before you go, I need you to think about the name of your ship."
"Name, huh?"
I think about it for a few seconds before something comes out of my brain.
"Yeah, Asclepius. The ship for medicine and healing."
Author note:
The MC finally gets his ship and he can now explore the world. The only thing he has yet to get from the CYOA is his Pet that he will soon meet in his first or second islands.