Chapter 24: Too Fast. The Development is Too fast.
The hall turned eerily silent. So much so that one could hear a pin drop. The first to react was Xia Meixiang as she sucked in a cold breath.
She couldn't believe that her friend just said such words, right in front of her father no less.
"Hm?" Zed tilted his head.
Seeing Zed's innocent reaction, as if he didn't do anything wrong, Xia Meixiang became frustrated and hurriedly tried to explain to her father.
"H-Honorable father-"
"HAHAHAHAHA!" However, the King roared in laughter.
Everyone froze as they couldn't believe that the ever-so-serious King would actually laugh in front of them.
"Sigh..." The King recovered from his laughter, but he had a smirking expression on his face.
The King spoke to Zed, "You're a bold one."
"I thank his Majesty for his praise?" Zed shrugged and responded with an unsure tone.
"Ah!" Zed leaned closer to Xia Meixiang and whispered. "Was I supposed to be humble and say, "You overestimate me." or "Your words are wasted on me?"
Xia Meixiang was speechless since he seemed to be genuinely serious about these questions.
She couldn't even speak properly because she had too many things she wanted to say.
"Why do you say so?" The King asked Zed, not minding his daughter's befuddled state.
"About my statement earlier?"
The former nodded.
Zed held his chin as he recounted the details he observed earlier. "Well first off, Although there are three great nobles, each occupying large territories of the Kingdom, they have little to no relationship with one another.
This can be seen by how this gathering was the very first time they met each other. Sure, you can say that they were maintaining a relationship by sending proxies. But that doesn't seem to be the case for the three of them."
Zed put his index finger up, "Wan Chao has an unruly and disrespectful attitude, even in the presence of a member of the Royal family."
"This implies that he and his clan don't fear the Royal Family anymore. Either they gained a new backer to support their confidence or they made enough connections with the nobles in the Kingdom to initiate a rebellion at any moment."
The King's brow raised in interest. "So are you saying that the Wan family will be the one to lead the rebellion?"
Zed shook his head. "No."
"Ho? If so, then which noble will start it?"
Zed answered without hesitation. "The Tian Family."
Xia Meixiang's eyes widened as she spoke. "That's impossible! The Tian family is the most loyal family to the Royal Family, as they have been serving us since the start! We even granted them the authority over the Kingdom's military."
"And that was the biggest mistake your family made. Giving power to a family that is supposed to serve you." Zed continued, "Besides, didn't you already realize it when you saw their attire earlier?"
"You mean wearing armor at a formal gathering..." Xia Meixiang paled as she understood its meaning.
She spoke in a voice of disbelief. "T-that was... a declaration of war."
Zed nodded and agreed. "Indeed. What put the nail in the coffin was how the Royal Family punished Tian Delun. You see, Tian Delun's mistake was deliberate."
They planned to see how the Royal Family would react. If the punishment was severe, like cutting off one of his limbs, then the Tian Family would retaliate and start the rebellion.
However, if the punishment was light, they would settle it by having a cold war."
Xei Meixiang was dazed at the revelation that Zed had spoken.
Zed turned to Xia Meixiang. "Didn't you see the way Tian Delun was looking at you earlier? He wasn't just admiring your beauty, he was studying you as someone who would become his wife in the future."
"Wha- His wife?!" She shouted.
Zed ignored her as he finalized his thoughts. "Anyway, as for the Shi Family. They're remaining neutral and have yet to make a decision on who to support. It will probably remain that way until the end as they don't plan on participating in this war."
With that, Zed turned to the King with an expression that said, "How was it?"
The King remained silent before closing his eyes and sighing. When he opened his eyes again, he was smiling.
It was a benign smile that your neighborhood uncle would show.
"Xiang'er is truly fortunate to have met a youth like you."
Zed made a difficult expression as he was wondering what to say in this situation.
Xia Meixiang turned to the King. "...Father?"
She felt unease by the tone her father was speaking with.
The King didn't mind their reactions as he continued to speak. "Young man, You are indeed correct.
The Royal Family is in a grave situation as there will be an uprising in the near future, one that may forever change the Kingdom. Which is why..."
He looked directly at Zed. "I entrust my daughter to you."
Zed couldn't help but exaggerately tilt his head that reflected his confused mind. "Excuse me?"
"F-Father?!" Xia Meixiang was the most surprised. "What are you talking about?!"
The King turned to his daughter and explained. "The Kingdom and the Palace are no longer safe for you and your friends. You should realize by now that the Wan and Tian families are making their move.
This will be a three way war between the Royal Family, Wan Clan, and Tian Clan."
"That is why..." The King looked at Zed again. "I order you to take my daughter and retreat into the wilderness. According to your records, you have experience with living deep in the wilderness for years, correct?
If so, then I would like you to live a secluded life with my daughter and return only at the time of the Cleansing Jade Sect's recruitment event."
Xia Meixiang couldn't agree with this plan. "But Father! Is it not my responsibility as the eldest daughter to remain and support the Family?"
The King had a cold gaze as he asked her. "And what can you do? Could you fight against dozens of Peak Core Foundation Experts?"
"Face reality, my daughter. If you stay here, you will only serve as a liability especially when they can make a bold move to kidnap you."
"B-b-but... isn't our ancestor an Immortal? Shouldn't we ask him for help?" Xia Meixiang was desperate.
The King shook his head. "Our ancestor has long left this realm and entered the Immortal planes. We can't ask him for help when we can't even send or receive messages.
Believe me, we have tried for generations to reach out to our ancestor but..."
He made a grim smile and continued, "Why do you think we're in this state? In actuality, we already knew that an uprising was going to come. It's just that I didn't expect it to happen in my era.
Having said that, you are to leave this country immediately. Your escape shall be done in secret and our men will only escort you until you reach the border of this country."
He turned to Zed once more. "I entrust her to you, Child. I plead to you as a father to take care of her, though I would like to ask you to avoid getting her pregnant because that would disqualify her from participating in the test."
"As for whether you have doubts in my decision..." He smirked. "I have been observing you for a very long time, child. Enough for me to entrust my daughter to you, so... what do you say?"
Zed's eyes remained closed as he was processing the events of today. He had seen the signs of an upcoming war, but never had he thought that this was what the King was planning.
You are reading story Average Mage wants to reach the Apex at
He regained his bearings and faced the King with a serious face. "I'll do it."
The reason for that was because he didn't want to abandon a friend in need of help. Plus, his little sister would be very sad to see her sister Mei suffer.
However he added, "Only if you promise to follow the instructions I will provide later."
The King observed his face for a moment and asked, "Which is?"
"I don't have any concrete procedure yet, but I already have an outline and I need your help in executing it."
"Ho? What is it?" The King was curious.
"Just promise me you'll do it and I'll reveal the plan to you tomorrow night."
The King contemplated for a while before agreeing. "Alright. So long as this plan of yours is logical and reasonable, I promise to follow it."
Zed smiled as he appreciated the fact that the King was treating him seriously.
The King nodded in content before turning to his daughter.
Xia Meixiang's face was absentminded as she had disconnected herself from reality. All these revelations and shocks overwhelmed her mind, and now that even her future was set in stone, her helplessness just made her feelings even worse.
She also felt terrible that only she would escape while her family suffered from war.
She awoke from her daze when she realized that her father was standing in front of her. Smiling warmly, He leaned down and embraced her.
"If it pains you that much, then... become stronger. Grow up to become so strong that no one will bother you or us ever again. Show your value in that exam and make the elders fight for you."
"Choose the one that fits you and ascend to immortality. In the mean time.."
He embraced his daughter tighter. "We'll handle things from here."
The King released Xia Meixiang, held her by her shoulders and smiled. "Take care. Stay true to yourself and never give up."
When Zed saw their interaction, He subconsciously remembered the memories of his own parents as they said their last words to him.
His arms trembled slightly but he didn't know why.
At the same time, Xia Meixiang finally came to terms with reality when she saw her father's face.
She closed her eyes and sighed. Seconds later, her eyes opened in determination as she replied, "I will."
Her father nodded in satisfaction before adding, "Don't forget not to get pregnant."
"F-Father!" Xia Meixiang's face flushed in embarrassment.
Zed chuckled and further teased the embarrassed Xia Meixiang. "Don't worry Father-in-Law! I'll make sure to finish the deed outside."
The King laughed. "You better! Now's not the time to have a grandchild after all!"
Xie Meixiang's face was red from embarrassment, as she never expected to be surrounded by vulgar men like Zed and even her own Father.
After having a good laugh, Zed asked the King.
"When are we leaving?"
"In three days."
Zed nodded and asked for a map of their escape route. The King agreed and gave it to him.
"I need to make preparations..." Zed muttered while studying the map.
"Yes Brother?" Lan'er who had been quiet the entire time, finally spoke.
"You've heard the details, right?"
Lan'er nodded.
Zed glanced as Xia Meixiang's back as she was returning to her room to make preparations.
"Stay with your sister Mei for now while I go and ensure our route is safe. In the meantime, do your best to comfort your sister Mei, because right now, she's just making a strong front.
I'm 90% sure that she will cry as soon as she enters her room and closes the door so what I want you to do is be there for her, is that alright with you?"
Lan'er repeatedly nodded then asked. "What about Fei?"
"Don't tell me we're leaving her here?"
Zed sighed, but explained to his sister. "The reason we can't take Fei'er with us is because the Shi family who has been maintaining neutrality will turn hostile to the Royal family since their most talented heiress disappeared.
And wouldn't it be obvious if she disappears at the same time as Meixiang. The close relationship between the two is well known so they'll immediately realize that Fei'er escaped with Meixiang.
Hence, we cannot take her with us."
Lan'er understood, but she couldn't bear to leave her best friend in this place and not see each other for a long time.
"But brother! ..You promised that you would keep her safe! You said that she is also your little sister!"
Lan'er was speaking anxiously as she didn't want to leave her bestfriend who was in need of help. She felt aggrieved at the thought of abandoning her one and only bestfriend.
Her thoughts were calmed down as she felt her brother's palm caressing her head.
He smiled and spoke. "I know... that's why I have to make preparations."
"...Really? You wont abandon Fei?" Lan'er asked.
Zed shook his head. "Of course not. After all, she is part of our family."
Lan'er's face brightened up, though it was hidden behind her mask.
"Really?" She asked as if making sure.
Zed chuckled. "When have I ever lied to you?"
She hugged Zed.
Zed embraced her back and the two remained like that for a moment.
"Good luck brother. Stay safe."
Zed nodded. "You too. Do your best to comfort your sister Mei."
"Yes!" She answered in determination.
Zed smiled as he thought that his sister had grown up now. If it were back then, she would never have allowed herself to be left behind by her brother.
But now, she knew how to care and put someone above herself.
Zed was proud, and so he rewarded her by kissing her on the cheek, and then left, abruptly, as a sweet smile bloomed on the latter's face.
The King who remained on the throne smiled in satisfaction as he saw the pure and wholesome interaction between the two siblings.
Edited By: WorthyAdversary